Faye's eyes were riveted on Sterling, pleading with him to stop and let go of her hand. "Please, it will only take one more moment," she implored in desperation. He could see by her intense expression that whatever it was—it was of great importance to her.

Once he released her hand, Faye hastily dashed towards the nightstand. She quickly yanked open the topmost drawer. The smooth wooden surface slid against her fingertips with a soft, whispering sound.

As she reached inside, her hand brushed against cotton cloth and cool metal. She retrieved and produced a pristine white handkerchief, delicately embroidered with the dragon emblem that was emblazoned on the Everton flags and cross stocks of wheat.

Faye's fingers traced the intricate stitches, feeling the raised texture of the embroidery under her touch. She vividly remembered the countless hours she had spent meticulously crafting the design while Sterling was away in Easthaven.