Merrick stopped, raising his brow sharply in confusion, and questioned the two knights under his command.

"Gentlemen…!? Is everything alright here?"

Carter's head bobbed up and down at his commander that things were fine, "Yes, vice commander, all is fine." But Andre shook his head no and answered to the contrary. "No, Sir…" He shamefully hung his head so Merrick could not see his face.

"Mhm…" Merrick hummed, giving them a suspicious stare. "So, let me repeat,—which is it, Fellas? Are things going well or not? The answer can't be both."

Carter sighed, and before he could answer again, Andre raised his head to Merrick, cutting him off and opening his mouth.

"It is my fault Sir, I have had a tad too much to drink."

The stringent smell of alcohol coming from Andre's breath was overwhelming when it hit Merrick's nose, almost bowling him over, causing him to back up a pace.