The Agni planet

The Agni planet, in one of the largest continents, the crimson continent...

A small ray of violet light moving faster than the speed of light crossed several universes, galaxies and solar systems, to reach a certain solar system. The ray of light entered the green planet known as planet Agni. The ray then descended like a shooting star towards the crimson continent which was one of the largest continents on this planet.

The violet light eventually reached crimson imperial city.

Without anyone noticing, the violet light that was moving faster than the speed of light reached a certain bedroom where a young man was lying on the bed unconscious, the violet light entered the young man's head.

[ Ding! After searching countless universes, the new host has been found. ]

[ Ding! System is activating...1% ]

[ Ding! System is activating... 92%]

[ Ding! System is activating... 99%]

[ Ding! System activation complete.]

[ Ding! Scanning host's body... 1%]

[ Ding! Scanning host's body... 72%]

[ Ding! Scanning host's body... 98%]

[ Ding! Scanning complete. ]


[ Ding! Merging the memories of the two hosts... 1%]

[ Ding! Merging memories of the two hosts... 68%]

[ Ding! Merging memories complete. ]

The sky was dark, the clouds were covering the moons preventing the moonlight from reaching the city. Lying on the bed, a young man who was about 20 years old suddenly started feeling uncomfortable.

" Where am I ?" Suddenly the young man opened his eyes and looked around. He tried to get up only to realize that his body was too weak. He couldn't even lift his head.

" How the hell did I become so weak? The last thing I remember was..." His voice came to an abrupt end having come to realization.

Silence filled the room as the young man just stared at the ceiling in deep contemplation lost in his own thoughts. After around 10 minutes he came back to his senses.

For a moment he closed his eyes. It was then the memories of the previous owner of the body began to resurface. Daniel remembered everything that the owner of this body had gone through ever since he was a young child.

" So his name... my current name is Adrian Crimson." So Daniel or currently known as Adrian was a supreme being from different universes but originally a mortal from earth 21st century. He reincarnated from universe to universe and progressed a lot in technology. He became known as the supreme Lord of technology. But with great power came great risks. Envious of his power, other supreme lords gathered the gods under their rule and wage war against the supreme Lord of technology. Many lost their lives in battle and others died as a result of the aftereffects of the war. It was not until his enemies used his wife as hostage that he was forced to use a trump card he had hidden and the stalemate was broken. He slaughtered his way through the enemy's defences and managed to save his wife, but, he was too late. His enemies had tortured his wife mercilessly to death. What changed him was, before his wife passed away, she told him something that completely broke his heart. He was surrounded, be he killed himself after leaving a warning.

His current body owner, Adrian, was different. Adrian was the son of the dragon king. Yes, Adrian was a dragon himself. However, there was a certain problem with Adrian. A problem that was also the source of his suffering. Two years earlier he was seriously injured while saving his maid. The injury caused his cultivation to stagnate.

This caused Adrian to be bullied since then. As a result, he got mentally tired and he stopped cultivating. Seeing the son of the dragon king not cultivate, Adrian's furious father who hated him who hated him for getting injured because of a maid, threw Adrian out.

Adrian was thrown to one of the big cities in the crimson continent, crimson imperial city. Meaning he no longer had any right to the throne. Crimson imperial city was under the management of Rose Crimson, also known as the red-eyed beauty, one of the elder dragon in the council of crimson dragon clan.

Due to his cultivation talent, the influential families with big backgrounds decided to marry their daughters to Adrian, this was to establish close connections with the strongest and biggest empire, the crimson empire. This was the other cause of him getting bullied by those envious of him thinking that he didn't deserve them. After learning about his injury, some of those so called 'wives' even sent assassins to end his life in order to break the engagement. It was due to one of those attempted assassination he is in his current condition.

The previous night, he got shot with a poisonous dart straight through his chest. He was lucky enough the assassin missed his heart, but lucky or not the poison would still kill him. His luck brought him immense pain before killing him, that made him wish the shot went through his heart instead to grant him an instant death without suffering.

What's worse is that the poison the assassin used was made from the venom of a nine-headed demon cobra, a nine-headed demonized hydra to be exact.

Adrian was in no hurry to treat the poison even with the pain coursing through his body. He had experienced far worse pain compared to this one. Besides, he had a supreme system, created by his own two hands.

Recalling his 'wives', he had to admit that they could be considered as goddesses. They were the top beauties of their respective families and no other women could come closer in terms of beauty and power.

" It's not like I wanted to marry them anyway. Even I, the husband, has never seen any of my wives." Just imagining the things the previous Adrian went through, caused the new Adrian to be slightly depressed. The previous Adrian had completely given up on his wives. It was them who kept trying to kill him.