Dragon system activated

" I will deal with them later." A cold glint flashed his eyes for a second before disappearing. He had put his wives on his blacklist.

" First things first."

" Zero." He called out in his mind.

[ Ding! What can I do for you boss? ]

A robotic voice sounded in his mind.

Zero was the name he gave his system after it's creation.

" First things first, tell me my current condition."

[ Ding! Host's current health condition is critical. Host has been poisoned and vitality dropping fast. ]

[ Ding! The host will experience death in 10 minutes. ]

[ Ding! Start poison extraction YES / NO ]

" Yes."

[ Ding! Order confirmed. ]

[ Ding! Brace yourself host, this is gonna hurt. ]

[ Ding! Starting poison extraction in 3...2...1...0 ]

[ Ding! Poison extracted. ]

A wave of warmth flowed through his body followed by excruciating pain. He felt as if million of ants were crawling inside his skin making his face twist in pain. The pain reached its peak when it reached his heart almost making him lose conciousness. Dark green veins formed on his chest spreading from his heart to his left shoulder making his dark skin turn purple.

The dark veins spread through his left hand towards his palm where a small cut appeared and dark purplish drop of blood, about 3cm in diameter, flowed out letting out a foul smell of something rotten but Adrian ignored the smell.

Adrian stared at the drop of blood intently. His breathing hagard and his body drenched in sweat. He leaned back on the bed feeling great comfort spread through his body after the poison was extracted.

" Store." He said while the drop of purplish blood disappeared into thin air. It was one of the system features, a storage space. After resting for about 10 mins, Adrian's breathing was back to normal though he felt very exhausted. Then as if recalling something, his attention turned back to Zero.

" By the way Zero, you got the infinite multiplication array right?"

[ Ding! Yes boss. I acquired the infinite multiplication array from the individual known as Qin Feng before he died together with part of his soul. All data is safely stored using the highest authority as you commanded. ]

It took a while for Zero to answer but felt like an eternity for Adrian. After all, he died previously trying to obtain the art. So after hearing Zero's answer, he was very happy.

" Zero, combine the arrays data with project SSS-001. Use Qin Feng's soul piece as base of information for comprehension." From Adrian's voice one could feel the joy and nervousness in his voice. If the project succeeds, his life will change for good.

Adrian's previous universe before reincarnation he was lucky to meet Qin Feng, a top genius with a unique ability that inspired greed even in gods. His ability was named the infinite multiplication array. He acquired the array as an inheritance while exploring the void . It was more of an array than an ability of the highest grade. In simple terms it was an art art that could draw power directly from the devine domain to supplement the user, and could also create an array that infinitely multiplies anything non-living.

Just imagining the capabilities if the project succeeded made his body tremble with excitement. Then as if pouring cold water on Adrian reported.

[ Ding! Project SSS-003 final result. FAILURE ]

" WHAT...THE...HELL...ZERO" Adrian shouted at Zero word by word in his mind. He was completely infuriated.

" Are you fucking with me? Are you saying I went through all that just to fail? No no no no NO. There must be something wrong with the equations. Zero, double check, triple check, trillion check, I don't care what you do, I need positive results. NOW." After rambling for a while, he calmed down and just stared at the ceiling with a blank expression.

" What's the reason for failure." He asked with a tiny voice almost a whisper.

[ Ding! Inheritance core missing. Qin Feng was able to use the ability because he had the inheritance core. Without the core, the array is useless. ]

" Ah... So that's why the guy was willing to sacrifice himself before anyone knew the secret of his ability. Guess I was so much in a hurry that I didn't notice."

[ Ding! Suggesting a positive result from the project. ]

" Tell me." Dispirited, Adrian answered half-heartedly.

[ Ding! I can reconstruct the array to a working one but the Multiplication factor will be tremendously low compared to the first array. ]

" Oh, so you create another one but with a small Multiplication value?"

[ Ding! Yes boss. ]

Adrian went silent while his brain was processing the information he just received. It might seem a very simple sentence from Zero but to Adrian, it was so much that his brain was going on overdrive trying to decipher the meaning of what Zero just said.

After thinking for about two mins, Adrian got down from the bed, stood up heading to the bathroom but he was hit with an intense wave of dizziness and fatigue coming from his body. It took great effort to keep his body from falling. He just decided decided to lean his body on the wall.

" Zero, how much is the multiplication factor?"

[ Ding! 10000. ]

Adrian felt as if he was hit by a hammer, his mind went blank for a second but he quickly recovered.

" Fuck, you call that small? Well, from your point of view I can understand it's small since you are comparing with the infinite multiple factor."

" Quickly start the procedure before you start giving me more failures."

[ Ding! Command received. Estimated completion time in five mins.]

" Also while you are at it, activate a blank system template for this body."

[ Ding! Blank system template activated.]

[ Ding! Detecting host's dragon bloodline. ]

[ Ding! Dragon system activated.]

" Notify me when the procedure is finished." Adrian decided to rest for a while to regain his spirit while planning for the future.

" System interface." A blue screen appeared in front of his eyes that only he could see. It looked similar to the hud display of the iron man suit. Scrolling down to system storage he found the purplish blood with poison, it appeared as a hologram but almost seemed real. Next to the hologram was an icon, written appraise.