Black shadow

" Don't jest, young master Eric. How could I have time to harm you? I am very busy... " Adrian walked past Eric towards the carriage.

He stopped by the carriage, he turned back to tell Eric " Tell your father I'll pay the money before the week ends. "

Eric felt as if he had been given a second chance in life. He staggered towards the gate, yet as he reached the threshold, he gained some courage and didn't forget to turn back to say a few parting words.

" Good then, you grew up, and you don't even put this young master in your eyes. I'll be waiting for the money by week's end, and see if you return it then..."

Adrian ignored the bickering and was about to step into the carriage when he stopped abruptly and turned around, vigilantly scanning the surroundings with his senses, eyes narrowing gazing at the rooftop of the building. The building had three floors, so with his current attributes, it was not difficult to see the top.

At the same time, Minnie, who had been Adrian's exchange with Jimmy, came back to her senses. She turned her attention towards Adrian only to find him staring at the rooftop with a deep frown on his face. Turning her eyes to the rooftop she didn't find anything.

She was about to say something but Adrian turned while telling her "Let's go or we will be late." "Ye... Yes."

The carriage soon departed after the two settled in. All the while Adrian was wearing a frown on his face. Back there he sensed two pair of eyes peeking at him from the roof, but there was nothing there when he scanned the place.

He has strong senses which has been honed through blood and hardship, so when someone is spying on him, he will notice. The pair of eyes had been locked on him ever since they departed and only stopped after they had travelled for about half an hour.

All the while Adrian had been feeling a sense of foreboding which was increasing fast. He felt a tingling sensation at the back of his head. The feeling disappeared suddenly as if nothing had happened, it was at the same time the peeker stopped peeking at him.


A while after Adrian departed from his house, at the rooftop, the space around trembled then twisted. Two hooded figures stepped out of the void. The surrounding was quiet, both figures gazing at the direction Adrian departed.

At this time one of the two turned to the other. "He detected us? Are you sure?"

The second figure was silent, he was still at gazing at Adrian's direction. Shortly after he replied "Hmm."

Turning to the first figure and seeing his doubtful expression he continued "Yes, you are not my kind, so it's normal you didn't feel it."

Saying so his body couldn't help trembling recalling the feeling he felt earlier when Adrian was looking at the place they were.

"What are you talking about?" the first figure was still doubtful even after hearing his words.

The second figure decided to ignore the first figure but if the first figure were to see his hands beneath the cloak, he would be stunned to see the hands shaking. Even his eyes had constricted his forehead drenched in sweat.

It took great effort for him to not show any change and keep his voice normal. Still the first figure didn't detect anything wrong.

" I have to report to 'Her'." He paused for a second then continued " You should also report to 'Him' ." They both turned to each other, nodded, then they both vanished at the same time.


The carriage had been moving for a while now. Adrian was enjoying the view outside. The city style was a mix of medieval setting and a bit of modern technology. It was divided into three layers. The innermost layer was lived the nobles and major government officials, the middle layer occupied by the big families and last and outermost layer was for the commoners.

Adrian's residence was at the boarder between the middle and outer layer. The roads in the city were well constructed and maintained. Although it was not yet dawn, the lights lighting the city made it look magical.

While Adrian was enjoying the view outside, the same could not be said for Minnie sitting in the carriage with him. She was occasionally stealing glances at Adrian. She couldn't be blamed though, after Adrian awakened the bloodline of the supreme dragon, though he sealed his bloodline, his attributes were off the charts, same for his charm.

Of course her actions were caught by Adrian, he just sighed and chose to ignore her. For someone who did not like having too much attention, he could already feel a headache coming in future.

He was enjoying the view outside when he caught a black shadow at the corner of his eyes, at the same time he detected faint energy fluctuations due to his enhanced senses. It was so faint even Minnie who was in the same carriage didn't seem to have noticed.

Adrian scuintted his eyes at the direction he fluctuations. There, in a dark corner , he caught sight of a black shadow hiding and looking around the place warily. Furthermore,what caught his interest was the energy fluctuations he detected around the shadow, though faint, he was well too familiar with those fluctuations.

" Tell the driver to slow down at the next corner, I'm heading out, we'll meet at the elder's place later." Adrian said while preparing himself to jump out.

Minnie was startled but still gave out the order. Though she was puzzled and wanted to ask what he was planning, in the end she decided to keep quiet and watch from the side. Ever since she met with Adrian, his every action didn't make any sense to her.

At a dark corner between two buildings a figure in black flashed from a moving carriage into the darkness blending completely with the darkness. The black figure was wearing a dark hooded cloak covering his whole body. Seeing the carriage disappear in the distance, the figure moved swiftly through the shadows opposite the carriage direction.