
Arriving at the place where he had seen the shadow earlier, Adrian found the black shadow had disappeared. Relying on his senses, he could still track the energy fluctuations he detected earlier so he decided to follow the energy trail. He ended up in front of an old building that seemed to have been abandoned.

Scanning the area with his senses, he detected the presence of a single entity in the building, which he assumed to be the one he was tracking, and a dozen others closing in front the four directions. It didn't take a genius to guess they were probably here for the one inside the building.

Silently he moved through the shadows and entered the building through a broken window. The room he entered was the kitchen evident by the broken plates and other littered cooking utensils. He headed for the door to the next room and stood outside the door, a wider room room came to view to his left and a stone staircase on his right leading upstairs. The room had three torn couches and a broken table at the center of the room. On the furthest corner was a door leading outside with two windows on either sides.

He turned to his right his gaze landing on the top of the dusty stairs. From his search, the one he was looking for seemed to be inside one of the furthest rooms on second floor.

Adrian made his way to the second floor quietly. He didn't want to alert his target.

At the furthest room on the second floor, the door was broken or to be precise rooted off its frame. The room was dim with only one window and a bed. A black figure was leaning beside the window occasionally looking out. The figure's breath was unsteady holding the left shoulder with the right hand. Blood would occasionally drop from the fingers of the left hand which was hanging limply. The figure was clearly injured.

Adrian figured the injury was caused by the ones he sensed enclosing in on the building. He had already entered the room and he was currently studying the figure.

The figure didn't notice a shadow had appeared at the corner directly opposite the door, watching like a predator studying his prey.




At this time a sound of something breaking and crashing came from downstairs. The building shuddered for a moment causing some dust to fall from the ceiling.

The sound startled the figure to which the figure abruptly turned to the door. Adrian had a good view of the figure's face when the figure turned to the door. It turned out to be a teenage girl with silver hair, what caught his eye was her silver glassy eyes.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Sounds of footsteps echoed through the hallway coming from the stairs.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The footsteps came to a halt at door the girl was in.

" There you are." The voice paused then continued " You didn't really think you could escape from me, did you?" The cold voice of a young man echoed in the room.

When the girl saw the owner of the voice, the girls eyes flashed with terror as if she saw a terrifying monster.

The guy had flowing black hair and pale white skin, so pale that one would think he's dead if he didn't move, and blood red eyes. Most eye-catching was the two elongated canines.

' Vampire ' With one look Adrian knew the guy was a vampire. Behind the guy three men stood in silence, one behind the young man like a bodyguard while the other two stood by the broken door.

" Come with us willingly and I will show you mercy, otherwise don't blame me for using force." The young man said, his eyes fixed on the girl.

When the girl heard what he said, her eyes turned bloodshot filled with immense killing intent as she stared at the young man.

" Mercy? The same mercy you showed my family? " At this moment her body was trembling emitting immense killing intent. Her eyes red like she was about to go berserk.

Taking out a dagger from under her cloak, she placed the tip of the dagger on her throat.

She looked at the young man with resolution. " I would rather die than surrender to a monster like you."

Just as she applied pressure to the dagger, the young man's figure became a blur appearing in front of her in a blink. By the time she realized what had happened, he had snatched the dagger and was now looking down on her with ridicule.

Her heart was now filled with despair. She couldn't help the terrors and horrors she would undergo in the hands of these monsters.

" You should have accepted my offer and come with us willingly. Now I am going to enjoy my time with you." he said while licking his lips.

His face was the description of the word craziness as he stared at the girl in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

It was then she heard a voice beside her ear. She knew there was no one behind her so the voice statled her. Then the voice sounded again, this time she clearly heard it.

' Is that it? You are going to give up just like that without putting up a fight? ' The voice asked.

' I... I can't beat him. He is just too strong. ' She said in her mind not expecting the owner of the voice could hear her thoughts.

' If it's power you want, I can grant you power to enact your revenge but in return your body, mind and soul are mine. This is my offer. Are you willing?' The voice was emotionless and carefree but full of temptation.

She was dazed for a second then her eyes landed on the eyes of the young man standing an arms length infront of her. Those eyes seem to spout evil and malice like a demon from the deepest depths of the bottomless abyss.

Recalling what she had gone through for the last few days, she lowered her head, her eyes welled up in tears filled with sadness and regret. The man infront of her was the cause of all that suffering. Thinking of this, her sadness turned to immense hatred staring daggers at the man infront of her.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes as her expression became resolute. A second later when she opened her eyes, she said in trembling voice " I... I'm willing."