
Fortunately, RageHeart succeeded in dispatching the undead knight with a single powerful blow, averting the danger of being overwhelmed by another assailant.

While the passage of time felt extensive in the midst of their encounter with the undead knights Ethan and RageHeart had just fought, in reality, just over a dozen minutes had transpired.

Ethan hadn't anticipated that their battle with the two monsters would draw such attention in such a short span, yet it became evident that the disturbance they caused had attracted more foes.

This revelation carried two implications.

Firstly, it indicated that the initial location of these monsters wasn't far removed from where Ethan and RageHeart had engaged, and secondly, it suggested that the area they had reached in their journey was becoming infested with undead creatures.

Though the former reason didn't pose a substantial problem—since battling the undead naturally led to creating a cacophony of sounds—unless they managed to execute their attacks with swift precision, just as Ethan had done when defeating the level 1 wolf earlier, the latter scenario seemed to be more fitting.

This would explain why the two undead knights they had just fought had been drawn to the scene.

This observation inclined Ethan to lean towards the second possibility: the region they had ventured into was gradually becoming a breeding ground for these monsters.

It was the sole explanation that accounted for encountering five undead entities within such a fleeting time frame.

Consequently, it was evident that a heightened level of caution was needed for the remainder of their journey.

As these realisations churned through Ethan's thoughts, he turned his gaze towards the distant figure of RageHeart, who in turn was locking eyes with him.

In response to this unspoken connection, Ethan's voice resounded, carried by a sense of urgency.

"Take over that one over there, and I'll handle these two!" Ethan's voice resounded loudly as he directed his words to RageHeart, gesturing toward the lone undead creature rapidly approaching RageHeart's position.

In response to Ethan's instructions, RageHeart swiftly comprehended his intentions.

Ethan was preparing to engage with two undead creatures simultaneously.

The implications of such an action were not lost on RageHeart, particularly when considering the swiftness with which all three monsters were gat.

It was highly doubtful that these creatures were merely level 1 undeads.

Taking on a duo of undead enemies simultaneously would indeed be perilous.

Aware of the looming danger, RageHeart was on the brink of shouting a cautionary response, urging Ethan to reconsider.

However, before he could voice his concerns, Ethan was already in motion, hurtling towards the distant pair of undead knights.

The sight spurred RageHeart to clench his teeth.

Recognizing that he needed to end his current opponent, RageHeart made a quick decision.

The lone undead opponent in his vicinity would have to be vanquished swiftly so he could regroup with Ethan and provide assistance.

With a subdued growl, RageHeart surged forward toward the lone undead adversary.

As they closed the distance between them, a blue radiance began to envelop RageHeart arms, emanating from his hands.

Without hesitation, RageHeart unleashed his full power from the very outset.

Ethan, on the other hand, was rapidly closing in on the two undead knights.

It wasn't that Ethan was acting on impulse or anything of the sort; he certainly wasn't courting death.

The very same thought that occupied RageHeart's mind was mirrored in Ethan's thoughts as well.

Ethan's strategy was clear: he aimed to intercept the two approaching undead knights, positioning himself as a barrier.

Ethan's intention was to create an opportunity for RageHeart to promptly eliminate the undead on his side and then rejoin Ethan to assist in dealing with the pair that Ethan was engaging.

Ethan harboured no intention of entering a full-fledged confrontation.

Ethan's goal was to seize their attention, creating the illusion that he would be their primary opponent, all while buying valuable time for RageHeart to regroup.

Upon Ethan's approach to the undead knights' immediate vicinity, they wasted no time, launching their attacks without delay.

As their attacks approached, Ethan seamlessly shifted his weight, his movements flowing with practised grace.

With a swift sidestep, Ethan elegantly evaded the swing of the first undead knight's sword.

The blade whizzed past Ethan, the rush of air brushing against his skin.

At the same time, Ethan smoothly dropped to his knees, narrowly ducking under the sweeping strike of the second undead knight.

Ethan's agility was undeniable as he continued to dodge their attacks.

A nimble spin brought Ethan behind the first undead knight, who had just missed his target.

Ethan used this momentary opening to strike the back of the knight's knee with a calculated kick, disrupting its balance and forcing it to stumble.

The second undead knight, having missed its initial attack, now lunged forward with another swipe.

Ethan's body moved fluidly, almost as if he were dancing, as he shifted his stance and twisted his torso.

The blade grazed the edge of Ethan clothing, a testament to the razor-sharp precision of the attack.

Unfazed by the close call, Ethan capitalised on the momentum of his evasion.

In one swift motion, Ethan propelled himself forward, leaping over the crouched undead knight with his arms spread out.

In Ethan's palms were two mana balls.