Wanna Be Mage

Taking a mighty leap to distance himself from the relentless undead knights, whose sole aim was to strike him with their attacks, Ethan made the strategic choice to retaliate and maintain their focus on him.

Ethan was cautious not to remain too close to the undead knights, knowing that he needed to avoid any sudden assaults catching him off guard.

But then, the challenge was clear: if he kept his distance from them, how could he engage them in combat?

The answer was evident, illustrated by the mana balls held within Ethan's palms.

Ethan's plan was to utilise magic to strike.

However, given that he wasn't facing just one undead knight and therefore couldn't afford close combat, Ethan opted for a long-range approach, employing his mana balls.

This was reminiscent of how mages typically employed mana balls – from a safe distance.

Ethan wasn't accustomed to playing as a mage in games, and his choice of class in this world could arguably be deemed a mistake.

If Ethan knew about this world's dynamics, he'd never have opted for the mage class.

It was precisely this unfamiliarity that led Ethan, in the heat of the moment, to instinctively use his mana ball as a close-range attack.

Nevertheless, since his current role was solely to divert the undead knights' attention, Ethan seized a few seconds to think amid the combat.

In just an instant, the harsh reality dawned upon Ethan: his accuracy was non-existent, an affront to the concept itself.

With confidence in his attacks initially yielding damage, Ethan watched in dismay as his mana balls sailed past the undead knights.

As though mocking him, the undead knights halted and turned to observe as his attacks struck the ground, dissipating into nothingness.

It was a blow to Ethan's pride as an aspiring mage.

Ethan consoled himself, assuming no one had witnessed his embarrassment, though he conveniently forgot about the lone teammate still concealed somewhere, silently observing.

Luckily, even though his attacks missed their mark, Ethan successfully retained the undead knights' focus on him.

Ethan might have failed in striking them, but at least his mana reserves were bolstered due to his increased intelligence.

This allowed him to cast three mana balls in such a short period of time without depleting his mana pool excessively.

Ethan's focus intensified as he faced the approaching undead knights.

With a swift intake of breath, Ethan shifted his weight, ready to execute his defensive manoeuvres.

As the first undead knight lunged forward, its sword aimed at Ethan's midsection, Ethan effortlessly sidestepped the attack, his body moving with practised grace.

Ethan turned the evasion into a fluid rotation, his footwork reminiscent of a skilled dancer.

The second undead knight's attack followed suit, a sweeping strike aimed at his legs.

In response, Ethan's form seemed to meld with the air around him.

Ethan dipped low, the blade whooshing above him, leaving only the rush of displaced air.

As the first undead knight attempted another strike, Ethan used the momentum of his previous dodge to propel himself backward.

Ethan's feet glided over the ground, his steps a testament to his agility.

With each movement, Ethan stayed just out of reach, his body bending and swaying like a reed in the wind.

The second undead knight, undeterred, launched a thrust toward Ethan's chest.

With a subtle twist of his torso, Ethan shifted his body sideways, the attack passing inches from his skin.

The first undead knight pressed on, launching yet another attack, but Ethan used the momentum of his dodge to propel himself away.

Ethan leaped gracefully, his body seeming weightless as he landed a safe distance from the undead knights.

It was a calculated retreat, a moment to regroup and reassess.

With a renewed focus, Ethan's eyes flicked to his palms, where two football-sized balls of blue light had formed.

They shimmered with a magical energy that resonated within him.

It was time to shift from evasion to offence again.

Taking advantage of the distance he had created, Ethan raised his arms and aimed the mana balls at the undead knights.

Ethan channelled his focus, his determination to make these attacks count this time.

From what he was sensing within him, Ethan could tell that he only had energy for two more mana balls.

Taking into account the mana balls he had casted, Ethan figured that he could only release 7 mana balls before he was spent.

With a controlled motion, Ethan released the energy, watching as the balls of light streaked toward their targets.

Yet, even as Ethan released the magical projectiles, doubt gnawed at the edges of his mind.

Ethan recalled his earlier attempts, how embarrassingly off the mark they had been.

This time, however, Ethan was resolute—his aim had to be true.

The mana balls sped toward the undead knights, closing the distance with a swiftness that defied their size.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest, his breath held in anticipation.

Ethan willed the magical energy to hit its mark, to prove that he could harness this newfound power.

And then, with a sense of triumph, both mana balls struck their intended targets—the helmets of the undead knights.

There was a burst of impact, and the blue light momentarily illuminated the scene.

The force of the collision rocked the undead knights, causing them to stagger and falter.

Seeing this, Ethan charged at the undead with a certain thought in his mind.

Perhaps maybe, just maybe, he would be able to kill one undead.