
Chapter 5 Evolution complete, Into the portal

[Evolution will begin]

It was a feeling unknown to me, I haven't felt like this before, it was an amazing feeling and it didn't stop I felt increase in power it was exhilarating. someone could get addicted to it. But then it stopped.

And pain came,

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, stop make it stop". I screamed it was too painful to bear.

when I was younger I was close to a burning dump heap, I was helping the people in my house burn them because it was already too much, but i didn't know a bottle was in the fire. the bottle exploded and the fire burned my face and hands, it was painful, the burns felt like a thousand hot needles were used to stab me. Thank God I was young so after a few months my skin was back to normal.

But this pain is way worse than that I felt my temperature increase way beyond what a human could handle, but as I felt pain I still felt energy rise within me to counter the pain, I felt my skin burn off but it didn't take long and new skin began to form. I felt my muscles tear and reform, I felt my bones turn to powder, literally. After what seemed like hours the pain stopped and I saw my body covered in sweat like I've been working out four hours. I took my my shirt off because it felt uncomfortable, and I saw my light brown skin glowing giving off some type of aura, it was different from the purple aura that covered my body, and... I had Abbs, I wasn't muscular before but I wasn't unfit either, I was what you'd call skinny fat but I have been working out so I was okay. But this, .... this is different, I now had a lean and slightly muscular physique kind of like Ichigo Kurosaki from bleach except I'm a black nigga. Plus my short black hair had grown longer than a nigerian youth's hair should. giving me that old school afro look.

I looked around and saw that I wasn't the only one with a crazy transformation although now I understand that the evolution would not change you excessively, an example would be a fat security guard at the gate had not received a too drastic transformation. His fat physique had been reduced enough for him to work out enough and gain a lot of muscle. He looks like todo aoi except with fats and not muscle.

The earth looked like a wasteland filled with lava, but the heat didn't affect us I guess the guardian that made these purple force fields around us is pretty powerful......

"are you done admiring yourself child" I looked up and saw the man in full body purple armour looking down at me 'why he looking at me like that' I thought. He floated or flew down which ever.

"your evolution is done it's time to take you out of this planet" he held me by my shoulder, a portal opened in front of us, he went around and gathered those around me.

"step in" he said "step in" he said slightly impatient,

"oh me sorry," I was still amazed by all that was happening in didn't realise he was talking to me, because I was in front. I looked ahead with a smile.

"okay here go" I said and stepped into the purple portal.