19. An Outright Accusation

Nicole already knew her answer. She had pondered on Georgia's words last night and came to the conclusion about what the right thing to do was - she was going to be happy. For once in her life, she was going to make the decision to be with someone who cared about her and would give everything to have her as his.

Her taxi stopped in front of Alexander's home and when she came down, she took in a breath of fresh air. Winter was approaching; the chillness in the air was an obvious sign but she had no problem with it - she loved winter, it was her favourite season after spring. She had trusted the weather forecaster on this morning's news who had said it was going to be a very cold day and threw on a sweatshirt and scarf. Right at the moment, she was very glad she had listened to that plumpy, black woman on TV.

She paid the taxi driver and entered through Alexander's gate. She hadn't walked two steps in, when the said person rushed out. Neither Trevor or Derek were with him and he looked to be in a hurry.

She held her purse tightly to her side, increased her pace and called out, "Hey!" when Alexander moved to enter his car. He stopped and turned to look at her.

"What's going on? Where are you hurrying off to?" She asked in a rush when she got closer.

He seemed lost for a second like he didn't realize she was in front of him. "I..." He stuttered when he finally got himself. Alexander Roth fucking stuttered! Nicole became worried instantly.

"Alexander, what's going on?" She asked again.

"Violet has been kidnapped." He told her. Unconsciously, Nicole's purse slipped out of her hand and made a loud thud when it hit the ground like something had cracked. She looked at Alexander in shock. "What?" She managed to squeak out.

"Get in. We are going to the police station, I will tell you on the way there." Alexander stated hurriedly. She picked up her purse with her probably cracked phone in it, and rushed to get into the car.

NYPD was hardly a place anyone liked to go. Being there gnified you were either in a problem or you were the problem and whichever it was, it wasn't a good sign and one could end up going to jail for something they were just mixed up in, if they weren't careful enough.

Nicole wasn't so much a fan of the police but today, she found herself hoping on them to solve their problem.

Much to her surprise the police, instead of attending to them, took them straight to an office inside the station.

They entered into the office to see a red haired, Hispanic woman sitting down on an office chair. The office was quite small, but neatly arranged. Her desk had no papers scattered on it, unlike most law enforcement agents who usually turned their office desks into a bookshelf.

"Long time, no see, Alexander." The woman got up with a bright smile.

He smiled back, "Holla...I'm sorry I didn't come on better terms."

She shrugged, "I knew since you asked specifically of me, it was very serious."

"Please, take a seat." She added and acknowledged Nicole with a nod as they all sat.

"Holla, meet Violet's nanny, Nicole...and Nicole meet Holla Davis, a renowned detective...we took a course together in college and she has helped me uncover a theft in my company before." Alexander introduced and Nicole gave the detective a small wave.

Holla nodded at her and focused on Alexander again, "Good thing I was already in the office when you called. So, a kidnapping case?"

"Yes. My daughter was being driven back home today by her driver, when they were attacked by two men. Trevor, who is the driver, was beaten and left unconscious while Violet was taken...passersby called 911 and Trevor was taken to the hospital. He and my bodyguard, Derek, are close friends so he was among Trevor's emergency contact list. Derek was called and he called me."

"What is her name and how old is she?" The detective asked.

"Violet Roth, six years old...will be seven in two days' time." Alexander answered calmly.

Nicole understood they knew each other and all, but this was a state of emergency. She couldn't understand how they were both discussing so calmly, like nothing major had happened.

"So, you say she was last seen with your driver when he was driving her from school." She asked while jotting down what he said.

"Yes." Alexander answered.

"And I cannot question your driver right now, because he is admitted in an hospital due to the attack on him by the kidnappers." She pointed out.

He nodded.

"Do you have any liable suspects? Anyone you know could want to kidnap Violet?" She asked.

Nicole looked at him, waiting patiently for his 'I have no idea' response but she was greatly disappointed.

"My ex-wife, Eva."

Nicole stared at Alexander in surprise. Did he know the weight of what he just said? Accusing his wife of kidnapping their kid? Was he being serious?

He didn't look at her and kept his eyes focused on Holla.

"Ex-wife?" The detective asked curiously, pushing her body forward and clasping her hands on her desk. His answer had intrigued her.

Alexander nodded, "Technically, we are not divorced yet but she left me with Violet, four years ago. She recently came back and threatened to take her away from me..."

Nicole was appalled by what he was saying and couldn't keep listening to him so, she interrupted their conversation. "Through legal means, not by kidnapping her own child." She pointed out to the detective.

Holla raised an eyebrow at her, "And how do you know that, Miss Elliot?"

Nicole gulped nervously, maybe she shouldn't have said anything. "I-I overheard their discussion." She lied.

The detective obviously didn't believe her but nodded briefly, as if saying she would get back to her.

Nicole could see Alexander wasn't happy with her interruption as he now carried a scowl on his face and annoyingly still kept his eyes on the detective.

"Call your wife then." Holla said suddenly. When Alexander moved to do as she asked, she held up her hand. "But before you do that, we need our IT guy. So while I call Kevin, please wait outside."

Alexander got up swiftly and Nicole followed. When they got to the corridor, he held her hand and dragged her with him, a good distance away from the station. "You shouldn't have done that." He told her calmly.

"What do you think you are doing accusing your wife and chatting with that detective like you have all the goddamn time in the world? We don't know who kidnapped your daughter and how dangerous they could be and you're here chatting away?!" Nicole exclaimed angrily.

Alexander exhaled like he was trying to calm down and be patient with her, "That detective in there is Holla Davis, one of the best detectives in America. I had requested specifically for her and what do you mean I did wrong by accusing Eva? She knew she could not win any lawsuit against me so, she took Violet by force."

"And how sure are you about that?" Nicole asked exasperatedly. She couldn't understand what Alexander was thinking. Why would he blame the mother of his child so outrightly without blinking an eye?

He didn't answer her and just looked away.

"Gosh...I thought you were smarter than this, Alexander." She muttered quietly with her hand cradling her forehead in frustration.

He scoffed, "You won't understand, Nicole. I loved Eva with all my heart so I know her more than anyone else; she can get...too determined. You won't understand that because you've never loved anyone as deeply as I have loved her."

She didn't let the hurt show on her face and successfully kept her expression unreadable. "If I loved someone as deeply as you claimed to have loved Eva, I wouldn't accuse them for kidnapping our child like I was just talking about the weather, Alexander." She told him in disappointment and walked away from him, towards the direction of the police station.


Author's Note: New Book Alert! I was thinking of writing something along the lines of a werewolf story. Have a different idea? Let me know in the comments!

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