20. He Was Right Afterall

Alexander stayed outside while Nicole angrily went into the police station and after some minutes, a random officer came to call him in.

He sighed and went into the station to see Nicole sitting on a bench with a scowl on her face. When he came in, she got up and walked forward without acknowledging him. He sighed tiredly and followed her behind. He knew he had offended her but he wouldn't take back what he said. He knew Eva and what she was capable of, and was very sure he wasn't wrong.

She entered into Holla's office few minutes before he did and was already seated. He took his seat beside her and they both focused on the detective.

"I'm really sorry but I had to call in Kevin whose day off was today." Holla told them with a smile. They hadn't noticed the other presence in the room and that was because he had stood behind the door. A scrawny blonde haired man, wearing wide rimmed glasses and a T-shirt that was quite too big for him, came forward and stretched his hand towards him and Nicole.

"Hi, I am Kevin...the IT guy." He introduced himself as they both shook his thin hands. He remained standing since there was no other chair in the office.

"Detective Davis told me you were going to call your suspect. Well, I am going to track your phone call while you talk to them, so please keep them on the phone for an ample amount of time while I track it." He said as he took off his backpack, took out his laptop which was put in a laptop sleeve and placed it on the table.

Alexander nodded in response. He had felt Nicole stiffen beside him when the scrawny guy had called Eva his suspect but he knew, it was only for now. She would start to see Eva as the bad guy soon enough.

He took out his phone and dialed Eva's number. He hoped it was still viable but much to his disappointment, it went straight to voicemail. His heart skipped wildly as he hung up, tried to call again and still, it went straight to voicemail.

"I can't reach her." He told Holla who nodded as though she had expected that.

"It occurred to me when you said your suspect was your wife and she just came back and then threatened to take your child, that the probability you would be able to reach her was very low, considering she had planned all these from the start...which is why I called Kevin here."

Alexander nodded, relieved that there was another solution. Kevin pushed his glasses up his nose gently and took a more serious expression. He started tapping on his keyboard without stopping.

"Where did the kidnap happen?"

"Close to Violet's school, Newton's Middle School for Special Kids." Alexander answered and since it was quite a popular and expensive school in Brooklyn, he didn't bother to add anymore details.

Kevin tapped again. "I have hacked into all the security cameras at that area and this is what I could get." He turned the laptop to their direction. Alexander looked at the screen and stared at the recording of his daughter been kidnapped: A van had intercepted Trevor's car and two men had alighted from it. Trevor was being kicked and beaten by one man carrying an iron bar, while the other was moving a thrashing Violet from the car into their van. The men wore masks and so were unidentified.

Alexander tried to keep his nerves calm as his hands trembled with anxiety; he had never been this afraid of anything in his entire life and it scared the hell out of him. As if knowing what he thought, he felt Nicole's hand gently curl around his trembling ones. He responded likewise and held hers tightly - he was so glad she was there with him or he didn't know what he would have done next.

The recording came to a stop when the van drove off and Trevor was lying unconscious on the ground. "So, now what?" Nicole asked surprising everyone. She had not said a word since they came back in.

Kevin turned the laptop back to himself and kept tapping on the keyboard. "I am going to track the car's plate number." He said and paused, kept tapping and after some seconds said, "The car was last seen in a garage at Downtown Brooklyn."

Holla got up before Kevin could finish his sentence. "Let's go visit that garage, shall we?"

Alexander got up and tried to ease his nerves with an exhale. Nicole walked beside him and he took comfort in knowing that she still had a bit of trust that he knew what he was doing even though she didn't quite agree with it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered when they got outside. Holla was talking to an officer and Kevin was with her while he and Nicole stood a distance away from them.

Nicole nodded, "I'm sorry too. I understand you're anxious and all...I just hope you know what you're doing, that's all." She said quietly.

Alexander smiled and nodded, "I do." He told her with confidence.

Alexander, herself, Holla, Kevin and two tag-along police officers arrived at the garage that Kevin had directed them to. It was closed and one of the police officers managed to pull up the aluminum garage door. It was an old, abandoned garage and looked like it hadn't been used in months because of how dusty the tools on the shelves were. There was a van at the center and it was covered by a dusty trampoline cover.

One of the police officers pulled off the trampoline cover and behold, it was the van that Violet had been kidnapped with.

"Search for any clues, don't touch anything you're not sure of." Holla said to everyone and Nicole moved away from Alexander to go search for clues as ordered. She walked around and randomly touched items until she saw a piece of paper on a garage toolbox placed on a low shelf. It wasn't dusty like the rest of the objects and looked like it had been put there not too long ago.

She took the paper, "I found something." She said and approached the rest.

Holla stretched her hand towards her and she put the piece of paper on her palm. The detective opened it and cleared her throat as if to make an announcement.

"Dear Alexander, I am really sorry it had to be this way but you're the one who decided to be stubborn. Meet me at Elli's Motel in Bushwick by 9pm if you want to talk. P.S - come alone." She read aloud and squeezed the piece of paper into her shirt pocket.

"She knew you would find this place." She added.

Nicole didn't know if to be shocked or angry; Alexander had been right - Eva was the culprit. She could feel him staring but didn't look his way because now, she felt guilty she hadn't trusted his judgement. She couldn't wrap her head around it, how could a mother put a child through such a traumatic experience just because she and her husband had some issues? She felt guilty and pissed off at the same time.

"Seems like you were right after all, Alexander." Holla told him with a smile.

Nicole noticed the detective smiled a lot and she liked that about her. She felt they would have been good friends on different circumstances.

"I know I was." Alexander answered.

Holla nodded and moved closer to him. "The plan is that you're going to go alone, talk to her, indulge her...Kevin will track your car once you are on the move and we will meet you there."

He nodded.

Holla turned to her, "And you, Miss Elliot, are not going with him." She pointed out.

Nicole sighed - that was fair enough.