"Holy shit! Who's Critical Shot?!", someone called from the back.
"He's going toe to toe with Yuuno! Is this a Pro?"
Yuuno silently tapped his keyboard and moved his mouse as he spoke, "This playstyle is unlike any Gunner we've seen so far. However he's definitely not a Pro."
A message popped up on the large screen. Considering one of their team's Professional players was currently in a match the camp decided to broadcast it on a projector. This allowed the rest of the camp to watch and study it without bothering the Pro player. It also allowed them to see the messages of the opponent.
Critical Shot: I'm not a Pro! Turn on push to talk!
"This guy even formatted his sentences properly?", someone questioned.
Yuuno began to speak to his opponent instead, "You're not even a foreign one?"
Critical Shot: I'm level 51! You think I can be a Pro like this?
"Ever thought about becoming one?"
Critical Shot: Why do you think I'm trying so hard?!
Yuuno laughed, "You're really good! How old are you?"
Critical Shot: You ask online strangers their age often?
"You said you wanted to be a Pro right?"
Critical Shot: 18
"WHAT?!", someone shouted.
Shock rippled throughout the entire camp. Talents being that young wasn't a shock. After all the Sword Saint debuted while 20. However for an 18 year old to be skilled enough to take on a Pro like this, without proper training?! Wasn't this a genius among geniuses?
"That glitch that appears, what is it?", Yuuno kept his composure however.
Critical Shot: Unique Skill.
"Which one?"
They awaited an answer, but didn't see one right away. Instead Critical Shot was put in a troubling situation that required more attention. Yuuno realized his mistake and stepped back, not attacking any further, "Sorry. Care to answer my question?"
Critical Shot: Quick Swap.
Quick Swap? Several of the camp attendees looked around but no one really remembered. Suddenly someone laughed, "No wonder! That Skill has long been deleted."
"Coach? If it's deleted how do they have it?"
The coach, an old retired player who decided to help teach the younger generation, answered with an obvious one, "It's an older account."
Yuuno watched the coach with an intrigued look, "An older account?"
Critical Shot: Second Generation.
The coach moved over to Yuuno's computer and gestured for the headset. Putting it on he asked, "You play for a long time?"
Critical Shot: Can't say.
"Fair enough. What about the account, is it yours?"
Critical Shot: Someone gave it to me as a gift. Said they didn't play anymore.
"That works. As long as it's in your possession. Are you actually eighteen?"
Critical Shot: Age is pretty easily proven is it not?
The coach smiled, "Right, so how about becoming a Pro?"
Critical Shot: I know it's not that easy.
"Of course not. I want to invite you to a training camp, prove your worth."
The current members of the camp all felt different ways about this situation. They needed to prove their worth to even get into the camp. It was a strict process, and only the talented were given chances. That also meant a personal invitation was a ticket to the front. A sure way to get noticed by the others.
When a Pro mentions they've spotted someone, immediately other teams would keep their tabs on that person. Sometimes the playstyle doesn't work well with the team, other times they just wish to poach a potentially incredible talent. It was free advertising, and made all the camp members watching very jealous.
Getting recognized by a Pro was the whole reason why they were working so hard! Yet this guy did it in a single match!
Critical Shot: What team?
"Burning Will."
Critical Shot: How quickly can I become a Pro?
Scoffing sounds formed from the camp members. It's not that simple! There was far too many variables to consider. If it was that simple they would all be Pros already!
"That depends on your performance."
Critical Shot: When can I join?
"I'd like to have you here as soon as possible. Would that be a problem?"
Critical Shot: That depends on the area. What about living space, etc?
"We have that sorted here for you. Dorms are available for all of our attendees, food and equipment are available too. All you have to do is dedicate yourself to being a Pro."
Critical Shot: Send me an email of the specifics.
Yuuno touched the coach's shoulder and pointed to something on the screen. The coach nodded and turned off the projector. The two studied something before writing on a physical piece of paper. The coach then finished off, "We hope to see you here."
Critical Shot: If it works out.
"We shall be going now. Unless you'd like to finish the match?"
Critical Shot: I only fought because I was curious about the camp.
"Aha, I see. Then we'll take our leave."
Yuuno surrendered the final match and swiftly logged out. Twirling the account stick in his palm he tossed it towards a boy, "Nice find."
"T-Thank you!", the boy was unsure how to respond.
Originally wanting to give the arrogant player a lesson, he found his plans didn't go at all like how he imagined. Instead this player was given a personal invite! Watching Yuuno and the coach converse he felt conflicted, but overall was pleased with the unexpected praise.
"What are your thoughts?", the coach asked Yuuno.
"Extremely skilled. That excellent Knee to deflect my spear was incredible. Being able to time it alongside him falling shows his acute awareness of the game's mechanics. Additionally his reflexes are superb, some last second Snap dodges had me surprised. What about you?"
"His patience is something to note as well, and his decision making isn't one of an ordinary rookie. When you stabbed him he didn't react out of instinct, but rather calculated a counter attack. Upon being comboed he waited for a prime opportunity to escape using the few grenades, and didn't hesitate to utilize his resources to put himself into a more favorable position. I truly felt like he was a new Pro."
"And that fighting style. . ."
"I haven't seen a Gunner switch weapons so quickly and fluidly. I don't remember Quick Swap being that powerful, but it has been years."
"We're positive it isn't any game altering?"
"We'll find out as soon as he arrives. If he does."
"Do we have a slot to fully utilize his abilities if he does become a Pro?"
"That. . . we will have to figure out.", the coach shook his head.
As the coach and Yuuno had high hopes for this supposed diamond find. Nimin was ecstatic that the process was this easy! Show off a bit and the Pros come handing invites to your front door. Being in the camp was an excellent way to make up for his shortcomings. Having skilled players point out the flaws in his style, having easier access to resources, and most importantly: gaining access to capable teammates!
With a group of abled individuals it would make farming for these rare drops more bearable. Of course these players most likely won't listen to him so easily, but he should be able to convince a few.
Although it was a shame his new living space was already about to gather dust, it was important to developing his future Pro career. All so he can take on the Championships in two years!
As he left the Dueling Tower he was immediately swarmed by Strange Smile's group. Simon spoke excitedly, "You were invited personally to be in a training camp?!"
Critical Shot: It works out for me.
"Dude this is sick! Do you know how lucky you are?"
Critical Shot: It was very fortunate.
Fortunate indeed! If Grit wasn't still at the camp there was a chance this wouldn't have happened! Things seemed to be turning around for Nimin, ever since he met that mysterious being.
Critical Shot: I still have time, you guys down for a few more dungeons?
"Hell yeah! Let's go!"
Strange Smile and his group seemed more ecstatic and energetic. The group spent the rest of the night leveling in various dungeons. Through this work Critical Shot gained another level. Putting him one step closer to his next goal!