00: Gruesome, Gone And A Grenade

At night, in a crowded airport terminal 2.

The terminal was full of people, the beginning of the night made many young and old people smile as they would meet their families in various cities soon.

Lance sat at the entrance of his flight's terminal. The night breeze blew inside, making him feel refreshed.

Two hours into his wait, a jet-black van unhurriedly drove in front of the airport's entrance.

The dull engine sound was suppressed by the loud crowd inside the airport, the door unlocked, and six men holding bags entered the terminal.

Lance, who's flight was nearly in 15 minutes, picked up his items beside his to pack up.

The six people dressed in all black caught Lance's attention again, he saw them open their bag zippers taking out something.



Six bullets shot out.


A body landed steadily in front of Lance's feets.

Blood gushed out of the body's head, although Lance tried to flee, he was trampled by the fleeing passengers around him.

More bullets fired, so Lance immediately ran to a place with few people behind a statue.

Lance peeked through one of the statue's gaps and saw a security guard in uniform running towards the shooters.

Although the six people were shooting, he believed once the security guard called for backup, he could survive.

But at the next moment, Lance felt all his hair stand up. 

One of the six men actually pulled a grenade out from his bag, a black grenade with a hook. 

It was obvious he was about to blast shit up.

How could the security guard save him from this? Lance had no time to think carefully but he ran.

In front of him was a fast food's diner with at least a dozen walls to cover the explosion.

The security guard and the six men were about 10 meters away from him.

Lance hurried forward from running to crawling, he ran desperately.


The grenade falling to the ground only made a faint sound.

Lance just entered the diner's door when he felt numbness in his legs, and then the same feeling travelled from his legs to his skull.

Lance understood, he blew up.

In the chaos that ensued, police soon rushed into the airport, shocked by the scene before them. 

Some called the SWAT team, while others restrained the six men and disarmed them.

As the paramedics arrived and rushed Lance's body to the hospital, the man was already dead.


Author's Note:

Dear readers,

In this first arc, we will explore the intricacies of royalty, court politics, and the challenges faced by our protagonist as he navigates this new world.

In the comment section below, feel free to share your thoughts on potential future arcs you'd like to see explored. Your feedback and ideas are highly valued, and they might shape the exciting journey of Lance in unforeseen ways!

Thank you for embarking on this adventure with us.

Happy reading!