[Royalty Arc 01]: Reborn Royalty?

Lance attempted to touch his lifeless body again, but his intangible fingers effortlessly passed through the corpse.

The surroundings were vast, and the scenery had a blurred, unreal feeling, as if he no longer belonged to that world.

Perhaps he was destined to wander in this form of nothingness until he dissipated. Oh, could he be a ground-binding spirit?

[...A suitable host has been detected, with consistent life and soul waves.] The mechanical voice mixed with noisy electric sounds resonated in Lance's mind.

["Welcome to Men's Transmigration Society. I am Quantum 007. Would you be willing to join?"]

After aimlessly wandering for a week, Lance found nothing except the group of people surrounding his lifeless body below. He blinked and asked, "Are you asking me?"

A voice from nowhere replied, ["Yes, it has been detected that you are eligible for joining. Will you join?"]

Lance didn't hesitate to respond curiously, "What does this society do?"

["The mission of this system is to help the host travel to various worlds. You need to capture designated targets in other worlds and complete tasks."]

It sounded intriguing, and the previous sadness in Lance faded away. He asked enthusiastically, "What are the specific tasks? And what do you mean by targets?"

["The task is generally determined by the original owner who provided the host carrier. It may involve changing their original fate or fulfilling an unaccomplished wish. Rest assured, as the host, the tasks are generally achievable."]

["Your main objective is to capture the target specified by the system. You earn soul coins by strategizing and gaining favor with the specified object through various methods."]

["When favorability reaches its maximum, the strategy is successful. The system will reward you with corresponding coins based on the objects you've conquered, which can be exchanged for products in the quantum's mall."]

"What's the purpose of specifying the target in these strategies?"

[Insufficient authority, cannot be queried.]

Quantum 007 repeated. ["Will you join, host?"]

Lance was a little surprised, "So I can refuse?" He thought it was a mandatory joining, and if he didn't agree, he would be killed.

The mechanical voice of Quantum 007 seemed to carry a trace of wronged grievance, ["Of course you can. We are a formal organisation and respect the host's wishes."]

We? Lance keenly picked up on the issue in Quantum 007's speech, indicating that there were many more systems like it. But now wasn't the time to delve into that matter. "What will happen to you if I say no?"

["I will return you to your original body."]

"..." Lance looked at his lifeless body, covered with a white cloth, and with his nothingness soul, he quickly made a decision, "Join it!" Why not give it a try if it meant he could live once more?


Lance, woke up in an opulent chamber within the palace grounds. The memories of the original owner, Lancelot, had been implanted into his mind, causing a slight headache. He frowned and rubbed his forehead.

Lancelot, a noble consort, held a prestigious status in name only. King Alexander, in this feudal Britain, was gay and surrounded himself with a plethora of male courtiers.

King Alexander was deeply in love with his favorite, Lord First Consort Jace, whom he had brought into the palace.

He had no interest in other men but wanted someone intelligent to handle the trivial affairs of the palace on First Consort Jace's behalf.

Lancelot, hailing from a scholarly family, possessed beauty, talent, and an excellent background, making him the center of attention among noble young men.

He fell in love with King Alexander and willingly managed the affairs of the palace for his beloved lord.

Despite Lancelot's efforts, his fate took a dark turn when First Consort Jace, out of jealousy, falsely accused his family of rebellion.

The De Vere family was executed, and Lancelot was thrown into jail. As he lay dying, Lancelot realized the truth and the schemes of First Consort Jace and King Alexander.

Now, with Lance inhabiting Lancelot's body, he sneered at the king's actions. "Alexander has oppressed so many just to please his beloved?"

Quantum 007 responded, ["In this world, an ancient feudal society, imperial power is supreme. He won't consider it oppression; rather, he will see their sacrifices as matters of course."]

"Alright, what's my mission?" Lance asked.

["The mission is to change the fate of the De Vere family's extermination,"] Quantum 007 replied.

Expectedly, this mission involved saving his family. However, Lance was a little surprised. "Doesn't he want to take revenge on Alexander and First Consort Jace?"

Quantum 007 explained concisely, ["His body is only worth so much."]

"So, this mission is just the price for me to inhabit Lancelot's body?" Lance chuckled. "The system doesn't have to pay anything; no business, huh?"

["...We bear the energy cost of the soul traveling through time and space!"] Quantum 007 explained, sounding a little dejected.

It seemed that this system wasn't very proficient in business and could easily be swayed. 

As he sat up from the bed and looked around the room, Lance wondered, "Where am I now?"

He found it odd that he had conversed with 007 in this room for so long, and yet, no one had appeared. Lance couldn't hear a single sound, as if he were isolated from the world.

["The current point in time is after Lancelot was appointed a noble consort and took charge of the affairs of the palace for First Consort Jace."]

["I suggest you communicate with the system through your consciousness, as someone will enter soon."] Quantum 007 advised.

As if breaking through an invisible barrier, time suddenly resumed its flow. Lance felt a sense of connection to the world again. A slight knock at the door was followed by someone pushing it open.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?" The person entering was a man dressed in regal purple attire.

He seemed pleasantly surprised to see Lance awake. "My lord, allow me to summon the royal doctor."

Turning around to address others outside, the man called out, "Hurry, fetch the royal doctor!"