[Royalty Arc 09] Hunting & Him

"What does Duke Arthur think about this matter?" Lance asked.

Liamsworth shook his head and replied, "We aren't sure yet."

Lance guided, "With such rumors circulating, it not only casts suspicion on the De Vere Dukedom but also on Duke Arthur. Perhaps we should discuss this with him and uncover how these rumors originated."

Liamsworth hesitated and then said, "Wouldn't this action confirm the rumors? Us meeting with him?"

Lance responded, "It would be just a one-time meeting, conducted discreetly. Brother, you are aware that even in the absence of rumors, the emperor doesn't completely trust the De Vere Family."

Liamsworth looked at him, startled, and then said, "This castle is truly not the best place to live in."

After a brief pause, Lance continued, "Brother, please speak cautionly when you are in the royal grounds."

Once again, Lance escorted his brother out of the palace. Ever since the De Vere Dukedom had "established" contact with Duke Arthur, he had been eager to find another opportunity to meet Duke Arthur.

He had acted too impatiently earlier. Fortunately, Liamsworth hadn't grown suspicious of his brother. However, the impending time for the De Vere Dukedom's misfortune was drawing nearer, and he couldn't afford to delay.

["Keep a close watch on King Alexander for me,"] he instructed 007, ["I suspect he may have initiated these rumors."]

007: ["Very well. Additionally, Duke Arthur is conducting an investigation on you."]

Lance chuckled, ["As expected. If he had no suspicions at all, I wouldn't dare to consider collaborating with him. Wouldn't he just be a pig teammate."]

Alfredo entered from outside, wearing a concerned expression.

"When Sir Liamsworth left the castle, he encountered First Consort Jace. The First Consort mentioned that this year's hunting event is approaching, and he hopes you won't forget."

Royal Hunting Celebration was a grand annual event hosted by the royal family, held in the forest of nirvana every year.

The King had the privilege of selecting his favorite consort to accompany him.

However, King Alexander had consistently taken First Consort Jace as his companion for Royal Hunting Event, and as far as Lance could remember, the original owner had never participated.

The warning in First Consort Jace's words was apparent, the King might have choose Lancelot to accompany him in the event this year.

It was no wonder that Alfredo was worried, the Forest of Nirvana was filled with dangerous beasts, his concerns were indeed justified.

Lance reassured him, "I will merely take a stroll outside the castle; nothing bad will happen to me, Alfredo."

Hearing his words, Alfredo's worry deepened. "My Lord, would it not be wise for us to skip Royal Hunting Celebration this year?"

Lance laughed, "Visiting the Royal Hunting with the First Consort is an honor bestowed by the King. How could I refuse?"

First Consort Jace's words had served as a warning and an opportunity.

That night, King Alexander paid him a visit and informed him that he would handle Royal Hunting Celebration's arrangements, with Lance following closely behind.

A spark of surprise flashed in Lance's eyes, causing his delicate and pale face to glow. "I will make the necessary arrangements."

Lance seemed slightly nervous, his exposed hands fumbling as he stammered, "Should I discuss this matter with the Royal Transportation Minister? I have..I've never participated in the Royal Hunting Celebration before..."

King Alexander had never witnessed Lance so excited. Lancelot rarely displayed vulnerability and consistently acted with an air of dignity.

Observing the joy in his eyes and recalling the day Lance confessed his feelings during the Marigold Royal Banquet, King Alexander's heart softened.

It was becoming evident that Lancelot had genuine affection for him.

[King Alexander's favorability has increased by +10, his current favorability now at 30.]

King Alexander advised, "Adhere to the protocol, and there's no need to be overly concerned."

He cast a glance at Lance's slender shoulders and added, "First and foremost, take care of your well-being; otherwise, you won't be able to ride a horse."

In truth, Lancelot's health had fully recovered long ago. However, he powdered paleness daily on his face, aiming to stop the visits from the consorts.

Lancelot nodded happily and cautiously asked, "Your Majesty... would you care to stay for dinner tonight?"

007: ["Come on, host, you could earn another 10 favorability points through dinner!!" >_<]

Lance: ["I prefer him to leave quickly. It's dinner time, and his presence would disrupt my meal."]

007: [...] When will you become a diligent host?

King Alexander hesitated for a moment, then finally shook his head and stated, "I intend to dine with the First Consort."

The joyful expression on Lancelot's face wilted, and he forced a smile. "I will respectfully escort Your Majesty."

King Alexander walked towards the exit, turned back, and beheld Lancelot gazing at him blankly.

Lancelot's almond-shaped eyes held a depth akin to boundless springs, brimming with gentle waves of affection.

No one could remain unmoved by this sight, and King Alexander was no exception.

[King Alexander's favorability has increased by +10, his current favorability level of 40.]

As if something stuck him, King Alexander averted his gaze and turned back to his usual demeanor, dignified and composed, before ultimately leaving the castle.

007: ["It appears that favorability levels can increase without even having dinner?!"]

Lance casually placed another pastry from his dinner plate in his mouth and remarked,

["It's all a matter of luck. If he hadn't looked back at me, his favorability level wouldn't have risen. Even if we dined together, there was no guarantee of an increase."]

The pastry was delicious and pretty. ["He's starting to believe that I harbor feelings for him, and his favorability will continue to rise gradually."]

Lance inquired, ["Did Duke De Vere have any interactions with Duke Arthur?"]

007 replied, ["There was indeed some interaction. The rumors were indeed initiated by King Alexander, but they have been dispelled now."]

The system finally proves it's worth by monitoring events within this world.

["In that case, our next steps will be more straightforward."] Lance finally finished his dinner. ["Is Duke Arthur frequently summoned to the castle in recent days?"]

007 responded with enthusiasm, ["He entered the palace today. You just met the King, let's not meet him.]

Lance smiled, "No, it's time for visit."


It was the second time Duke Arthur had met Lance in the castle. He had a strong feeling that Lance had sought him out this time.

They met on a busy castle pathway, and Lance, dressed in light-colored royal attire, held a basket of trifles just like before. He deliberately stood in front of Duke Arthur back.

Little did Duke Arthur know that Lance had purposely chosen this bustling path to talk to him. Sometimes, being more open made their meetings seem innocent to onlookers.

Lance smiled and asked, "I wonder if the King is in a good mood today?"

Duke Arthur replied calmly, "I'm afraid not."

Lance casually commented, "That's a shame."

Duke Arthur's gaze was sharp, as if he wanted to see through Lance's delicate face and clear almond-shaped eyes.

But those almond-shaped eyes were crystal clear, showing no unnecessary emotions. Duke Arthur frowned a bit and asked, "What do you want?"

Lance had been waiting for him to speak, and after hearing his words, he said honestly,

"The situation of the De Vere Dukedom is somewhat similar to your situation, Your Grace. Why don't we work together?"

"Work together?" Duke Arthur looked him up and down, as if questioning how he could be of help.

Lance replied, "Your Grace, are you thinking of leaving the Main City and return back to the borders? These are troubled times, and it's riskier to stay here."

Duke Arthur squinted, "Can you help me leave ?"