[Royalty Arc 10] Dinner With Him

"It's not me, it's the De Vere Dukedom who will." Lance replied, glancing past Duke Arthur to the blurry figure at the end of the path.

"I will inform my father and request his assistance for your return. However, now isn't the right time to discuss this."

Lance took a step aside, making way for Duke Arthur, "Your Grace, he is here, please."

Duke Arthur was taken aback, then he realized something.

"Don't look back," Lance advised, his smile light. Duke Arthur stayed still, nodded subtly, and departed as if their meeting had been entirely coincidental.

Lance suppressed a smile as he strolled to the end of the path with his valet, Alfrefo. King Alexander stood there, his narrow eyes narrowing further, displaying no emotion.

Lance, didn't feel guilty about being discovered and was rather pleased to see King Alexander.

King Alexander's tone was slightly chilly. "What brings you here?"

Lance calmly replied, "I've prepared some pastries for the King and intended to deliver it to Your Majesty."

King Alexander glanced out of the corner of his eye and indeed saw Lance holding a basket, presumably the pastries in his hands.

King Alexander was quite familiar with the tactic used by consorts in the castle, approaching the King under the guise of care and offer meals.

King Alexander had seen this kind of favor-seeking behavior many times. After reprimanding and punishing the consorts vying for favor, none dared to visit the his Royal Castle with such intentions.

It was uncommon for Lancelot to come to deliver something, and King Alexander felt a different kind of intention.

While other consorts presented gifts to compete for favor, perhaps Lancelot genuinely cared about him.

After the unease in his heart subsided, King Alexander inquired, "Are you acquainted with Duke Arthur?"

Lance spoke in a somewhat dazed manner, "We've only met a few times."

King Alexander gazed down the empty path, "He seems to be quite close to you. Arthur usually doesn't speak to anyone except me on Royal Grounds."

Lance didn't understand how King Alexander could discern that King Arthur was getting closer to him. However, as the Emperor's consort, any insinuation of getting close to other men wouldn't be seen well.

Lance fidgeted with his fingers uneasily and clarified, "I just happened to cross path's with Duke Arthur.."

King Alexander stared at him in silence for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

"I understand. Butler Cheron, take the basket from Lancelot." The butler accompanying King Alexander approached and retrieved the basket from Lancelot's hand.

Lance felt a bit suspicious and observed King Alexander's rarely gentle tone, "I'll keep the pastries; you can return to your castle."

Reluctantly, Lance nodded and departed. As he made his way back. 007 chimed in, ["There's something off about King Alexander's attitude."]

Lance was slightly surprised. ["You noticed it too?"]

007 seemed a bit resentful. ["He had such a favorable attitude just now, but your favorability level didn't increase!"]

Lance couldn't help but think similarly. ["It's hard to argue with that."]

He had conversed with Duke Arthur, for quite some time earlier, which must have raised suspicions from King Alexander.

However, it appeared that his concerns didn't revolve around his relationship with Duke Arthur; King Alexander was merely upset out of possessiveness.


Night descended upon the case, illuminating it with bright lights. After King Alexander concluded his final piece of official business, he set down the ink pen.

Butler Cheron whispered, "The First Consort Jace has sent a bulter, saying that dinner is ready and awaiting your presence."

King Alexander stared at the papers on the table for a while before stating, "I won't be going to Jace's case tonight. Inform Jace that I have unfinished matters of the kingdom."

Bulter Cheron complied, then inquired, "Does His Majesty wish to visit any other consort?"

He could tell that King Alexander had already concluded his work for the day, so informing to not come to the First Consort must signify other intentions.

King Alexander replied, "Prepare to visit the South Castle." South Castle was Consort Lancelot's residence.

A trace of surprise briefly crossed Cheron's face which he then masked with respect. "Understood."

Lance curiously examined the castle lights. Its intricate craftsmanship suprised him, proving that people of this era possessed technology not seen in 21st century.

Although life as a consort restricted his freedom, it still afforded him the chance to enjoy many things denied to ordinary people.

007 suddenly interrupted, ["Host, King Alexander is here."]

Startled, Lance sat up suddenly, surprising Alfrefo, who was standing nearby. "My Lord, what's wrong?"

Lance hastily instructed, "Have the kitchen prepare a simple meal as quickly as possible."

Alfredo inquired, "My Lord, are you feeling hungry? Would you like some pastries first?"

Lance shook his head dismissively. "No pastries. Let's focus on the meal preparation. Oh, never mind rushing; let's simply set the table first."

King Alexander had arrived and when he heard that the dishes were sent to reheat.

So, when King Alexander entered, he found a dining table meticulously set with utensils. It appeared that the food had just been removed.

Lance stood up hurriedly, "Greetings, Your Majesty. May I ask why you've come?"

King Alexander raised an eyebrow and noticed the surprise in Lance's eyes. He then smiled, though his words seemed quite harsh. "You didn't want me to come?"

Lance shook his head, explaining, "I simply didn't expect Your Majesty's visit. I was just heating up the food."

"Reheating?" King Alexander inquired. "Did you know that I was coming?" He quickly realized that this wasn't possible.

His visit to Lancelot was a sudden change. Even with a spy by his side, obtaining such timely information wouldn't have been possible.

Lance must have been waiting for him, allowing the food to grow cold before reheating it.

King Alexander imagined him sitting alone at the dining table each day, waiting until late at night to enjoy a reheated dinner.

He regretted his visit today, as his earlier words had been quite cruel to this reserved and affectionate Lancelot.

[King Alexander's favorability is +10, and his current favorability is 50.]

Lance had grown used to this sudden Ding of favorability, so he ignored it. The dinner, while not extravagant, was served by Lance's kitchen.

Lance casually commented, "The dishes aren't particularly impressive. I'll ask the kitchen to prepare them again."

King Alexander thought he was concerned that the food had been reheated too many times, so he assured Lancelot, "No need. It's fine."

The two of them enjoyed a warm meal together. After they finished, King Alexander said, "I heard that your brother has been visiting you frequently recently?"

"Only twice as my mother is concerned about my health," Lance explained.

King Alexander smiled, but his next question was laced with hidden meanings. "It seems like the De Vere Dukedom and Duke Arthur have grown quite close, don't they?"

Lance was silent for a moment, then stood up, with his back straight:

"Your Majesty, please be aware that the De Vere Dukedom has absolutely no relations with Duke Arthur, please be aware of this."

His eyes were lowered, and his lips pursed into a slightly indifferent arc, as if what King Alexander said touched his noble ego.

King Alexander's heart was subtly touched. Lancelot was very different from First Consort Jace, but Lancelot always made him soft-hearted.

Such thoughts only flashed through his mind, and King Alexander suppressed them. It was just a moment of soft-heartedness, not worth giving up on his plan.