[Royalty Arc 19] Feelings For Him

"Lancelot," King Alexander murmured, standing silently behind him for a considerable duration.

Lance, seemingly stirred from his thoughts, turned his head in mild bewilderment. "...Your Majesty?"

He rose hurriedly, his feet drenched due to the pond water, "I was unaware of Your Majesty's arrival and failed to welcome you. Please forgive me."

"No need," King Alexander replied. He hadn't informed anyone of his arrival, so it was only natural that Lancelot hadn't been aware.

Furthermore, as King Alexander's beloved, Lancelot was overly formal with him.

"You hold the position of my being my consort, there's no need for such formality."

Lance shook his head casually, "It's not right for me to act casually in front of your..."

King Alexander interjected, "Won't you listen to me?"

"Of course..." Lance lowered his head nonchalantly, sensing a shift in King Alexander's demeanour.

However, it was evident that King Alexander didn't appear overly pleased, and Lance whispered, "As long as I can remain in Your Majesty's presence, I am content. Your Majesty doesn't need to be troubled."

"What is it?" King Alexander arched an eyebrow, extending a hand to beckon Lancelot to sit beside him on the pavilion near the pond, "Don't you know I.." care for you?

Almost letting his thoughts slip, King Alexander couldn't help but be astonished in the middle of his sentence. 

Did he have feelings for Lancelot? Suddenly, a moment of silence fell as King Alexander began to reflect on his recent tenderness towards everything and the inexplicable emotions in his heart.

He was no novice to the realm of love; he understood it well.

Even while he was still clear-headed, his body had sensed the stirring emotions.

This explained why he had nearly uttered words like care.

His heart felt strangely enlightened, the emptiness that had consumed him in recent days now filled.

His thoughts spiraled, and he was at a loss for words. How could he phrase it? He didn't know how to begin. His gaze remained fixed on Lancelot.

Lancelot smiled sadly, "Your Majesty, there's truly no need for you to come here."

His voice carried a profound sense of heartache, each word tinged with pain.

"I'll never bear ill will toward the First Consort. If Your Majesty is uneasy, you can take back my castle privileges."

The sorrow and torment hidden beneath his words tore at King Alexander's heart.

King Alexander couldn't help but offer a bitter chuckle, "In your eyes, do you think I'm such a foolish ruler who can't distinguish right from wrong? The First Consort pushed you towards the assailant's and I should punish you?"

King Alexander stood up, leaving a sentence before exiting Lance's castle, "It's alright, First Consort's treachery will not go unpunished."

As Lance looked at the sky, he spoke to 007, ["The Original Lancelot once adored him, and he discarded Lancelot like an expired milk. Now, he wants to play romance with me."] 

007 felt a touch of urgency, remarking, ["Host, please concentrate on your task and avoid becoming too emotionally invested in the characters of this world!"]

Lance sighed, ["I understand. Did his favorability lower, no, so rest assured."]

["However, favorability growth rates tend to slow down in the later stages!"] 007 cautioned, eager to highlight its role in their progress. ["These achievements are largely thanks to my assistance...you should listen to me!"]

Lance smiled, "[Don't worry; I won't let our performance plummet to zero. If it does, I might as well return to safeguarding my dead corpse."]


King Alexander departed from Consort Lancelot's castle with a somber expression. Butler Cheron followed him, apprehensive about the reason for King Alexander's anger. 

King Alexander dismissed the other butlers and walked towards his castle entrance. The cool winter breeze caressed his face, providing a measure of solace for the lingering anger in his heart.

He had wanted to protect Lancelot, willing to take action against the First Consort if Lancelot had only asked.

He had hoped Lancelot would appeal to him, giving him a reason to reprimand the First Consort Jace for his actions.

Closing his eyes, King Alexander wrestled with his inner turmoil. He understood the cause.

He had been on the verge of displaying tenderness and perhaps revealing some of his emotions when Lancelot had uttered those words. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

After a contemplative pause, King Alexander let out a sigh. His unwavering protection of the First Consort was the root of Lancelot's misconceptions.

He had been excessively lenient towards the First Consort, causing harm to Lancelot's heart. Yet, he held no grudge, and that realization tugged at his heartstrings.

Once this matter was resolved, he would find a way to mend the rift between them.

Butler Cheron waited silently for his sovereign, observing his pensive demeanour.

After a moment, he approached and spoke, "Your Majesty, the air is chilly, and the dew is heavy. Please take care of your health."

King Alexander turned toward him and inquired, "How is the First Consort?"

"The First Consort has been inquiring about when Your Majesty plans to visit," Butler Cheron replied cautiously, studying King Alexander's expression. "I've heard... he is quite distressed."

King Alexander maintained a composed facade. Temporarily keeping the First Consort at a distance was a minor punishment compared to the gravity of his actions.