[Royalty Arc 20] Brother Liamsworth

Lance left King Alexander in frustration, and several days passed without the King visiting Lancelot.

With some free days at his disposal, Lancelot turned to 007 for informative system functions and tips.

Alfredo, who had been tasked with delivering messages out of the Castle, appeared increasingly uneasy as the days went by. 

He would carry out any command, but the thought of corresponding with Duke Arthur troubled him deeply, as it would introduce chaos into his lord's life.

Unbeknownst to them, the message and document Alfredo sent at Lancelot's request weren't just a helping hand.

It instead contained vital military information from King Alexander's desk found through 007's monitoring.

Observing Alfredo's restlessness, Lancelot remarked, "You've just sent a message, and you're already this nervous. Are you afraid I will throw you under the bus- carriage?"

Alfredo's eyes welled up with tears. How could he think that? If the Emperor found out, it could cost more than his life, even his lord Lancelot's life, "My Lord, if this is ever found out by the King..."

Lancelot gently smiled at Alfredo, offering comfort. "Think of it as a noble endeavour, dying with your lord."

Alfrefo pressed his forehead, unable to resist inquiring, "My Lord, you have always admired the King. Why are you trying to help Duke Arthur?"

Lancelot supported his chin, gazing into the distance. "Both of them are handsome, why can't I admire them both."

Alfredo, however, remained confused by the connection between being handsome to Duke Arthur and Lancelot's intentions.

Lancelot offered a cryptic smile, "You'll understand in time. When my brother arrives at the Castle today, help me welcome him."

Once Alfredo left, Lancelot inquired of 007, ["Did Liamsworth get the message?"]

007 confirmed, ["Yes, Host, it reached him. Is the host truly considering aiding in overthrowing the throne? King Alexander's favorability percentage hasn't been maxed out yet…"] 

If King Alexander discovered Lancelot's actions, his favorability would undoubtedly plummet.

Lancelot replied, ["Do not worry about that As for King Alexander, what is he up to now?"]

["He hasn't visited the First Consort in the past few days. It appears there's some turmoil in the kingdom…"] 007 felt a tinge of bad intuition.

["What turmoil?"] Lance inquired.

007 reported, ["It seems there's trouble brewing at the border of Wales…"]

The mention of Wales sparked a memory of what King Alexander had said to the Original Lancelot. 

He had warned Lancelot that his disobedience would lead to Brother Liamsworth's despatch to closely monitoring the war ridden Wales border. 

This turmoil might suggest tensions or potential conflict at the border. If not managed carefully, it could escalate into a full-blown war.

Having achieved his objectives and with a, Lancelot dismissed 007's need for constant surveillance, ["Forget it, you can stop monitoring King Alexander.]

007 replied rather angrily, ["I'll monitor King Alexander still!"] Did the Host think it was useless!

Shortly after, Alfredo returned with his brother, Liamsworth. 

Brother Liamsworth had been informed about the attack on King Alexander and his brother's sacrificing behaviour. 

The stress had caused egg-sized dark circles under Liamsworth's eyes.

Lancelot swiftly seated them and offered comforting words, easing the anxiety in Brother Liamsworth's eyes. 

Brother Liamsworth reassured Lancelot that he had forwarded the document Lance had given him to Duke Arthur.

Lancelot, however, had a different request this time.

"Brother, I believe that since he saved my life, he should be offered a more meaningful token of appreciation."

Brother Liamsworth hesitated and replied, "The King can give a proper gift to Duke Arthur, our intervention may not feel well. Besides, being in connection with Duke Arthur could place the De Vere Dukedom in a precarious position."

But Lancelot had additional information to share. "We have to help, brother..the King wishes to send you to the war ridden border as a sacrifice.." 

Brother Liamsworth frowned, unable to dismiss Lancelot's words.

He didn't promise, instead, he said to Lancelot, "I'll return home and inform our father about the border turmoil. However, whether Duke Arthur accepts our help is his decision."

Lancelot expressed gratitude, saying, "My brother is the best. Thank you, brother, for understanding my wishes."

Brother Liamsworth looked at Lancelot, his thoughts hidden behind his eyes.

His brother, who had always been naive and noble, was now entangled in political affairs. 

Brother Liamsworth couldn't decipher his brother's intentions and simply bid farewell after a few words.

As Lance watched Brother Liamsworth's departure, Lancelot reflected on the Original Owner's upbringing. 

The deep affection the Original Lancelot held for his family was evident. 

Strolling back into his Castle, Lance encountered First Consort Jace, who was adorned in unnaturally simple clothes, surrounded by his attendants. 

First Consort Jace maintained an innocent smile, appearing like a naive young boy untouched by the world's corruption. 

Whether his smile was genuine or a facade.

It was enough to fuel the bitterness and animosity within the consorts, who never received the King's affection.