[Royalty Arc 21] Love Is Fickle

Lance smiled, saying, "Greetings, First Consort Jace."

First Consort Jace approached him, extending a hand to pat Lancelot's back, and said affectionately, 

"No need for formalities, Lancelot. I never expected to meet you here. What brings you out of your castle?"

It was as though he had forgotten that it was he who had thrown Lance onto the dangerous hand of Blood Rain Leader.

During this moment, First Consort Jace discreetly signaled his butler Nasu to withdraw.

Although butler Nasu was worried, he was tired of Consort Jace's mood swings and, upon seeing the subtle gesture, quietly listened and went away, allowing them a moment of privacy.

Playing along with the charade, Lance, wearing a forced smile, replied, "I accompanied my brother on his way out the Castle."

The hand of First Consort on his back felt ice cold, and Lance discreetly moved away from it.

However, First Consort Jace refused to understand and gripped Lance's arm as he leaned in to whisper in Lance's ear, 

"You're fortunate, Lancelot. No matter how much you struggle, you won't meet your end. If you persist in clinging to him, don't blame me for making your existence gone."

These were not the words Lance had expected to hear from him. 

He had anticipated the usual exchange, but it seemed First Consort Jace had other intentions.

The smile still graced First Consort's face, but his eyes held a cold stare at Lance.

Lance didn't attempt to break free from First Consort Jace's grip. Instead, he let him hold on, "I've often wondered, why does the First Consort hate me so much."

"Don't act in front of me, Lancelot.." First Consort Jace smirked, his focus solely on Lance.

Lance lightly rubbed his arm and remarked with a smile, "The King is nearby."

Hearing this, First Consort Jace restrained his impulse to glance around. 

He offered a smile, albeit one tinged with restrained frustration. "Can you stop lying, do you have a problem with your head?

Lance, still feeling a bit intrigued, replied, "No, I'm not feeling well. I'm concerned that I may spread my disease to the First Consort."

First Consort Jace scrutinised him for a moment before retorting, "Don't think you can fool me with your pale face."

"Who is fooling who?"

A cold, authoritative voice suddenly rang out from behind them. 

King Alexander, accompanied by Butler Cheron, stood nearby, his aura emanating an oppressive and menacing atmosphere. 

His gaze initially landed on Lance for a brief moment before settling on First Consort Jace.

Lance was taken aback by King Alexander's sudden appearance.

His previous statement had been intended to deceive First Consort Jace to let him go, yet it had unexpectedly lured King Alexander to the scene.

First Consort Jace shuddered under King Alexander's penetrating gaze, inexplicably overwhelmed by a sense of dread.

There were many ways he could explain his earlier words, but he found himself incapable of speaking.

Observing King Alexander's demeanour, it seemed he was aware of his actions.

First Consort Jace was convinced he knew everything he had done. Why else would he be scrutinising him like this? 

The silence lingered as First Consort Jace struggled to form a response. It was evident that he couldn't find the right words.

Finally, he managed to stammer, "My apologies, Your Majesty. I was just worried about Lancelot being sick all year long, he should not fool the doctor and take his medicines well."

King Alexander's expression remained stern. He turned his gaze toward Lance, who was now keeping his distance from First Consort.

King Alexander said curtly, "The First Consort's role is to serve me and have etiquette, not to be worried about the other Consort's health."

These words startled everyone, including the butlers and servants present.

The King had publicly chastised the First Consort for not following etiquette. It was akin to stripping the First Consort's face in front of them all. 

In the past, even if the First Consort had erred, the King had refrained from scolding him so directly.

First Consort Jace's face grew pale as he mumbled, "You want me to act politely towards your other consorts?"

"That is the First Consort's duty," King Alexander asserted firmly, his piercing gaze fixed on him.

First Consort Jace stared back at him, and a sardonic smile curved his lips, "Has Your Majesty forgotten your previous words?"

First Consort Jace referred to the time when he had claimed he was the sole real Consort in the harem.

The only one who mattered, and that the other consorts were at her disposal. Now, he asked him to live in harmony with them?

Seeing the King and First Consort on the verge of a quarrel, Butler Cheron intervened hastily, saying:

"Your Majesty, don't forget that matters about the kingdom are waiting for you in the study."

King Alexander's demeanour shifted slightly, and his gaze shifted to Lance, pausing momentarily.

He then turned and left for the study, stating as he did so, 

"The First Consort made an error in his words and disrupted the harmony among the consorts. He will be confined to his Castle until I say otherwise."

Lance couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement.

The King and the First Consort had been deeply in love just days ago, but now they seemed like divorced parents.

Lance took a step back, realising that the situation had worked in his favour. He thought to 007, ["Love is such a fickle thing."]


Author's Corner:

A delightful surprise appearance by Butler Nasu, my esteemed reader, Nasu_case and the first to grace Sidekick's Mask with its inaugural Golden Ticket! Ah, even the ever-faithful Butler Nasu seems to have wearied of the antics of First Consort Jace. What twists and turns lie ahead in the King's castle, I wonder?

P.S. All Golden Ticketers will have a cute little appearance in the novel. ;)