[Horror Showbiz 04]: Does The Dead Have Feet

Lance's gaze drifted towards the gloomy second floor, it was desolate without a single sound of life, his expression marked by uncertainty.

["Any signs of a new victim this time other than Rose Clarit, 007?"] he inquired, his voice laden with confusion.

007 responded promptly, ["Although, It's not the same corpse as before. However, it's another female victim this time."]

Lance furrowed his brow. ["Is it similar to Rose Clarit's demise?"]

The AI system provided further details. ["Yes, her eyes wide open, and no sign of blood. Pearl is here too."]

As they approached the floor, Nicholas kept a vigilant watch. It wasn't long before Pearl and the others emerged from the shadows.

Pearl, her eyes still red from crying, rushed towards Lance and hugged him tightly. "Lance, I finally found you," she said, her voice trembling with relief.