[Horror Showbiz 05]: Death Surrounds Us

"It's happening again..." Lance's voice broke the oppressive silence that enveloped the room.

He gently leaned Pearl against the wall and gestured to Nasu to keep an eye on her. 

Then, Lance approached the lifeless body on the floor and took out his phone's flashlight.

In the midst of this eerie situation, 007 piped up with a question, [Another scream yet there aren't many people coming to check?]

Lance responded, [The must have scattered around.]

There was an unsettling feeling that they were being watched, and that this malevolent presence was enjoying their fear.

Xavier, still fixated on the body, finally spoke up, "Who would be the next target? Probably a woman.."

Nicholas sought clarification, "So, you're sure it's the same pattern, a woman every time?"

This revelation brought a glimmer of hope, but Lance probed further, "What if the number of women ran out."