[Horror Showbiz 13]: Silver Necklace Silver Cross

Roseca was the first to speak, and the other person, Lijfu, was in support of her. 

After Nicholas agreed, they discussed the situation and decided to stick together.

Lijfu added, "Nowhere is safe, so it doesn't matter where we are."

Nicholas, now awake, heard their words clearly. 

Even though Lijfu tried to downplay it, Nicholas knew that their decision to stay with him was based on concern.

His emotions were a mix of bitterness and warmth as he murmured, 

"Perhaps we can still find a way out."

This had started as an audition adventure, but now it had turned into a matter of life and death. 

His life was hanging in the balance in this eerie mansion where friends had been claimed by death.

Nicholas found renewed determination, knowing that he had people who relied on and supported him.

This kind of support gave people strength when it mattered the most.