Chapter 9 First battle

"Can we outrun wolves?" Alisha asked.

"We'll never know until we try, I forgot to ask, do you know how to shoot an actual bow, your character might be an archer but you are the one shooting?"

"That's why I chose the archer class, I'm the second best in my archery club, though a moving target might be harder to shoot but I think I can manage," Alisha said.

"Okay then, let's move slowly"

"Sorry to invade your privacy" Arthur's voice sounded in all the players' heads, Alisha and Lewis stopped immediately as they recognized the voice.

"Stretch your hands forward if you can hear me, I want to be sure it works" Arthur spoke.

Lewis and Alisha stretched their hands forward and waited for some seconds.

"Good all the players can hear me," Arthur said as he saw their hands from the screen I'm front of him.

"I'm going to explain basic things about the game and you can figure out the rest, and first time run slowly in the game, you might think you have been there for a long time but it's only ten minutes"

"And back to the basics, first the power system, this power system applies to almost everything, weapons, equipment, spells, beasts, and many more, and the power system is divided into 6 tiers,

Ordinary lvl 1 - 10,

Common lvl 10 - 20,

Rare lvl 20 - 30,

Epic lvl 30 - 40,

Legendary lvl 40 - 49,

Mythical lvl 50, and each of them has ten levels, except for Legendary which has nine levels, and Mythical with 1 level"

"The level and HP of beasts are displayed when you engage in a fight with them, after the first attack their HP are revealed so if you don't want trouble try not to attack stronger beasts, the NPCs are humans and they make decisions for themselves so be careful, and try to make friends"

"I'll explain if anything comes up, if you have any questions you can ask me directly" Arthur spoke.

"Why did he need to explain that, we could have figured that out," Alisha said.

"We can't figure out the HP of beasts till we attack them, it'll make hunting quite hard" Lewis muttered.

" you hear that?"

"We are close, I'm starting to feel nervous, are you okay" Lewis mumbled.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you need to keep your hands steady to shoot and your hands are shaking" Lewis mentioned and Alisha looked at her hands.

She didn't even realize they were shaking until he pointed it out, this was the fire time she was this close to a wild animal, and even though it was just a game it was just too real.

"I'll be okay," Alisha said.

"We'll be okay, I'm also nervous but this is the experience we've all been expecting when playing video games, putting ourselves in the protagonist's place and imagining how it would be to battle a beast" Lewis smiled.

"You are right, so what's the plan"

"The plan, well...the plan is for you to kill them, you are the best shot at killing them," Lewis said.

"Huh! How am I the best shot at killing them?" Alisha asked.

"Wolves are quite fast and I have no idea how fast my fireball travels, but your arrows are the best shot at killing them, have you ever tried hitting a moving target before?" Lewis asked.

"No, but I can do it"

"We'll have one chance at a surprise attack, let's check their numbers" Lewis whispered as they approach slowly.

Both of them hid behind bushes and saw a cave, in front of the cave were two black wolves laying down.

"That's their cave, it's quite far from the village, why do the wolves attack the villagers?" Alisha asked.

"How would I know, it's risky to attack them without finding out their exact number, they might be more than a hundred wolves in there," Lewis said.

"Wolf packs are usually smaller, at least 20 pack members, let's kill those two and see what happens"

"Okay," Lewis muttered as he looked around at the surrounding trees, searching for a tree he could climb just in case things go south.

"Do you see that, there's a small red mark moving around their body" Alisha said and Lewis looked closer and saw the mark.

"Arthur right, can you hear me, there's a small red mark moving on the body of the wolves we encountered, is that something to be worried about?" Alisha asked in a low voice.

"No, it's a critical point" Arthur answered.

"Critical point, so if we can manage to get the red spot moving around, it'll deal critical damage to the wolf?"

"Yes, exactly...and mind you the size and location are different for every beast, and few beasts have fixed critical point, hitting the critical point deal ×2 damage than normal, and mind you I don't think it's a good idea to make the wolves howl, they are not the only wolves in the forest" Arthur spoke.

"So if we can get that I'll result in a critical hit, isn't that impossible, it moves around a lot," Alisha said.

"Don't focus on the critical point, just aim at the head

"I'll take the farther one, on" Alisha muttered.

Lewis stretched his hands forward and in front of him a small magic circle visible to only him formed.



Both of them shot at the same time and surprisingly, Lewis's fireball was as almost as fast as Alisha's arrow.

[Black wolf]

[Level: 3]

[HP: 30]

[-35 HP]

Alisha's arrow pierced through the wolf's head and in an instant blood began to flow out, while Lewis's fireball dealt enough damage to kill the wolf and some information appeared in front of Lewis.

[Black wolf defeated]

[30 XP gained]

[9 more fireballs to level up spell]

[You have been granted assess to the system]

[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 50/50]

[XP: 30/50]

[SP: 0]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Dive Coins: 0]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: Fireball(1)]

[Mana: 45/50]

[Spell Power: 10]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 20]



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