Chapter 11 Necromancy

"There's nothing to fret about, the wolves are just calling for reinforcement, I've faced this scenario countless times in games, all I need to do is it, I have nothing"

"What if bigger beasts heard the howl and are heading here now, Alisha must have also heard the howl so I don't think she's coming back, then I'm on my own, what do I do"


Lewis heard a loud growl and quickly turned around, an even larger black wolf was staring at him from below.

[Black wolf]

[Level 6]

[HP 100/100]

"Okay now I'm dead, my fireball deal 35 damage if I get a clean hit, and this black wolf has 100 HP, I knew we shouldn't have accepted this mission, am I actually going to die in the starting village, that's absurd" Lewis mouthed.

The wolf slowly approached the tree and when it was almost at the tree Lewis fired a fireball but the wolf jumped sideways and was only grazed by the flames, quickly the wolf moved backward.

[-10 HP]

"I couldn't even get a clean hit, I'm already panicking and my hands are shaking, what do I do..." Lewis thought then his mind went back.

"That's right, I got a necromancy book from the goddess, I haven't even opened it yet, it might contain powerful spells, yes..." Lewis shouted.

"Wait, where did I keep the book, I remember collecting it from the goddess and then I passed through the portal, but the book was gone when I passed through the portal, it must be in my inventory"

"Inventory" Lewis mumbled and a rift opened in front of him, he placed his hands in the rift and touched a book then he quickly brought it out.

The book looked old but durable without a single scratch on it, and the word Necromancy was written on top, Lewis wasted no time in opening the book but was shocked when he did.

Nothing was written in the book, it was completely blank, Lewis scroll through the pages of the book like a madman but in the end, all 30 pages of the book were empty.

"It's empty, why is it empty, ohh maybe it needs a special condition, what might that be" Lewis muttered.

Two more black wolves emerged from the bushes and now they were more than 30 wolves around Lewis, the only reason they weren't climbing was because of the flames he was shooting, and now his Mana was down to 10, 2 more shots and it's all be over.

"So I'm really going to die, if I'm the only one that die, it'll make me look like a novice, I should have chosen a more powerful class like the knight or paladin, but they must be a reason I can't use this book right, am I too weak or is there not enough Mana, or maybe I should infuse Mana in the book"

"But how do I do that, by blasting the book with my fireball?" Lewis asked himself.

"GRAA..." the black wolves growl furiously as they moved back and forward, they were trying to see if Lewis could still shoot out fireballs.

"If the boom gets burnt it doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to get killed" Lewis held the book far from his face and shot a fireball at the book.

Instead of damaging the book the fireball was absorbed by the book, Lewis quickly opened the first page but it was still blank, but slowly large words were being written on the first page and Lewis couldn't help but smile.

"What the fuck is this, I can't understand a single word here, is this even English language, I have no choice...uhmmm...recta mahat citra da jobed," Lewis said exactly what he saw but nothing happened.

"Did I miss a word" Lewis mumbled as he looked down, one of the black wolves was already on the tree, immediately he shot his last fireball spell and hit the wolf sending it back to the ground, the rest of the wolves moved away from him.

[-30 HP]

[Fireball spell increased to level 2]

[Spell Power, speed, and range increased]

"Now I have no way of casting another spell and the..."

"Are those wolves?" a voice spoke beside Lewis and he slowly turned his head.

"Haaaa!!!" Lewis screamed as he saw a skeleton beside him.

"Haaaa!!!" the skeleton screamed as Lewis screamed and both of them stopped after a few seconds.

"Dude why are you screaming, aren't you the one that summoned me here?" the skeleton spoke.

"Huh!! wait...I summoned you here, then the spell worked, it actually worked...but what's with your tone?" Lewis asked.

"You didn't believe it was actually going to work, are you really a mage... never mind that you got quite a situation down here, how are you going to get out," the skeleton asked.

"How? You of course, jump down and kill the wolves" Lewis commanded.

"Huh! You want me to jump down and kill the wolves for you, how am I going to do that, I don't want to die," the skeleton said.

"What!! you are already dead, you are a skeleton and you have a sword, jump down and kill the wolves, aren't you supposed to obey my command" Lewis sneered.

"Even though I'm dead, I don't want to die again, and besides I don't think I remember how to use a sword, it's been so long since I was summoned, I was actually shocked"

"You were shocked, wait where were you before I summoned you?"

"I don't think you should be asking that, one of the wolves is already on the tree," the skeleton said.