Chapter 13 Leveling up

One after the other Xavier went about collecting the crystals till he was done, at the end he got 35 crystals.

[Black wolf crystal]

[Ordinary tier - level 3]

The information appeared as Alex touched one of the crystals, the crystal displayed the tier of the wolf and level, meaning from the crystal a beast could be identified.

"All done, I think they are about 35, should I gather their teeth and claws?" Xavier asked.

"What would I use them for?" Lewis asked almost immediately.

"You can sell them, alchemists use them in making potions, though I was told I don't know if it's true"

"Wait, where are you from?"

"The underworld, the world directly below this one, maybe we can visit there one day," Xavier said.

"Why would I want to visit the underworld when I'm not dead"

"That's true, but maybe you can learn a spell that would take your life for a few minutes then we can visit the underworld, it's a beautiful place if you... I'll stop talking" Xavier said as he saw Lewis's face.

"I should try absorbing the crystal, I might not be able to but there's no harm in trying" Lewis mumbled as he held the crystal.

'Absorb' Lewis muttered inwardly.

[Ordinary crystal absorbed]

[SP: +1]

Lewis's eyes widened in surprise as the crystal dissolved into his hands, "It works hahaha, I'll absorb them later" Lewis smiled happily.

"Inventory" Lewis mumbled as he began placing all the crystals inside.

"Ohh, it seems my time is up, you need to train harder so I can stay longer, take note you can summon me after a few minutes" Xavier spoke as he faded into thin air.

"So he has a time limit, I should probably head back to the village, oh I haven't checked my stats yet, well I didn't kill the wolves so I received no XP but I hope I got some, interface" Lewis spoke.

[1350 XP gained]

[You obtained 1 Dive coin]


[LEVEL 2 -> LEVEL 3]


[LEVEL 3 -> LEVEL 4]


[LEVEL 4 -> LEVEL 5]

[HP: 130]


[Mana: 58]

[Spell Power: 30]

[Intelligence: 31]

[Mana recovery rate: 1/240s]

[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 130/130]

[XP: 280/500]

[SP: 36]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Dive Coins: 1]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: Fireball(2), Summon(1)]

[Mana: 3/58]

[Spell Power: 30]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 31]


Summon stats [+]




[Log out]

"Woah...level 5, when did I, wait...all the XP from the skeleton kill, well I'm his summoner so that's how it's supposed to be, only my stats that relate to magic increased, then I'll have to increase the rest of my stats by myself"

"And I obtained 1 dive coin, I wonder what those are"

"Summon stats" Lewis muttered.

[Name: Xavier]

[Race: Undead skeleton]

[Level: 3(0/300)]

[HP: 30]

[Strength: 20]

[Stamina: 20]

[Agility: 10]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Vitality: 10]

[Skills: Projectile bone]

"That's pretty good for a skeleton, he'll surely come in handy, nothing more important than a mage having a companion good in close combat" Lewis smiled as he walked back to the village.




"It's been eight minutes, I think something is wrong, disconnect him from the game, we'll have to...wait I hear something" Arthur told his assistant who was heading out.

"Sounds of sword slashing, I think someone is there, maybe an NPC, both of them are speaking but I can't hear a word"

"He's definitely speaking to someone, but who?" the assistant asked herself.

"Did we make anyone in the starting village powerful enough to defeat the wolves?" Arthur asked.

"We didn't and from the screen, it's not one of the players, then who is it?"

"Oh the video is back, he's still alive but I think he injured his arm"

"How is he alive, I'm sure his spell wasn't enough to kill all the wolves, then how did he survive?" Arthur stared at the screen as Lewis walked back to the village.

"Would this be enough?" Alisha asked as she looked at the wooden barrier placed around the village.

Immediately the villagers heard the howl, they quickly placed the barrier around the village and went back home, only a few of them remained outside, that is the few that were able to fight.

"If you couldn't defeat the wolves, you should have told us and your friend would still be alive," the young man who follow led them into the forest said to Alisha.

"I didn't think they were much, I'm waiting for some minutes then I'm going back in" Alisha spoke.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, didn't you hear the howl, your friend is probably dead and if you go into the forest now, the same fate awaits you" the young man spoke.

"We've been here for some minutes, I don't think the wolves are attacking, maybe they came across a large prey and called for help," another man said.

"I doubt it, that was too..."

"See..." one of the men said and they all turned their eyes towards the forest and saw Lewis walking back.