Chapter 14 Reward

"He's not dead, then did he defeat the wolves" one of the men spoke.

"He's injured, someone should call the healer" the young man spoke.

"I'm on it," one of the men said as he ran away.

"Are you alright" Alisha shouted as she ran towards Lewis.

"I'm fine, I'm just injured a little, but I did manage to take the wolves down," Lewis said with a smile.

"That's what I wanted to ask, how did you manage that, first come with me, it seems the village has a healer, and out of ten of us, we are the only two players left in the village, so we need to get a move on"

"You can go on your own, why wait for me?" Lewis asked.

"I thought there was a slim chance that you would survive, and you did," Alisha said as both of them reached the village.

"Did you defeat all the wolves?"

"Were you the cause of the howl earlier?"

"What happened?" the healer asked as she arrived.

"He's over here, move away from him," the young man said and the rest moved away so the healer could heal him.

The healer was an elderly woman in her late fifties, she quickly removed the piece of clothing Lewis used to stop the bleeding and placed her hand close to his wound without touching it.

A green light shone dimly and slowly the wound began to close up.

[Condition and Effect removed]

[Recovering HP]

[HP Recovered]

"Are you okay now?" the healer asked.

"I'm fine, thanks to you, and I defeat all the wolves I could find in the forest including the big ones, so you can rest assured they won't attack your village" Lewis spoke and the men smiled.

"Then we should remove the barrier and tell the villagers or and your reward, I'm going to give you 15 gold coins," the young man said.

"What about me?" Alisha asked.

"You ran back to the village without killing the wolves, why should we reward you?" the man asked and Alisha stood there quietly.

"Would you stay and rest in the village?" the healer asked.

"No, I need to get moving," Lewis said.

"Okay then, turn around," the healer said and Lewis turned around and she places her hands on Lewis's back.

[Recovering Mana]

[Recovering Stamina]

[Mana and Stamina fully Recovered]

"Wow this is nice," Lewis said as he turned around, the healer was now breathing heavily and extremely tired.

"You shouldn't have done that, are you okay?" Lewis asked.

"I'm going to rest and recover, don't worry about me, and good luck in your journey," the healer said with a smile as one of the men took her away.

The villagers had already been informed about the incident and most of them were now coming out of their houses and the barrier was removed.

Lewis and Alisha followed and young man home and Lewis was handed the 15 gold coins along with a red potion and a change of clothes for Lewis.

[Healing potion]

[Ordinary - level 5]

"Bye now warriors, be well," the man said as both of them walked away.

"So how did you defeat them, and you even defeat bigger wolves, how, did you find high-grade equipment or some cheat item?" Alisha asked.

"Do you really believe some high-grade equipment would just be waiting for me on the forest ground, and this isn't a light novel where the protagonist finds a cheat item, I just got lucky that's all" Lewis said as they walked away from the village.

"That's what I'm asking, how did you get lucky, what happened?"

"Well...when you ran away, I ran on top of a tree, then I used my fireball spell to kill two of the wolves and the rest of them stepped back as they were wary of me, then the howl and from nowhere another beast came, I didn't attack it so I don't know what level it was but it killed all the wolves and suddenly left without paying any attention to me"

"You're lying, I know when someone is lying," Alisha said.

"Really, I don't think you do cause I'm telling the truth, or else how do you explain my survival, if you want we could go back to the forest, all the wolves were gutted and I can't do that" Lewis spoke.

"I was the one that took on the quest and you got all the reward for doing nothing, let's split it equally" Alisha spoke as she stopped.

"Equally, I would have been killed you know right, I think I deserve the reward, and besides we don't know if these coins are worth much"

"They are gold coins, of course, they are worth much, and besides I thought both of us were going to run in the same direction but you ran the other way, is that my fault?" Alisha asked.

"It's not, but still splitting the reward equally is out of the question, how about 5 gold coins" Lewis spoke.

"It seems there's no use being together, I'm going my own way" Alisha spoke as she walked away from him.

"Good luck..." Lewis shouted when she was far away, 'Finally, I'm alone, the goddess told me to stay away from large crowds as they invite beasts, I'm sure this forest would be no different'


[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 130/130]

[XP: 280/500]

[SP: 36]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Dive Coins: 1]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: Fireball(2), Summon(1)]

[Mana: 58/58]

[Spell Power: 30]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 31]


Summon stats [+]




[Log out]

"So what do I do with my SP" Lewis mumbled as he slowly walked forward.

"My strength is my lowest stats and that's normal cause I'm a mage, but my stamina, agility, and vitality are also low, that must be why I was tired after casting spells, so I'll work on those first then my strength"

'What about Xavier, can I increase his stats?' Lewis asked himself.