Chapter 15 Player kill

'Maybe I should ask him when I'm deep in the forest, I should take a look at the map'

Lewis opened the map through his status screen and he could see where he was, the forest he was in was called Whitewood forest but he couldn't see the end, most places on the map were covered by a black shadow, only places he has been to were visible to him, first was Woodville village and the newbie forest where he killed the wolves.

'Should I keep going straight, Alisha told me the rest of the players had left the starting village, but she went the other way, I should have asked for a map from the villagers' Lewis sighed.

Lewis continued forward and after a while he noticed something or someone was following him, at first it sounds like small birds but now he was sure someone was following him.

'I'm sure it's one of the players, is it Alisha or someone else, but how is the person this assassin' Lewis mumbled under his breath.

Assassins were masters of stealth, it was possible an assassin was tailing him but for what reason, if it was to kill him then the assassin would have attacked him, Lewis couldn't pinpoint where the assassin was but he was sure someone was tailing him.

'What do I do, if I make sudden movement then he would realize I'm on to him, so I would keep moving slo...' Lewis hit one of the branches on the ground and fell.


"Ouch..." Lewis shouted as he quickly stood back up and turned around to look at the branch that tripped him over.

He noticed a shadow swiftly moving behind a tree, he turned around to confirm his suspicions.

"Don't make a sound and catch him from behind, don't kill him" Lewis mumbled as he walked away.

This time he walked more freely and watched his steps, the assassin behind him quickly follow him till he heard a step but before he could turn around a knife was placed on his neck.

"I got him" Xavier shouted and Lewis turned around immediately and saw the person.

"So you are one of the players, I had my doubt but I was right, someone was actually tailing me, what do you want?" Lewis asked.

The player in front of him was wearing a black outfit along with a black cloak, being an assassin along with his clothing help him mask his presence but he had no idea someone was hiding behind one of the trees.

When Lewis fell on the ground, he used the opportunity to summon Xavier behind the tree he fell down to, and told him not to make a sound.

"How the hell did you know I was behind you, and I only saw you, how did someone sneak up behind me?" the player shouted, he could only see the sword so he didn't know a skeleton was the one behind him.

"I'll ask again, why are you following me?" Lewis asked.

"Nothing, and saying you'll ask again is lame, it's not like you can do me anything, I'm a player like you, so you can't kill me, so tell your friend to get his stinky hands off me" the player shouted.

"What did you say, stinky!!" Xavier shouted, "Should I kill him?"

"Well he's right, we are both beta testers so I can't actually kill him, but what about the person behind you, do you think he's a beta tester?" Lewis asked.

"What the hell are you saying, let me go this instant" the player shouted.

"Xavier kill him" Lewis muttered with a smile on his face.



Xavier slashed the player's throat, turned him around, and stabbed him with the sword then he shot him across with his [projectile bone] hanging his body on a tree, slowly his body began to disintegrate till he was gone.

[Player Swarm defeated!]

[100 XP gained!]

[First player kill!]

[100 XP gained!]

[8 more summons to level up spell]

[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 110/130]

[XP: 480/500]

[SP: 36]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Dive Coins: 1]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: Fireball(2), Summon(1)]

[Mana: 48/58]

[Spell Power: 30]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 31]


Summon stats [+]




[Log out]

"It seems I made the right choice" Lewis sniffed.

"That's what you get for calling me stinky, I finally got named and my color was finally white and he still called me stinky"

"Oh and I have a question, was he supposed to disappear?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, he's a player, and wasn't that too much, you should have just slashed his throat till he's dead"

"I was angry sorry"

"Huh! My HP reduced, why?" Lewis wondered as he glanced through his stats.

"You summoned me," Xavier said.

"Wait, so my HP drains every time I summon you?" Lewis asked.

"Necromancy spells are double edge swords, you lose little health to summon me, and the same would happen if you cast any necromancy spell, some spell even requires sacrifices, like talking to the dead, bringing the dead back to life for some time or something else" Xavier spoke.

"I had no idea, and I have other questions, how long do you usually stay?"

"Well, that's depending on the health and Mana you use in summoning me, in some cases, you might make me stay three or four days if you like"

"How do I do that?" Lewis asked.

"You are a mage, how should I know, and mind you I don't know the actual time I'll return but if my time is up I'll tell you"


"I have a question, why was he after you, are you wanted or are you a rouge mage?" Xavier asked.

"It sounds like you want me to be a rouge mage, I'm not either of those things, I have no idea why he was after me"

"I knew you couldn't be a rouge mage, rouge mages are powerful but you are not"

"Huh! You want to die?"