Chapter 20 A mage

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" Lewis heard a voice speak.

"Yes, I assure you, so what about my payment, hand it over"

"I know, here you go, I hope I didn't waste the rest of my gold on a bad person, I wonder why he was in the forest in the first place"

Lewis was able to hear their conversation but his eyelids were too heavy for him to lift so he couldn't open his eyes, but he could talk.

"W-Who is there?" Lewis said in a low voice.

"Ohh, he's awake, can you open your eyes?" the voice asked him, Lewis still couldn't figure out if he was talking to a male or a female.

"I don't think I can" Lewis replied.

"Try to open your eyes, or else they'll be stuck like that for eternity" another voice spoke, Lewis could tell the difference between both voices be still didn't know if they were male or female.

'My eyes would be stuck like this, I know he's joking but I'm going to try opening my eyes'

Lewis try his best and slowly his eyes were opened, but it was too blurry and he couldn't see clearly but he could tell the person in front of him was a girl because of her petite shape and the other one was a man because of his huge body.

"Can you see me" the girl spoke.

"Just barely, what...happened?" Lewis asked.

"You tell me, I just saw you in the forest all beat up, honestly I wanted to leave you but I'm not a heartless monster, but I'll need you to repay me" the girl spoke.

'Hmm, this human is really handsome, he's one of the most handsome humans I've ever seen, though I haven't seen that many humans, I wonder what he's doing here' the girl mumbled under her breath.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but can I have something to eat, I'm starving," Lewis said and in some minutes' time, he was given a plate.

"I can finally see" Lewis mumbled as he looked around, he noticed he was in some kind of made-up tent, lots of ingredients were laying around the place, he stood up and walked outside of the tent.

Immediately he walked out he noticed the girl from earlier staying there staring at the trees around, the first thing he noticed was her pointy ears.

"Oh, it seems you can stand just fine" another voice spoke and Lewis looked towards the voice, Lewis knew he was the man in charge of the tents as he held fresh ingredients.

"Oh, you are okay" the girl spoke and Lewis turned towards her.

The girl in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had seen in his entire lifetime, she had blond hair and green emerald eyes, along with her beautiful skin, the other thing he noticed was her pointy ears and immediately he knew she was an elf.

She wore a green battle dress that allowed for easy movement but did little to cover her beautiful petite body and a bow was in he hand.

"Are you done?" she asked.


"I saved you from death and the thanks I get is you staring at my body, do I look like a piece of meat...all men are the same," the girl said as she faced away.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to stare but I couldn't take my eyes off you, I'm really sorry" Lewis apologized.

"Why couldn't you take your eyes off me?" the girl asked.

"Huh!! well because you are really beautiful" Lewis blurted out.

"What!! huh!! wait really..." The girl blinked her eyes countless times and her face turned red, she looked away immediately.

Lewis looked at her closely and saw that her hair was a little dirty same with her clothes, it looks like she wasn't living well, she turned around now that she had calmed down.

"I have some questions for you, I'm sure you would provide me answers right?" she asked.

"Yes, but first can I ask your name?"

"I ask the questions, and my name isn't relevant to you so you don't need to know, first what were you doing in the forest?"

"Forest, wait where am I?" Lewis asked.

"You don't know where you are, then how did you get here?" she asked.

"I don't know where here is, so I definitely don't know how I got here, do you know where we are?" Lewis asked.

"We are in Willow Forest" the girl said.

"I have no idea where that is, last time I remembered I was in Whitewood forest, is that far from here?" Lewis asked.

"Whitewood forest, that's deep in the human territory, then how did you get here?"

"I told you I have no idea" Lewis answered.

"Okay then, what is your name?" she asked.

"So you want to know mine but you won't tell me yours...I'm Lewis Quinn"

"I can't tell you my name for personal reasons, and I'm sure we won't meet again, so Lewis Quinn, how are you going to repay me, the man over there collected all my coins just to heal you, though he killed some goats" the girl muttered.

"Wait what did you just say?"

"I said he killed some goats, how does that concern me, I'm asking..."

"Necromancy" Lewis muttered as he rushed inside the tent.

"Did he just ignore me?" the elf girl asked herself as she also went inside the tent.

"You are a mage right?" Lewis asked the man inside the tent.

"Yes I am, and before you say anything, I won't teach you any spells or anything at all" the man spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Why would you teach him, is he a mage? Are you a mage" the elf girl asked.

"Yes, and why won't you teach me, just teach me necromancy spells that's all" Lewis spoke.




Author's note

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