Chapter 19 Blood price

"Wait...I don't understand?"

"This isn't a game anymore, it's a real world and the people there are not called NPCs but humans, you can't expect the game attribute to follow" the goddess spoke.

"There goes my expectation, I thought I would be able to monitor my progress to know if I'm improving or just stuck"

"I have something that can act like that but..."

"What is it?"

"An encyclopedia about the whole world, the beasts, the towns, cities, kingdoms, and villages, all the important information, I can also include your stats so you can monitor your progress"

"That's exactly what I need"

"You know I told you about gifts, I can only give you three according to some rules, I hate the rules but I have no choice but to follow them, I already gave you the necromancy book which is one, if I give you the encyclopedia that's two"

"No problem then but for the last gift, can you give me a powerful spell, something like a trump card that I can use when I'm in serious danger"

"I want to remind you again, you do know this isn't a game anymore, even if I grant you a powerful spell, you won't be able to use it, one you have no concept of magic whatsoever, two, your Mana is low, lastly, powerful spells are only powerful because the mage spent time practicing"

"So you can't give me a powerful spell, what if it's a necromancy spell, maybe you can unlock one from the book, and I have a question how can you unlock spells from the book?" Lewis asked.

"You need to infuse the book with Mana to unlock spells, and I can give you a powerful necromancy spell but I'll choose randomly out of the last ten pages" the goddess spoke.

"The last ten pages, the pages of the book determine how powerful the spell is, so any spell out of the last ten pages would do the trick" Lewis mumbled as the book appeared in front of him.

"Check the book" the goddess spoke and Lewis opened the book to the last ten pages.

"There's something on page 29, ohh it's written in English, Blood price: Bone dragon"

"Bone dragon, well...I can't say I'm pleased with the spell and I can't reverse it, but one thing I can say is try not to find yourself in a situation where you need to use this spell"

"Is it that dangerous, what does it do?" Lewis asked.

"Blood price means offering your life in exchange for something, the spell uses 95% of your life in exchange for a powerful bone dragon, and mind you the dragon won't take orders from you if you are weak, so summoning the dragon at your current state would get you killed for sure"

"Wait, so the dragon would attack me if I'm not strong enough?" Lewis asked.

"Yes, so before summoning the dragon make sure you have a powerful binding spell to trap the dragon with it, while you release the summoning or you can tame the dragon to be one of your named creatures and you wouldn't need to summon it with your health point"

"How do I tame the dragon?"

"I have no idea, mind you no one has ever studied necromancy to be able to summon the dragon or tame it. We are running out of time, you'll need to leave here very soon, do you have any questions?" the goddess asked.

"You said something was plaguing the land, where do I start, how do I investigate?"

"This isn't something to take lightly, I suppose you know that you'll need to be powerful enough first, but the plague is taking over the wastelands, and it's spreading to the nearby kingdoms"

"Okay, first I need to be strong enough, then the plague, how long do I have to do this?" Lewis asked.

"As long as you need, time runs different there, spending a year there is spending a month in your world, so if you complete the mission in three years, then you spent only three months in coma" the goddess spoke.

"Okay then, I have lots of time to make this right and return back to Earth, with both my legs healed, I can do this, I can do this, just like a video game," Lewis said repeatedly, now that he was leaving he was starting to get nervous.

"Mind you, if you die, then you would also die in your world, and I won't be able to help you" the goddess spoke and increased his nervousness.

"I have one last question, would I be able to level up, in the game leveling up grants me an increase in certain stats, would that also apply?"

"Yes, I would be responsible for that"

"I don't understand?"

"I'm the goddess of this world and I have enough power to go down and destroy the plague myself but I can't interfere with the lives of humans, but you are not from my world, so if you fight your way through I would be able to make little changes to your body like increasing your Mana core, as long as you earned it and your body is strong enough to withstand that amount of power" the goddess explained.

"So right now you have to power to make me the strongest person in your world?"

"Yes, but your body won't be able to withstand the power and would break into pieces when you try to use it, I think your time is up here, try to figure out the rest, try to help people while you are down there," the goddess said and in the next moment light faded from his eyes and his body landed on the ground.