Chapter 24 Training 2

"Are you going to stand up?" she asked and Lewis stood back up.

"So you don't need a weapon to beat me, just know I won't hold back," Lewis said.

"Even if you use your full strength, you still wouldn't be able to land a hit on me" Lillian spoke.

"Okay, now am ready" Lewis spoke as he dashed forward with pace aiming for Lillian.

Lillian sidestepped to the right dodging his attack effortlessly, Lewis on the other hand couldn't control his sword after striking and moved forward, this time Lillian didn't strike back.

Lewis gripped his sword tightly and turned around again, after his first attack he knew she was faster and nimble than him so he wasn't going to put much power into his strike.

Lewis approach slowly this time to see how she would react, but she smiled and also moved backward slowly, Lewis immediately took that as a sign and charged forward but Lillian did the same and before he could attack, she was already in front of him.

Lillian knocked the sword from Lewis's hand and pushed him backward, Lewis dashed forward again and swung his fist aiming for Lillian but she put both her hands forward and block the attack.

"Haaa..." Lewis shouted as he threw punch after punch toward Lillian, but she blocked all his punches.

Lewis moved backward a little and threw a heavy punch aiming at Lillian's stomach but his hands didn't make contact with anything, immediately Lewis looked sun front of him and Lillian wasn't there.

"Huh!! wait...what just..." Lewis quickly turned around and saw Lillian standing behind him.

"Summon your skeleton and train, you obviously have no training in swordsmanship, I'm hungry so I'm going to make something," Lillian said as she walked back to the tent.

"This same thing happened inside the tent, she just disappeared right in front of me, is that a spell, but Alfred said she couldn't even sense Mana, enough about that I should just summon Xavier"

"Come forth Xavier" Lewis muttered and Xavier appeared in front of him.

"I'm back, are we under attack?" Xavier asked as he looked around.

"No, I want you to train me," Lewis said.

"Huh! What did you say–train you, but why? You are a mage so you don't need to learn swordsmanship"

"Alfred wouldn't teach me any spells unless I train my physical strength," Lewis said.

"But that doesn't mean you should train with a sword, before training with a sword you have to train your body first, you are too skinny to be a swordsman," Xavier said.

"Too skinny! I'm average" Lewis shouted.

"Okay then, let's run, try to keep up," Xavier said as he dashed forward.

"Okay," Lewis immediately ran after him with the sword in his hands.

"Where is he running to?" Lillian muttered as she took a peek outside the tent.

"Running, I hope he doesn't go too far, there are powerful beasts in the forest, did you tell him about the barrier?" Alfred asked.

"I didn't, I hope he doesn't get himself killed," Lillian said as he continued what she was doing.

"Aren't you going after him?"

"Why would I go after him, you go after him"

"I'm busy making potions for tomorrow," Alfred said.

"Then we'll leave him be, if he doesn't die then he's lucky or didn't go past the barrier," Lillian said.

"Wait, what about them?" Alfred said and Lillian's eyes widened, immediately she dashed out of the tent.




"Xavier stop, I've had enough" Lewis stopped huffing and panting heavily, he quickly slumped down close to a tree.

"This is the physical training you need before training with a sword," Xavier said as he stood in front of Lewis.

"Don't you get tired?" Lewis asked.

"I can't get tired from running, I only get weak when my bone is scattered, and I return to the underworld when my skull is crushed"

"So if your head is destroyed you'll return, then how long till I would be able to summon you again?"

"I don't know, but it'll take a while for me to regain my strength if my head is crushed, but that won't happen," Xavier said.

"I don't know this forest that well so we should probably head back, I think we've gone far enough," Lewis said.

"Okay, then we run back"

"Arrghh...I'm tired, running is really hard, you know that right?"

"It is, or you are just lazy," Xavier said in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Lewis asked immediately.

"Nothing, I also think we should head back, I'm having a bad feeling about this forest"

"What kind of a skeleton are you, skeletons are undead warriors, they are not supposed to have feelings" Lewis muttered as he and Xavier turned around heading back to the tent.

Both of them heard leaves rustling and quickly turned around toward the sound, Xavier's sword was already in his hands, and Lewis's hands were already stretched forward, his sword was on the ground as both of them looked towards the bushes that were rustling.

A short blade became visible followed by a green-skinned creature with pointy ears.


[Level 5]

[HP: 50/50]

"Goblins, we have to get away from here immediately" Xavier shouted and quickly turned around.

"But before they could take another step, they were already surrounded, Lewis used his eyes to count the goblins surrounding them and they were more than 30.

The mischievous creatures, with their wicked grins and menacing eyes, engaged in a sinister huddle, all of them wielding short daggers ready to tear Lewis apart.