Chapter 25 Band of goblins

"There are a lot of them, we should find an escape plan" Lewis muttered.

"What if you set the place on fire with your spell, that'll cause confusion and then we can navigate our way back," Xavier said.

"How are you so sure the flames won't affect us, and setting the forest on fire might cause a different problem, we should attack then escape, goblins are weak, that's why they attack in numbers"

"Okay then, I'll attack then you run, I'll attack the one blocking the road leading to the tent, in case I get caught just release the spell and resummon me, though I won't last long, I can still fight"

"Okay, I'm ready"

"No matter what, please don't get caught, goblins eat human flesh, so you are definitely going to die if you get caught and I'm also going to die" Xavier spoke.

"Don't worry, I don't think the goblins know I'm a mage"

"They are slowly closing in, we should strike first–now..." Xavier shouted as he charged toward three of the goblins leading back to the tent.

Lewis followed behind and all the goblins dashed towards them, instead of going for Xavier they went for Lewis who was a human, they were planning to make a good meal out of him.

[Projectile Bone]

Xavier fired his sword toward one of the three goblins and it hit it straight in the head killing it immediately, but the goblins were already closing in.

The goblins were faster than Lewis anticipated, he quickly turned around and 15 of them had caught up with him, immediately he shot four fireballs which caught the goblins by surprise.

The fireballs hit 3 of the goblins, killing two and injuring the last one, but more were still running towards them, Lewis gripped the sword in his hands tightly, now that they were too close magic would be really hard to use but he could use the sword.

"Xavier, I think we have no choice" Lewis spoke but go no reply, then he turned around.

Xavier was nowhere to be found, though he had killed a total of 6 goblins, and Lewis killed 3, so he had 21 more goblins to kill.

The goblins slowly surrounded him as he swung his sword around to stop them from advancing close to him.

"Shit, shit... I'm going to die, I'm definitely going to die, what do I do, I'm not good enough to defeat all these goblins with a sword, then I'm going to set the forest on fire" Lewis mumbled to himself.

He moved forward a bit and swung the sword around causing the goblins to move backward then he dropped the sword and stretched his hands forward to cast his spell but before he could, he heard a whizzing sound followed by a sharp pain in his left hand.

[-30 HP]

[Condition: Bleeding]

[Effect: Blood loss]

"Arrghh..." Lewis screamed as one of the goblins shot an arrow at his left hand, the pain was unbearable that he began to cry.

He had never felt pain like that in his entire life, even when he had an accident, he felt no pain, and then a realization hit him, the rest of the goblins with daggers didn't attack him instead they stood close to him with mischievous grins on their face.

The goblins weren't just going to kill him, they were going to have fun while doing it, and that was why the archer didn't aim for his head.

Now they were two goblin archers, both of them with their bows facing toward Lewis as he held his bloodied arm.

"Come forth Xavier" Lewis muttered but nothing happened, "So this is where it all ends, I didn't even get past a day"

Lewis was on his knees as the goblins aimed at him, both of the goblins were aiming at both of his knees as they shot.

[-30 HP]

[-30 HP]

[Condition: Badly bleeding]

[Effect: Lose consciousness after few seconds]

"Arrrghh... argh" Lewis screamed without paying attention to the book hovering in front of him.

Lewis fell on his back, the pain was too unbearable that he couldn't scream anymore, arrows were sticking out from both of his legs and one of his arms.

"So I'm really going to die, I'm really...damn it, I don't want to die, why is life so unfair to me, I thought this was my second chance at life, what kind of luck do I have" Lewis mumbled u see his breath as he struggled to keep his eyes opened.

One of the goblins walked up to him to check if he was still alive, Lewis's eyes were slightly opened as he saw a pair of green legs beside him.

"I don't want to die" Lewis muttered softly, then he heard some sort of language followed by laughter.

[Storage ring]

Lewis touched the storage ring and brought out the necromancy book, his eyes were barely opened so he had no idea what the goblins were planning to do but he didn't care as only one thing was on his mind.

Lewis remembered the goddess telling him that infusing the book with Mana would enable him to unlock new spells, so he was going to do that, he couldn't control his Mana so he was just going to blast the book with fireballs till he unlocked a new spell.

Lewis placed his hands on top of the book and began shooting out fireballs directly into the book, at close range the flames were burning even his hands but he didn't care as he continued shooting the book with flames.


Lewis heard a thud close to his and a goblin was laying there with an arrow sticking out of its head.