Part 6: You're The One, Ian

Zayden stop his car in front of Nathan's house. He wanted to call Nathan, but he stop when he noticed Nathan sleeping soundly next to him. Nathan was fast asleep.

Zayden took the chance to admire Nathan's adorable face. Zayden was not sure why he kept staring at that face. Nathan's eyes and brows have classic beauty. He has a sharp nose. Not even a pimples on that lovely face. Zayden then fixed on the scarlet lips of Nathan. His heart began to beat more rapidly since the lips seemed to be so soft. Zayden then turned to look in another direction. He's worried if he can't control himself.

Zayden put his hand on Nathan shoulder. Nathan's shoulders moved slowly. He hoped that Nathan would wake up.

Zayden: Ian...wake up, Ian. We already arrived at your house.

Nathan open his eyes and he look at Zayden.

Nathan: What time is it now?

Zee: It's 10 pm, Ian.

Nathan: Hah?

Nathan was surprised. He then stood up when he heard the answer from Zayden. Unconsciously, his head hit the roof of the car.

Nathan: Ouch !

Without hesitation, Zayden immediately embraced Nathan's body and caressed his head right away. He caressed Nathan head which was bumped a while ago.

Zayden: Ian...was it hurt?

Nathan still in shocked. Zayden was hugging him? Right now? In his car? In front of his house? What did just happened?

Zayden: Ian...?

Nathan: Err....I just...err...I was shocked because it's getting late. I'm worried my mother will waiting for me. I didn't even tell them that I'll be back home late.

Zayden then let go of Nathan. He look at Nathan.

Zayden: Ian...after this be careful, okay? Understand, Ian?

Nathan nodded. Then, Zayden smile sweetly to him. Wait...did Zayden just smile? OMG, his smile ! He make Nathan's heart tremble !

Zayden: Let's go. I'll send you inside.

Nathan: It's okay, Zayden. You can go back home because it's already late.

Zayden: It's okay. There are a lot of things you brought earlier. So, I can help you to bring them inside.

Nathan: Ahh...I forgot that I did bring them home.

Yes, Nathan bring back all of the trophy and certificate from the old music room because he need to clear the room before use it. He didn't know where to put them so that's why he brought them to his house.

Nathan and Zayden took several boxes containing certificates and trophies from the back seat. Then, they stepped into Nathan's house. Nathan rang the house bell. Nathan's mother looked a little surprised when she saw Zayden who was next to her son. She look at Nathan, as if she need an explanation from Nathan.

Nathan: Ma...

Ma: Ian? Why you didn't tell me that you are going home late? Hmm? I was worried.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Ma. I forgot to tell you because I was busy all day along. (While hug his mother)

Zayden, who saw the warmth between them smiled. Their relationship seems really close and full of love. Zayden suddenly misses her late mother when he saw Nathan's mother.

Nathan: Ma...this is Zayden.

Zayden: Sawadeekrub, auntie. (While smiling and bow his body a little)

Ma: are you?

Zayden: I'm fine, auntie.

Ma: Glad to hear that. Come in, Zayden.

(They enter the house)

Ma: Have a sit, Zayden. I'll make some hot coffee for you. What a cold night, right?

Zayden: It's okay, auntie. I'm okay.

Ma: It's okay. Ian, come with me. I want you to help me.

Zayden take a sit on the sofa. Nathan turn his head to Zayden.

Nathan: I need to help my mother so you wait here first. I'll be back. (He smile to Zayden)

Zayden: Alright.

Nathan leave the living room and walks to the kitchen. He saw his mother was busy preparing for a coffee. Nathan then stand beside his mother.

Nathan: What can I help you, Ma?

Ma: Ian...

Nathan: Hmmm?

Ma: You are so fast. I just talked about you bring him to our house and you already bring him today? How can you do that? Hmmm?

Nathan: Ma...don't tell me you just want to talk about this?

His mother looking at him.

Ma: How? Hmmm?

Nathan: Yesterday, when I had a dinner with his grandma...I saw him walked in the rain. He looked terrible and sad. So, I help him and...

Ma: and?

Nathan: And he told me that he need me.

Ma: So...this is the reason why you didn't went back home last night?

Nathan nodded.

Suddenly, he hear someone's step. Nathan take a look and he saw Zayden at the kitchen.

Nathan: Zayden? Do you need anything?

Zayden: Err...can you tell me where is the toilet?

Nathan: Ohh...did you see the door? The toilet is there. (Nathan told him the toilet is beside the kitchen)

Zayden: Thanks, Ian. (He then go straight to the kitchen)

Ma: Ian? He called you Ian?

Nathan: I don't know why but he called me Ian from the first time we met.

Ma: It's weird but the name is kind a cute or....

Nathan: Or?

Ma: He already fell for you?

Nathan: Nonsense, Ma.

Ma: By the way, that slept with him? (Nathan laugh when his mother still want to talk about the same thing)

Nathan nodded.

Ma: On the same bed?

Nathan nodded again.

Ma: Then...?

Nathan: are teasing me ! Nothing happened, Ma.

Ma: Can I trust you? You really love him. I don't think you can control yourself when you are with him.

Nathan: Ma...nothing happened. You making me shy, ma !

Then, his mother just laugh. Nathan then leave his mother at the kitchen.

Ma: Ian, where are you going? Are you this shy?

Nathan: Ma !

Nathan walk to the living room. He saw Zayden was sitting there while looking around the house. Nathan then take a sit beside Zayden. Zayden smile when he saw Nathan but there are no word between them. Actually Nathan are still awkward when Zayden asked him whether he just love the eyes or the owner as well.


Zayden: You really love my eyes? (Nathan nodded)

Nathan: They are my favorite part of you.

Zayden: How about the owner?

Nathan was too stunned to speak. He didn't know that Zayden will asking him with that question. He clear his throat and looked away.

Nathan: Er...Zayden...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: It's already late. I think we should going home. I'm afraid that the gate will be close.

Zayden: Nathan...

Nathan stood up from the chair and he took some boxes. He put the trophies and certificates inside the book.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: need to bring them home with me because I need to clear this room.

Zayden: Do you need my help?

Nathan was shocked when he saw Zayden already stand beside him. He's so close until he can felt Zayden's breath. He tried to be calm and act cool.

Nathan: Er...of course.

End of the flashback...

Nathan's mother came from the kitchen with two glasses of hot coffee and placed them on the table. Then, he sat in front of Zayden.

Ma: Nah...this is a special hot coffee for you, Zayden. Have a sip !

Zayden: Thank you, auntie. (Zayden drinks the coffee)

Nathan: How? Was it good?

Zayden: Wow ! This is good !

Nathan: Actually my mother opened a cafe in front of our university. So, you can come when you need a coffee. It's mother's coffee.

Ma: You can come with Ian too, Zayden.

Nathan: Yes, sure. (He look at his mother. He know his mother is teasing him)

At Nathan's room:

Nathan took a glance at the three boxes they'd been brought earlier. He thought for a moment and placed his index finger on his chin.

Nathan: Hmm...should I arrange them tonight or tomorrow? and...where should I put them?

Unconsciously, Zayden grinned at Nathan's behavior. He was talking to himself in a tiny voice. He's so cute !

Nathan: Zayden...

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: Where should I put them? Can you help me?

Zayden starts to look around Nathan's room.

Zayden: Why don't we put them there? (Zayden looking at the top of the book shelf)

Nathan: But it is too high. I can't reach them.

Zayden: It's okay. You help to pass them to me and I'll put them there. Okay?

Nathan: Alright, Zayden.

While they were busy arrange the trophies and certificates, they have a chit chat together.

Zayden: Seems like you really love music. You have many types of genre of CD.

Nathan: I really love music since I was a child. When I am sad or angry, I'll listen to music and singing along. So, my heart will be at ease. How about you, Zayden? What did you do when you are sad?

Zayden: I'll visit my mom and talk to her. I will tell her everything about my problems even I know she was not here with me but I know his heart always in me.

Nathan: So...that's why you went to visit your mother yesterday?

Zayden: Hmm

Nathan: Do you have problem, Zayden?

Zayden take a deep breath.

Nathan: I'm sorry.

Zayden stop from arrange the trophies and certificates. He sit on the chair and look at Nathan's eyes while Nathan stand in front of him.

Zayden: Why? You didn't do any wrongs.

Nathan: I'm sorry for asking.

Zayden: It's okay. You can just ask anything about me.

Nathan: Is anything bother you?

Zayden: It's about me and my father. We didn't have a good term. We always argue with each other. He never support me about my dream. He don't like it when I said I want to be an international basketball player. He want me to become the CEO of his company.

Nathan: Maybe he want the best thing for you?

Zayden: But this is the best thing I've done. I like to play basketball.

Nathan: Why don't you prove to him that a basketball player also can be a successful?

Zayden: He never give me a chance, Ian.

Nathan: Actually, I really adore you because you are great at both academic and sport. You are still become one of the top student even you always busy practicing for your basketball team. You are really excellent. Plus, you are very popular among the students. The girls and boys always try to flirt with you! How can you do that? I want someone to flirt with me too ! Can you share the tips?

Zayden: You make me shy, Ian. (Zayden laugh)

Nathan look at Zayden when he was laughing. This is the first time he heard Zayden's laugh. He look so happy. When he was laughing, his eyes follows too. Without realize that Nathan also smile when he saw Zayden's laughing.

Nathan: You look more handsome when you are laughing. Why you hid that laugh, Zayden?

Zayden: ..... (He look at Nathan)

Nathan: Zayden...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Live a happy life...because there are many ways for us to be stressed or disappointed and then we feel like why life is so sad? but honestly we were not born for such things, do you understand? We are born to live. Every second, every minute, every hour and every day of us should be happy. If we are suffering, we should deal with it and then we put it on and let it go, and have a better life. It's also in our mind set how to be happy at our lives.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: If you can't be happy today, you still can be happy when tomorrow comes. You still can find them.

Zayden: What if I can't find them?

Nathan take Zayden's hand and hold them tightly. Then, he look into Zayden's eye with a deep eyes.

Nathan: If you don't mind, can I be your happiness? I will try to make you happy every second, every minute, every hour and everyday.

Zayden's: What if you are tired?

Nathan: Why should I tired when I am the one who volunteer myself? If I'm tired, I can take a rest but I will never stop. I want the old Zayden Evander.

Nathan smile to Zayden and same as Zayden. He love that adorable smile of Nathan. He never bored looking at them but instead of he feel happy. Nathan never forgot to give him motivation. He should move on and find his happiness. He can't just stay like this !

Zayden look at their hand. Their hand locked together. He don't know why but he was happy. It's beautiful.

Zayden: Ian... you haven't answered me.

Nathan You said you love my about the owner?

Nathan look into Zayden's eyes.

Nathan: Do I need to love the owner too? (Nathan smile)

Zayden: Will you?

Nathan: You are teasing me, Zayden !

Zayden smile and he embraced Nathan with his hug. Nathan was shock but he just act cool. He replied Zayden's hug.

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Nathan: Welcome, Zayden. Say thank you to yourself too because you've opened your heart.

'Ma...thanks for sending me him'. Monologue Zayden.