Part 7: Can You Love Me More ?

7 am in the morning

Zayden stepped out of the car and walked towards the classroom. Today he has morning class for 3 hours.

Zayden then enter the class hall. He saw Matthew and take a sit beside him. He put his bag on the table as soon as he sit. Matthew turn his head and look at his friend.

Matthew: What's up bro.

Zayden: You came to the class before me. Usually, you come after the lecture come in.

Matthew: Nolio have a morning class so that's why I came earlier today.

Zayden: So?

Matthew: His car was at the mechanics so he come with me.

Zayden suddenly thought about Nathan. He haven't see Nathan since last week. At campus, they barely meet each other. Maybe they are too busy studying because the final exam is coming soon.

Zayden: Matthew, did you see Nathan this morning?

Matthew: No...why did you ask about him?

Zayden: None of your business !

Matthew: You are acting weird, Zayden. Is there something I didn't know?

Zayden: ....

Matthew: Wait...don't tell me...

Zayden: What?

Matthew: There are something between you and him?

Zayden: You are just talking nonsense !

Suddenly Zayden's phone is ringing.

Zayden: Hello, Ian.

Nathan: Good morning, Zayden !

Zayden smile when he heard Nathan's voice. His voice is really make his day. Matthew take a look at his friend and seems like his friend was happy.

Zayden: Good morning, Ian. Why did you call me?

Nathan: Can you come to my mom's cafe this evening?

Zayden: Why?

Nathan: Er...Ma said he make some cake so she want us to taste them. Actually, it is the new cake made by my mom. She said she want some comment from us whether it is delicious or not.

Zayden: Ahhh I see. Okey, later I'll call you.

Nathan: Okay, Zayden. Er...Zayden...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Err...good luck for today's class, Zayden !

Zayden smile automatically when he heard Nathan's adorable voice.

Zayden: You too, Ian.

Nathan: Bye, Zayden. Don't forget to smile !

Zayden end the call and put his phone on the table. He's still smiling. Zayden didn't realize that Matthew keep looking at him.

Matthew: Who is calling?

Zayden: None of your business.

Matthew: Weird...I've never seen you smile like that for these past 2 years.

Zayden: ...

Matthew: Is it Nathan ?

Zayden: Shhh...the class will be begin.

Matthew looked at Zayden's face. He really wondered who had made Zayden smile like that. Since her mother's death, Zayden had never smiled so happily. This was the first time he had seen him like that.

At the Coach Park's office...

Coach Park: Have a sit, Zayden.

Zayden sit on the chair in front of Coach Park.

Coach Park: Why you didn't come for practice? You missed our practice for a week.

Zayden confuse about what his couch talking about.

Zayden: What do you mean, coach? You told me that if I didn't send the form on last Monday, means that I'll not join the tournament.

Coach park: Yes, that's right.

Zayden: My father didn't want me to join so he didn't sign the form.

Coach Park: Who said that?

Zayden: Hmm?

Coach Park: This evening I want you to join the practice.

Zayden still confuse.

Zayden: What do you mean, couch?

Zayden saw his couch take a piece of paper from the drawer and put it in front of him.

Coach Park: Your father came to meet me last week on Monday. He gave me this form. At first I was shocked because he said he want to return the form and he will never sign it. He told me to kick you out from the team.

Zayden: ...

Coach Park: But...I show all of your achievement in basketball. I show him all of your trophies and certificates. I want him to know that you are very success being a basketball player. Not only that, I also show him your achievement in academics. I told him that he really lucky to have such a great son like you, Zayden. Then, he started to realize. He said that he feel sorry for not supporting your dream. He feels guilty for everything he has done to you.

Zayden take a deep breath. Since he have a fight with his father, he didn't go back home. He stay at his condo. Coach Park look up at Zayden and look into his eyes.

Couch Park: Now, you must prove to him that you can be a successful person. Don't waste the chance that he gave you and I'm very sure that you can do more than this.

Zayden: I'm sorry, couch for troubling you about my family matters.

Coach Park: It's okay. I understand. So, don't forget to thanks your father. After all what he did to you in the past, he's still your father.

Zayden: Thank you, couch. I will try my best.

Coach Park: I'm happy that your father start to supporting your dream. When he told me he won't sign your form, I was very sad because our team might lose a great player like you. Luckily, I've make your father to open up.

Zayden: Thank you, coach. I'm happy to have a good coach like you. (Zayden smile)

Nathan's POV:

Nathan stepped into his mother's cafe. He put his bag and books on the table at the counter. Then, he searching for his mother in the kitchen. He saw his mother was busy preparing for something.

Nathan: Hi, Ma ! (He hugs his mother)

Ma: Ian ? You have finished your class?

Nathan nodded.

Ma: Where is Zayden?

Nathan: Ma...who is your son right now? Why you keep searching for him? Seems like you really miss him.

His mother turn back and look at Nathan. She take Nathan's hand and hold them tightly.

Ma: It's you. You are the one who miss him, Ian.

Nathan: ....

Ma: When did the last time you meet him?

Nathan: Last week...the day he came to our house.

Ma: ...and the next day you keep on looking at your phone. Seems like you was waiting for his call? You also always talked about him at home.

Nathan: did you know?

Ma: I'm your mother, Ian. You are being so obvious.

Nathan: I didn't want to disturb him because I know the final exam is coming up.

Ma: Don't worry. This is the reason why I told you to take him with you to my cafe.

Nathan: Ma...again?

Ma: Well, it's true that I want both of you to taste my new cake but at the same time I have my own plan. So that both of you can meet.

Nathan: are really a shipper.

Ma: I'll love what my son loves.

Suddenly, the bell at the counter was ringing means that they have a customer.

Nathan: I'll go, Ma.

He walked to the counter. Nathan was surprised when he saw Zayden's there. As far as he knows it is still too early. Why did Zayden come early?

Nathan: Zayden? You are already here?

Zayden smile sweetly to him. It's so refreshing to see Nathan's face. He don't know why but he is happy.

Zayden: I have practice this evening so I came earlier.

Nathan: Really? Can Ian go with Hia? I also want to play basketball with Hia.

Zayden confuse. Hia? Who is Hia?

Zayden: Hia? Who is that?

Nathan get closer to Zayden and look at his face.

Nathan: I have Chinese class this morning. I learned about the word Hia means brother but it feels like we are really close if I use them.

Zayden: Really?

Nathan nodded and smile.

Nathan: Can I call you Hia? (Nathan look at Zayden with his doe eyes)

Zayden: Ian...why are you so cute?

Nathan: Hmmm? (Nathan seems a little confuse)

Zayden: You can call me with anything. I don't mind.

Nathan: Okey, I'll call you Hia.

Nathan still looking at Zayden when Zayden take a sit at the chair while waiting. Zayden realized that Nathan was looking at him but he just act cool.

Nathan: Hia... (Nathan calling Zayden with an adorable voice)

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: ....

Nathan then laugh.

Nathan: Hia...Hia...Hiaa...

That time Zayden was too stunned to speak. He just can't with Nathan's cuteness. He try to hold his feeling. He need to control himself. If not, he really want to hug Nathan. Day by day Nathan is just too cute until he failed to control himself sometimes.

At the basketball court...

Throughout practice, Nathan just sat in the audience watching Zayden play basketball. He really admires Zayden when he plays basketball. He is really a great player. No wonder why he's the captain of the team.

Nathan saw Zayden was walking towards him. Net and Max join him too. Then, Zayden take a sit beside him.

Nathan: Did Hia done with the training?

Zayden: Today's training ends early because the couch have something important to do. Why did Ian still here? It's 8 pm already.

Nathan: It's okay, Hia. Ian just wanted to watch your training.

Zayden smile to Nathan. Nami and Matthew looking at each other. There are many things they want to ask Zayden.

Nathan: Hia want some water?

Zayden nodded. Nathan then give Zayden a mineral water.

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Nami: Ehem ! Ehem !

Zayden: Oh...Ian...this is my friend, Nami and Matthew

Nathan: Hello, Matthew, Nami.

Nami and Matthew: Hello, Nathan.

Matthew: What are you doing here? Where is your friend?

Nathan smile. He know Matthew was searching for his Nolio.

Nathan: Nat still at the library. He said he's waiting you there.

Matthew: Oh...I forgot. I'll leave now. Bye ! (Matthew leave)

Nami: I think I need to go too. My boyfriend is waiting for me.

Nami move closer to Zayden and whisper, "I will claim the story later."

Nami: Bye, Nathan. (Nami leave)

Nathan look at Zayden.

Nathan: Hia, are you tired ?

Zayden: A little bit. Why, Ian ?

Nathan: I want to try to play the basketball. Can Hia teach me how to play?

Zayden: You are too cute until I can't refuse to teach you. Let's go, Ian !

Zayden already stand up. He offer his hand to Nathan and they hold hand while walk to the center of the court.

At first Nathan couldn't score. After being taught by Zayden many times, he finally able to score a goal. The two of them were playing together until they didn't realize that it was getting late at night. They play very happily. They laughed and smiled together. At that time they both seemed to be in their own world.

Nathan looked at Zayden's laughing face. He could see the happiness in Zayden's. Don't know why but he was moved to see him laughing and smiling like that.

They stop playing and decided to lay on the court. They lay side by side while looking at the moon. The moon is so beautiful because it have a star beside it.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden turn his head and look at Nathan.

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan didn't talk but he just look into Zayden's eyes. He can't stop looking at Zayden's eyes. They made eye contact.

Zayden: Why are you looking at me like that, Ian? Seems like Hia is more interesting to look at more than the beautiful moon.

Nathan: That's right. Hia's eyes is more interesting.

Zayden laugh and he look at the moon.

Zayden: I'm shy, Ian. ( Nathan just smile when he heard what Zayden said)

They both then looking at the moon together. It's so calm.

Nathan: Hia...

Quiet. Zayden didn't answer Nathan. Then, Nathan turn his head to looking at Zayden. He's smile as soon as he saw Zayden already fell asleep. He want to wake him up but then he stop. Maybe Zayden was really tired. He will give some time to Zayden to take a rest and sleep. Then Nathan continue to looking at the moon.

Nathan: Hia...

Nathan: I remember when the first time I met's still valid until now. At that time I was recording a music video for my assignment as a member of the music club. I need to make a video to promote the music club. I was taking a video in a park near the campus. I was busy with the camera until suddenly there was a face in my recording. That person is you, Hia. At that time Hia also looked at the camera and I zoomed in on your face. I fell in love with your beautiful eyes. Your eyes are very beautiful and your eyelashes are long. Your eyes are very deep. I've never seen a beautiful eyes like yours. Since then, every day I always remember the look in your eyes. I looked for the owner of those eyes until I found you. Since then, I've always watched you from afar.

Nathan stop for a while. Then, he look at Zayden.

Nathan: I adore you. I admire you. I like you.

Suddenly, Zayden opened his eyes. Nathan was very shocked. Did Zayden heard everything he said just now?

Zayden: Tell me more.

Nathan: I love you, Hia.

Zayden: Since when?

Nathan: I love you since yesterday, today and I will love you when tomorrow comes too.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: Do you want to know something?

Nathan: What is it, Hia?

Zayden got up and sit same with Nathan too. Nathan was surprised when Zayden take his hand and hold his hand tightly. They looking at each other's eyes.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: ....

Zayden: For are a gift to me, Ian. A beautiful gift. Since I was born, I have never met a person as cute as you. Everything about you is so cute. The way you talk makes everyone fall in love especially your voice...they are so soft and adorable.

Nathan: Have you fallen in love with me, Hia?

Zayden: ....

Nathan sighed when Zayden was quiet as he heard Nathan's question. Will he have the chance to make Zayden fall in love with him? Or Zayden is just comfortable with him?

Nathan: Er...Hia...I think we need to go back. The gate will be closed soon.

Nathan stand up and he's about to go but suddenly Zayden grab his wrist until Nathan lose his balance and now he sat on Zayden's thigh. Their face was really close to each other until they can feel their breath.

Zayden: Can you love me more, Ian?

Nathan: I will, Hia.

Zayden look at Nathan's eyes. Then, he look at Nathan's lips. They are so red and soft. Zayden swallowed as soon as his eyes stuck at Nathan's lips. He want to taste that lips so bad. Nathan realized Zayden was looking at his lips too.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Ian...can I? (While his hand touch Nathan's lips)

Nathan: Hia...I...

Nathan can't continue his word when Zayden suddenly grabbed his cheeks and he placed his lips on Nathan's lips. Nathan replied Zayden's kiss. Zayden put his hand on Nathan's waist. They are in their own world. They can't control themself. Nathan gasped slightly as Zayden plunges his tongue inside Nathan's mouth. He's really sucking Nathan's tongue. Nathan's moan a little. Zayden grabbed Nathan in by the waist as his arm wrapped Zayden's neck.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Ian miss Hia.

Zayden: ...

Nathan: Ian really miss Hia ...

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Hia didn't miss Ian?

Zayden smile and kiss on Nathan's cheeks.

Zayden: How can I didn't miss you, Ian? I miss you everyday, Ian. I didn't hear your voice and see your cute face for a week. I miss you until I feel like I want to die.

Nathan: You are being exaggerated, Hia ! (Then Zayden laugh)

Nathan look inside Zayden's eyes. Zayden placed his lips on Nathan's again. Without Nathan realized, he was kissing Zayden with the tears. He don't know why but he feel very happy. Finally, he can confesses his love to Zayden after 2 years he's just crushing on him.