Part 8: The Wound

Zayden stepped into the house while carrying a box containing a cake. It's a cake made by Nathan's mother. Nathan's mother asked him to take the cake home to eat with his grandmother and father.

Zayden: I'm home !

No one was home at that time. Her grandmother may be asleep right now. His father may still be in the office. This is how he spends his days. When he returned home no one was waiting for his return. That's why, he rarely comes home and only stays in his condominium. But today he decide to go back home because he miss his grandma.

He walk to the kitchen and put the cake inside the refrigerator. Then he went up towards his grandmother's bedroom. He opened the door slowly because he was worried that he wake up his grandmother. He then sit on the bed beside his grandma.

He look at his grandma's face. She was fast asleep. He really miss his grandma.

Zayden: Grandma...

Zayden: I miss you...

He looked at the clock. it's 11 pm. After sending Nathan home, he stopped for a while at the pharmacy to buy some medicine for his grandmother. His grandmother called him this afternoon to tell him that his medicine was almost finished.

Before leave the room, Zayden put the medicines on the table. Then, he placed a kiss on his grandma's forehead.

Zayden: Goodnight, grandma. I love you...

Nathan's POV:

Nathan: I'm home, Ma ! Pa !

Pa: Ian? Why are you so late?

Nathan: Err...I was playing basketball. That's why I'm late. I'm sorry for not telling you.

Pa: It's okay but next time please tell me or Ma. Do not make us worried.

Nathan: Alright, Pa.

Pa: Did you have your dinner yet?

Nathan: Already, Pa.

Pa: Then, take bath and rest, Ian.

Nathan: Alright, Pa.

Before he leave, he hugs his father and said, "Goodnight, Pa."

Nathan walk towards his bedroom. It took him 15 minutes to shower. After finished showering, he then lay on the bed. He was tired after playing basketball with Zayden earlier.

Suddenly the incident hit his mind. He didn't expect that Zayden kissed his lips. He was really surprised. Is Zayden really fell in love with him? When he remembering his first kiss with Zayden, he smiled. Seems like he really in love !

*someone knocking the door*

Ma: Can I come in, Ian?

Nathan: Yes, Ma !

Nathan's mother open the door and she walk toward Nathan's bed. Then, she sit on the bed beside her son. Nathan smile sweetly to his mother.

Ma: look so happy, Ian. What happened today? Did I missed something?

Nathan: Ma... what do you mean?

Ma: That's different. Seems like something happened that can make you smile so brightly, Ian.

Nathan: It's nothing, Ma !

Ma: Are you sure, Nathan Ian? I heard you went back home because you was playing basketball. Since when you are playing basketball, Ian? Hmm? (His mother look at him)

Nathan: ...

Ma: With Hia? (Nathan nodded and his mother smile)

Nathan look at his mother. Should he tell his mother? He never keep a secret from his mother. He always telling his mother about everything.

Nathan: Ma...I confessed my feeling towards Hia.

Ma: Really? (His mother shocked)

Nathan: I didn't plan to confess to him but...yeah I confessed my love.

Ma: Then? What did he said?

His mother get closer to Nathan. Seems like his mother really excited to know Zayden's reaction.

Nathan: are so excited.

Ma: Of course !

Nathan: Hia...

Ma: Hia...? (His mother waiting for Nathan to continues his word)

Nathan: Hia....Hia kissed me.

Ma: What? Really? Ian?

Nathan nodded. He look down because he was shy after telling his mother about it.

Nathan: But, Ma...

Ma: There is a but, Ian?

Nathan sighed.

Nathan: I've noticed something. When I said I love him, he didn't answered me directly. Seems like he's still confused. I don't know how to say...hmmm did you understand what did I said, Ma?

His mother look at Nathan.

Ma: Ian, listen. I think it's too early for him to reply your love, Ian.

Nathan seems sad when he heard his mother's word.

Nathan: That's mean he didn't love me? Then, why did he kissed me, Ma? I don't understand.

Ma: Like what I said just now, maybe it's too early for him but I can see the love from his eyes. When he looked at you, his eyes looked happy. Sooner or later, I'm sure that he will love you as much as you love him. Just give him a chance to figure it out, Ian. maybe he didn't want to disappointed you?

Nathan: ...

Ma: Don't be too rush in a relationship. I didn't want you to be too rush like what you did a year ago. You are just wasting your time, Ian.

Nathan: Alright, Ma.

Ma: You are handsome and beautiful yet adorable. How can he didn't fall in love with my son? Hmm?

Nathan laughing when he heard his mother praised him.

Ma: the way, I haven't heard you talks about Park in a long time. How was he?

Nathan: I don't know too, Ma. Since we broke up, I haven't meet him. Plus, he's already change to another university.

Ma: Ahhh...I see.

Suddenly, someone calling Nathan. He take his phone and answered the call. It's from Zayden.

Zayden: Hello, Ian. What are you doing?

Nathan: I'm going to sleep, Hia. How about you? Why did you call me?

Zayden: Hia miss Ian.

Nathan: Hia.... (Nathan smile)

Zayden: I'm going to sleep too but I can't sleep.

Nathan: Hmmm? Why, Hia? Hia want Ian to accompany you until you sleep?

Zayden: It's okay, Ian. I Know you are tired. Take a rest na, Ian. Have a good night. See you tomorrow.

Nathan: Alright, Hia. Goodnight, Hia.

Nathan put his phone on the table.

Ma: Is it Zayden? (Nathan nodded)

Ma: What did he said?

Nathan: He asked me what am I doing.

Ma: See? He want to know everything about you did, Ian. He cares about you. So, don't think too much.

Zayden's POV:

Zayden and his friends are in a bar. Tonight they will celebrate their first win in the basketball tournament. Their team is eligible to enter the country's international list.

Zayden: Congratulation, guys ! Tonight I want you guys to enjoy and don't worry...I'll pay everything. Just order and enjoy !

Nami: I'm lucky to have you as my best friend, Zayden. Guys, enjoy !

They order some bottles of alcohol and wine. They enjoy until late at night.

Matthew: Don't drink too much, Zayden. I'm worried that you can't take care of your mom if you are this drunk. Plus you father is on outstation.

Zayden turn his head to Matthew and smile.

Zayden: Don't worry. This is Zayden. (Then he drink his wine)

Zayden keep on drinking the wine. He seems so drunk that night. Matthew tried to stop his friend.

Matthew: Zayden, enough. You are drinking too much !

Zayden: Hey, Matthew. I'm okay and I am not drunk yet. Don't worry.

Matthew: How can you tell me you are no drunk yet? Please, Zayden. You need to stop.

Zayden: Calm down, man. We must celebrate this tonight.

Matthew sighed. Suddenly his phone is ringing. Zayden's mother is calling.

Matthew: Hello, auntie.

Zayden's mother: Hello, Matthew. Where is Zayden? I tried to call him but he didn't pick up. You are with him, right?

Matthew: Yes, auntie. He's next to me. What do you want, auntie?

Zayden's mother: Can you tell him to go back home right now? I'm not feeling well. I think I need to go to the hospital. My head is hurt.

Matthew: Are you okay, auntie?

Zayden's mother: I'm okay. It is just my head...but it's hurt so much.

Matthew: I'll tell Zayden. Please wait for a while, auntie.

Zayden's mother: Please make it quick, Matthew. It's hurt so much.

Matthew: Alright, auntie.

Matthew ended the call and he look at Zayden. Zayden was about to drink but then Matthew took the glass away from Zayden.

Zayden: Matthew, what is this?

Matthew: You need to go home right now. Your mother is waiting for you. She said his head hurt so much. She need you to send him to the hospital right now.

Zayden: Hah? Are you serious?

Matthew: Looks like I am kidding?

Zayden take his bag and car's key.

Matthew: Wait, Zayden. Are you sure you still can drive? You are not drunk right?

Zayden: I'm a little bit drunk but it's okay. I can still drive. (Zayden leave)

Zayden got into his car and drove towards the highway. Tt took him half an hour to reach his house. He was driving quite fast at that time. He tried to hold back his headache because of the alcohol. At that time, he's only thinking about his mother's condition. He arrives at a traffic light and the light is red. Zayden immediately accelerated his car because at that time there were no cars passing by. Suddenly, without him realizing it, a vehicle sped towards him. He didn't have time to hit the car brake. The car he was driving crashed on the side of the road.

In about 10 minutes, an ambulance came and took him to the hospital. The accident was pretty bad. His head was bleeding and there were many wounds on his body. His left leg was broken.

It took 2 hours for Zayden to wake up. When he woke up, he realized he was in the hospital. He saw Matthew and Nami looking at him.

Zayden: How can I be here?

Matthew: You was accident on your way to your house.

Zayden: On my way to my house? (Zayden tried to recall back)

Zayden: Ma ! I'm on my way to see my mother !

Matthew and Nami looking at each other.

Zayden: Matthew, where is my mother? You did send him to the hospital when I was accident, right?

Matthew still quiet. Nami too.

Zayden: Matthew? You did, right ?

Nami: Zayden...I hope you are strong.

Zayden still confuse.

Zayden: What are you talking about? I'm just okay. Nothing happened to me. See?

Matthew:'s about your mother.

Zayden: My mother? What happened to her? Please tell me.

Matthew look at Zayden.

Matthew: Your mother was gone, Zayden. She have tumors cancer at stage 4 and she was died when she collapse in the house.

Zayden get up from the bed. He looking at Matthew an Nami.


Matthew: I hope you are strong. You need to accept that your mother was dead, Zee.


Then he look at Nami.


Matthew failed to stay cool but to cry. It sad to see his friend's condition at that time. He know Zayden really love his mother. His mother is his number 1 supporter but now she's gone already. Matthew walk closer to Zayden and he hug his body.

Matthew: Be strong, Zayden.

Zayden was crying out loud. He can't believe that his mother already gone. He can't even meet his mother for the last time. At that time, he feels like everything is nothing to him. He's messing up already.

Zayden get up from the bed and he tried to walk but he failed. He fell on the floor because his leg is hurt. He hit his leg while crying.

Zayden: I want to see my mother.

Nami: Please calm down, Zayden.

Zayden: My mother's died because of me, right?

Matthew: Don't be nonsense, Zayden!

Zayden: LEAVE ME ALONE !!!

Zayden open his eyes. He take a deep breath. It was a dream about 2 years ago.

And...he's crying. He always dreaming about 2 years ago, made he felt more guilty. He wipes his tears.

Without Zayden realized, someone was looking at him from a far. It's Mr. Pwen, his father. His father just arrived at home. He heard Zayden's crying when he was about to enter his bedroom. That's why he decided to check on his son. He know Zayden always having a bad dream about the incident 2 years ago. It was his fault too because he keep on blaming his son.

Mr. Pwen: I'm sorry, Zayden.