Part 9: I Miss You, Hia

Nathan look at his his watch. It's 9 am in the morning. He still have 2 hours before the registration for music club start. He walk to his class. He have his mandarin class until 11.30 am. He sit on the chair as soon as he enter the class. Then, he try to call Yoshi, the vise president of music club.

Nathan: Hello, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Hello, Nathan. Why did you call me?

Nathan: About the registration, did you done with the preparation?

Yoshi: Everything is okay. No need to worry. I've prepare the form too. So, everything is done.

Nathan: Thank you, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Welcome, Nathan.

Nathan: By the way, can you help me to take over the registration first? I have a class right now and maybe I'll finish about 11.30. After the class end, I'll go there right away.

Yoshi: Okey. I'll handle them. Don't worry.

Nathan: Thank you, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Welcome.

Nathan put his phone on the table. He take a look around the class for a while. Suddenly, he saw Matthew outside the class. He's alone. No Zayden beside him. Usually, they are always together but not today. As he knew, Zayden and Matthew are in the same class.

Lecture: Good morning, class ! How are you today?

Nathan turn his head to look at the lecturer in front of the class. He's about to call Zayden but he need to focus first. His lecturer don't like the student playing with their phone during class.

After the class ended, Nathan immediately go to the registration hall. He was very shock when he saw many student were there, come for the registration. He didn't expect many student want to join his club during this semester.

Nathan: Yoshi !

Yoshi was talking with one of the music club member.

Yoshi: Nathan? You said your class finish at 11.30?

Nathan: The class ended earlier today because the lecturer need to join a meeting at other campus.

Yoshi: Ohh...I see.

Nathan: How about the registration? Everything is good right?

Yoshi: Yes, everything are well-planned but there are still some student who wanted to join our club..

Nathan: How much?

Yoshi: Around 10 members?

Nathan: Hmmm...I've limited the registration to 70 people only because we didn't have enough instrument and we only have 2 room for the club.

Yoshi: That's right. I've told them that our club only limited to 70 people but they refused. They still want to join our club. What should we do?

Nathan: we have a mic right now?

Yoshi: Over there.

Nathan and Yoshi walk to the in front of the hall. Nathan took the mic and stand in front.

Nathan: Hello, everyone !!! I am Nathan Ian. (while smiling to the other students)

As soon as Nathan talk, all of the eyes were focus on him. The students start to whisper to each other.

"He's the club president, right?"

"Yes, his name is Nathan Ian"

"Oho...he's so beautiful"

"No...he's so handsome"

"That's why many student want to join his club. It's because of him"

"Look...he's so cute!"

Nathan: How are you, guys? I saw many student came today. Did you guys really love my club?

Suddenly one of the student reply, "We love you, Nathan !"

Nathan smile and laughing so hard when the student's answered.

"Oho...look at him ! He's so cute and bubbly !"

"I really want to pinch them his cheeks !"

"His voice is addicted too"

Nathan: Hmm...first, I want to say sorry because our club can't receive any members anymore. We've limited the registration until 70 peoples only.

The student start to make a sound. Seems like the are disappointed.

Nathan: But...

The students quiet. They focused on him.

Nathan: I'll open the registration only for 2 people. But...

One of the student say, "There are so many but, Nathan !"

Nathan smile.

Nathan: These two people need to show their talent in front of me right now. I want you to sing a Chinese song. If you want then you can come to the front.

"Chinese song?"

"I don't even know how to sing Thai song"

"I'm sad...I didn't know how to sing but I want to be in the same club with Nathan."

Nathan: Anyone?

No one come to the front.

Nathan: No one? This is the last chance...

"I volunteer myself !"

Suddenly someone come to the front. Nathan was very shock as soon as he saw the student who volunteer himself. He can't believe what he saw at that time.

Nathan: Park?

Park: Can I try?

Nathan: Of course !

Park walk closer to Nathan and stand beside him. He's facing the audiences.

Nathan: How can you be here, Park? (Nathan whisper to Park)

Park: Can we talk later?

Nathan: Alright...

Park take the mic from Nathan.

Park: Today, I'll sing Unbreakable Love by Jay Chou but I'll sing the chorus part only.

Park is ready to sing. All of the students now focus on him. He sing the song from Jay Chou, Unbreakable Love. All of the student were impressed by his voice. It's calming and soft. Nathan was smiling sweetly when he saw Park sang his favorite song.

Park: How was it Mr President? (Park look at Nathan)

Nathan: Hmm...what do you think, guys? Did he pass? Do you love his voice? (Nathan ask the audience)

"Yes !!!"

Nathan: Okey, I'll give him a pass. Congratulation, Park ! Now you are officially become the member of our music club.

After the registration ended...

After the registration, Nathan have a talk with Park at the hall. They stay there for a while. Both of them sit on the chair.

Park: How are you, Nathan?

Nathan: I'm fine. How about you? And what are you doing here?

Park smile and look at Nathan.

Park: I'm a bachelor student.

Nathan: Here?

Park nodded.

Nathan: Wow, this is interesting ! I didn't expect that I can meet you again, Park.

Park: My father told me to apply here so yeah...I'm being accepted to become one of the student here.

Nathan: So, you really want to join my club?

Nathan was shock when Park shake his head.

Nathan: You are kidding me, right?

Park: I'm sorry, Nathan. I've register myself in the drama club.

Nathan: are really kidding me !

Both of them in silent for a while. They didn't know what topic should they talk about.

Park: Nathan...

Nathan: Hmmm?

Park: We've end our relationship for about a year? Am I right?

Nathan startled. He didn't know that Park will talk about it.

Nathan: Yes...why?

Park: Is your heart still with the same person? I guess there's nothing change, right?

Nathan turn his head and looking at Park.

Nathan: My feeling for him never change, Park. I still adore him...admire him...

Park: How about love?

Nathan: Everyday...I love him everyday.

Park: Seems like you really love him more than yourself. That's why our relationship didn't go well.

Nathan sigh and take a deep breath.

Nathan: We're not for each other, Park. You also told me that, right?

Park: That's true. I'm jealous of Zayden.

Nathan: Why?

Park: He's the luckiest person in the world because he have someone like you, Nathan. You love him so much until I feel like I want what he have.

Nathan look at Park.

Nathan: You are making me shy, Park !

Suddenly, Park's phone is ringing.

Park: Nathan, I need to go because someone is waiting for me.

Nathan: Someone?

Park: Today is my boyfriend's birthday.

Nathan: What? already have a boyfriend. This is unexpected !

Park: Bye, Nathan. See you again.

Nathan: Alright, Park. Nice to meet you.

Zayden's POV:

Zayden gently massaged his head. Since this morning he only stay inside his room and resting on the bed. His body temperature is high too. In fact, he was used to it because every time he dreamed about his mother he would definitely have a fever the next day.

Suddenly someone knocking oh the door.

Zayden: Come in.

He look at the door and he was very shock when he saw it was his father. His father walk towards him and take a sit beside him on the bed.

Zayden: Pa...? You didn't go to work?

Mr. Pwen: I will go to the office later. How are you? Did you have a fever after the dream last night?

Zayden: How did you know, Pa?

Mr. Pwen: I'm sorry, son. I was the reason why you become like this. I always blamed you and you are being hurt all this time because of me. I know it was my fault. I'm really sorry, son. I just...I just can't moved on. I really love your Ma.

Zayden get up from the bed and look at his father. He grab his fathers hand and hold them together.

Zayden: Pa...let your heart fly...You've caged it for too long. You can't just stay like this for a long time. You need to move on and live a happy life. You still have me and grandma. You are not alone. One more thing...stop blaming each other.

Mr. Pwen: I'm sorry, son and thank you because you never leave me even I've hurt you all this time.

Zayden: It's okay, Pa. No matter what happen, you are still my one and only father in the world.

Zayden give his father a warm hug. Finally all the misunderstandings between him and his father have been resolved. He was relieved because he and his father had reconciled again like before. Now, he and his father won't fight again about the same thing.

Zayden: Thank you, Pa because you let me chase my dream.

Mr. Pwen: You are welcome, Zayden. Do your best. If you need anything, just tell me. I can be your team's sponsor too.

Zayden: It's okay, Pa.

"Hia !!!"

Suddenly Zayden heard a voice calling him and he knew it was Nathan. Only Nathan calls him by that name. Not long after, Nathan's face appeared at the door of his room.

Nathan: Hia....

Zayden: Ian...?

Nathan shock when he saw Zayden's father was there. He bow a little to him and smile sweetly. He didn't know that Zayden's father was there because grandma told him that he's already went to the office.

Nathan: Err...I'm sorry, uncle. I didn't know you are here. Er...If you are not done yet....I'll wait at the outside.

Nathan is about to go but Zayden's father told him not to go.

Mr. Pwen: It's okay, Nathan. You can stay here.

Zayden: You already met him, Pa?

Mr. Pwen: You forgot already? Last week he's the one who took care of you. You remembered...that time when you visit your Ma.

Zayden: Ahh...I see.

Zayden's father get up from the bed. He move closer to Zayden and whisper, "As a father, I know he's the real reason why you becoming more stronger. So, please...if you didn't want to lose him, love him with all of your heart."

Mr. Pwen tap his son's shoulder. Then, he walk towards Nathan. Nathan was shock when Zayden's father hold his hand.

Mr. Pwen: Thank you for taking care of my son, Nathan.

Nathan: ....

Mr. Pwen then leave the room while Nathan still processing Zayden's father word. Zayden smile when he saw Nathan's confused face. He just too cute !

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Yes, Hia...

Zayden: Why did you just stand there? You didn't miss Hia?

Nathan smile and he walk towards Zayden. He then hug Zayden tightly.

Zayden: Don't let me go yet. Hug me more.

But Nathan suddenly let go of his hug.

Zayden: Ian...? You didn't miss Hia ?

Nathan climbed on the bed. No... he climbed on top of Zayden's body. He pressed Zayden's body. Zayden was very shock when Nathan did that. Nathan and Zayden looking at each other and they breath heavily.

Zayden: Ian...

Before Zayden could finish his words, he could feel his lips being kissed by Nathan. Without thinking, Zayden returned Nathan's kiss. Suddenly, Zayden stop and he look at Nathan.

Zayden: Ian...I have a fever ... I didn't want you to have fever too...

Nathan ignored Zayden's words. He kissed Zayden's lips again. Zayden try to stop him.

Zayden: Ian...I'm afraid that I can't control myself.

Nathan look at Zayden's eyes then down to Zayden's lips. He really want that red lips. They are so red even Zayden's still have a fever. Nathan move his face closer towards Zayden and he try to kiss Zayden's lip.

Zayden: Ian...I won't control myself...

Zayden slowly wrap up his arms around Nathan's neck. He placed his lips into Nathan's lips. Then, he gently bite Nathan's lower lips making Nathan gasping between their kiss.

Nathan: Hia...wait... (Nathan try to control his breath)

Zayden: I've told you, Ian. Now I can't hold back anymore.

Zayden kiss on Nathan's forehead with love. He kiss Nathan's nose then down to the lips. Nathan moan softly when Zayden push his tongue into Nathan's mouth. Zayden get up from the bed and put his arms on Nathan's waist. They can't stop kissing each other. Both of them missing each other so bad.

Zayden then removed his shirt revealing his toned body. Nathan take a look at Zayden's body. Nathan push Zayden down as he kiss Zayden's bare body. He kiss Zayden's body like he really hungry for them. Zayden moan when Nathan kiss his nape. Zayden caressing Nathan's hair while Nathan was busy enjoying his bare body.

Zayden: Ian... (Zayden moan)

Nathan: Why Hia? Do you want me to stop?

Zayden: Don't forget that my grandma is here...

Nathan: She was fast asleep. I don't think she heard us.

Zayden smile.

Zayden: Seems like you an expert in doing 'this' thing, Ian.

Nathan: I'm an expert in 'this' when I'm do it with you, Hia.

Zayden laugh sexily and he just let Nathan kiss his body.

Nathan: I miss you, Hia...You didn't go to the campus for two days. I'm worried.

Zayden: I'm sorry because I didn't tell you.

Nathan: You suddenly have a fever.

Zayden: I have a bad dream.

Nathan: About what?

Zayden: I'll tell you later but now let's enjoy this first.

Zayden kiss Nathan's lips non stop.

Nathan: Hia... (He try to stop Zayden)