Part 11: It Just Feels Like a Dream

Zayden just went out from the exam hall. 3 hours of exam make him lose his energy.

Matthew: Where are you going after this?

Zayden: I want to have some coffee.

Matthew: Oh I see...then, I'll go first. I want to meet couch to discuss about the budget of our tournament.

Zayden: Okay, see you.

(Matthew leave)

He straight away go to Nathan's mother cafe while bring some book. When he enter the cafe, he saw many student were doing their revision there. Zayden find the most hidden table and sit there.

Nathan's mother: Zayden?

Zayden's head up and he saw Nathan's mother was walking towards him. Both of them smile at each other.

Zayden: Sawadeekrub, auntie.

Nathan's mother: What are you doing here? Are you done with your exam?

Zayden: Yes, auntie.

Nathan's mother: Do you want some coffee?

Zayden: Yes, auntie. Give me ice americano, please.

Nathan's mother: Okay. (Nathan's mother leave the table and go to the counter)

Nathan's mother: Your Ice Americano is coming !

Nathan's mother put the coffee on the table.

Zayden: Thank you, auntie.

Nathan's mother: You are welcome...By the way, can I sit here with you, Zayden?

Zayden: Oh...of course you can !

Nathan's mother sit in front of Zayden. She look at Zayden's face.

Nathan's mother: How are you lately? Is everything okay?

Zayden: Everything is okay, auntie. Don't worry. (Zayden smile)

Nathan's mother: If there are something bad happened or you feels like you need can come to me, Zayden. If you are shy to tell me, you can always have Nathan. Don't caged them by yourself. Sometimes you need to let them go too.

Zayden look at Nathan's mother eyes. He was moved when Zayden heard Nathan's mother word. Nathan's mother's attitude was the same as her late mother who was always there for him. Suddenly he misses his mother. It's been a long time since he came to visit his mother because he was too busy with training and final exams.

Zayden: Thank you, auntie.

Nathan's mother: Zayden...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan's mother: Can I ask for something from you?

Zayden: What is it, auntie?

Nathan's mother suddenly grab his hand and hold them. She look into his eyes.

Nathan's mother: It's about Ian.

Zayden look nervous. Seems like it is something important.

Nathan's mother: Nathan is a good boy. He never raised his voice against us nor angry. He always smiles cheerfully. He comforts us and takes good care of us until he forgets to take care of himself. I know he is tired even though he tries to hide it all from us. He hides her tiredness with his sweet smile. As a mother, I can feel that he often cries alone because he is tired. He never expressed his problems to us because he didn't want to give us the negative energy.

Zayden: ...

Nathan's mother: Zayden...can you help me to take care of him? Can you be his shelter? Can you promise me that?

Zayden: ...

Nathan's mother: Can you? I asked for your help because I'm sure that you're the one for him. As a mother, I can feel the love between you and Nathan. You and Nathan are destined to be together. Both of you are each other's destiny.

Zayden: I...I can't promise you but I'll try my best to be his shelter. You knew what happened 2 years ago. It was the lowest point of my life but when he came to me...everything has changed. He's the one who healed me, auntie. I'll do the same to him too. I'll be always support him from behind.

Nathan's mother: Thank you, Zayden.

Zayden: Thanks to you too. You have given a birth a great son like Nathan. I'm so grateful to meet him. If I woke up and realized that everything is just a dream, I'll feel very sad. About the moment we've spent together and even if that's the case, I'll prefer to continue to sleep until I die. I won't waking up.

Nathan's mother: But this is not a dream, son. This is real. Both of you have each other right now.

Zayden: I'm just so lucky to meet him until I feel like this is a dream, auntie. (Zayden smile to Nathan's mother)

Nathan's mother: And I'm grateful that he loves someone like you. You are great too. His feeling towards you never changed for 2 years, Zayden. He's still love you even it is just from a far.

Zayden: I know, auntie. I will take care of him. We will face everything together.

Nathan's mother: And keep holding each other's hand. Don't let go of his hand. Remember this, Nathan really hate of losing someone especially the one he love.

Zayden: Alright, auntie. I'll do my best and thank you too because you always support us.

Nathan's mother: Most welcome. I'll love what Nathan loves.

Nathan's mother hug Zayden while saying, "Now I have someone to take care of Nathan when I'm gone soon."

Nathan's POV:

Nathan just finish his exam paper. Their exam ended at 5 pm. It was Mandarin exam. Nathan and Nolio leave the exam hall as soon as the lecturer dismiss them. Then, both of them take a sit at the bench outside the exam hall.

Nathan sighed.

Nolio: Oho...what with that sighed, Nathan?

Nathan: Hmm...the paper was difficult. I'm afraid that I might fail the paper.

Nolio: What are you talking about, Nathan? You always got the highest mark for this paper and you're the one of the top student for Mandarin subject.

Nathan: But lately I didn't have enough time to do the revision.

Nolio: It's okay, Nathan. I'm sure that you can get a high mark. You already did your best !

Nathan look at his phone's screen. It's past 6 pm. He need to help his mother to clean the cafe before close.

"Hey, Nathan !"

Suddenly someone was calling him. He take a look and he smile as soon as he saw Park walk towards them.

Nathan: Park?

Park: How was your exam? Okay?

Nathan: Okay but I'm worried because I didn't have much time for the revision.

Park: It's okay. You have done a great job.

Park turn his head and look at Nolio.

Park: Hi, Nolio. How are you?

Nolio: I'm fine, Park. It's nice to meet you again after a long time.

Park: Me too.

Nathan: Err...Park. I think I need to go first. I want to help my mother at the cafe.

Park: Cafe? Where is it?

Nathan: My mother opened a cafe in front of our campus.

Park: Really?

Nathan nodded his head.

Park: Can I go with you? It has been a long time since I met your mother.

Nathan: Of course you can.

Nathan look at Nolio and say, "Bye, Nolio. See you tomorrow."

Nathan and Park walk together to the cafe. They have a chit chat on their way to the cafe.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, Ma. (Nathan put his bag on the counter)

Nathan: Have a sit, Park. I'll go to check my mother first. Do you want some coffee or dessert?

Park: Any coffee is fine.

Nathan: I remembered you love caramel macchiato, right?

Park smile and nodded his head.

Nathan then stepped into the kitchen to find his mother. He saw his mother washing some cups and plates in the kitchen.

Nathan: Hey, Ma. (He hug his mother from the back)

His mother turn back and smile as soon as she saw his son. She wipes his hand.

Ma: How was your exam? Okay?

Nathan: Okay, Ma.

Ma: Why did you come here? I thought you already going home.

Nathan: I want to help you so I come here.

Ma: No need, Nathan ! You must be tired after the exam. Don't worry about me. I can do it myself.

Nathan: But I want to help you.

Ma: are stubborn as usual.

Nathan: Ma...can you make two cups of caramel macchiato?

Ma: Two cups?

Nathan: Park is over there. He came with me.

His mother seem shocked.

Ma: Really? How can?

Nathan: Later I'll tell you.

Ma: Okey, kha.

Nathan then walk to the front again and take a sit beside Park.

Park: How long has been this cafe opened?

Nathan: Hmmm...around 6 month?

Park: Ahh...I see. Your mother is great. She's good at making coffee.

Nathan: Because she really loves coffee.

Ma: The coffee is coming !

Nathan's mother walk to them while bring two cups of coffee and put them on the table. Then, she sit in front of Park.

Ma: Oho...Park. It has been a long time. How are you? What are you doing right now?

Park: I'm fine, auntie. I am a bachelor student.

Ma: Where? At this campus?

Park: Alright, auntie.

Ma: Why you didn't tell me that you are here?

Park: I'm sorry, auntie. I was very busy as I am a bachelor student.

Ma: I'm understood. So, how was your life lately? Is everything okay?

Park: Everything just doing fine, auntie.

Nathan: you know that Park already have a boyfriend?

Ma: Really? Oho...I want to meet him...

Park just smile shyly. He didn't expect Nathan would mention that to his mother.

Park: Well, we're planning to have engagement at the end of this year.

Nathan an his mother really shock. There are not even blinking their eyes.

Nathan: Park ! You are so fast.

Ma: Right? Oho...Park will have his engagement...I hope yours is coming soon, Ian.

Nathan: are teasing me !

Nathan's mother and Park laughing so hard when they saw Nathan's cheek are red.

Suddenly the door of the cafe was opened by someone from the outside. All of the eyes now focus on the person who just enter the cafe.

Nathan: Hia...?

Zayden had been outside the cafe for a long time. He think whether he should go in or not because he saw that Nathan and his mother seems like they had a guest. They are laughing together with the boy. Zayden doesn't know the boy but who is he?

Zayden: I'm sorry for disturbing you but I just want to take my book. I left it just now.

Zayden walking to the table at the end of the cafe and put the book inside his bag. He's about to go but suddenly Nathan grab his wrist.

Nathan: Where are you going? Can you have a sit first?

Zayden: have a guest na. I don't think this is a good idea.

Park: It's okay, Zayden. You can join us, I'm okay.

Zayden: Hmmm? You know me?

Park: Yes. You are Zayden Evander, right?

Zayden: Yes, that's right.

Park: How can I didn't know you.

Zayden seems confused with Park's word.

Zayden then sit beside Nathan's mother. He look at Nathan's face. He seems tired.

Nathan: Hia...this is Park. He's my friend.

Park: I'm his ex boyfriend before being his friend.

Zayden was very shock when he heard that. Nathan also seems shocked. He didn't expect that Park would introduce himself as his ex boyfriend. Zayden clear his throat. He look at Nathan's face for a while. Nathan's mother realized that Zayden's reaction and she try to save the situation.

Ma: are great at this thing. It's fun ! (Nathan's mother laughing awkwardly)

Park just smile.

Park: Nathan...why you didn't finish your cheese cake? It's your favorite...when we're went out for a date, you never missed the chance to have your cheese cake.

Nathan: I'm full already, Park.

Zayden clear his throat again. He is jealous to see Park with Nathan.

Zayden: Err...I think I need to go back to my condo right now. I have something important to do.

Zayden get up from the chair and he put his bag on his shoulder.

Zayden: See you soon, auntie.

Then he leave.

Park: Why you didn't stop him, Nathan?

Nathan: Park, you are teasing me ! (Nathan get up from the chair and he run after Zayden)

Park just smile.

Ma: Park... (She also didn't expect Park to tease Nathan like that)

Park: I'm sorry, auntie. I just want to see his reaction. Damn, his eyes really full of jealousy (He laugh)

Ma: Park...

Park: Okey, I will stop. Hmm...finally Nathan's feeling has been replied by Zayden. I'm happy for him.

Nathan was searching for Zayden. He can't find him.

Nathan: Uhh...he's so fast !

Suddenly Zayden appeared in front of him. He look at Nathan. No reaction nor smile.

Nathan: Hia...why you didn't wait for me? (Nathan walk closer to Zayden)

Zayden: ...

Nathan: Hia...are you mad at me?

Zayden: Why should I mad at you?

Nathan: Hia seems mad. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Hia....please say something.

Zayden: It's true? He's really your ex boyfriend?

Nathan: Hiaa...listen to me first.

Zayden: You never tell me about this, Ian. (Zayden look at him with a cold eyes)

Nathan take Zayden's hand and hold them.

Nathan: Yes, that's true. He was my ex boyfriend but it was a year ago ! We've been in a relationship less than 2 months because I've made a rushing decision. I coupled with him because I just want to move on from you. I want to forget you but I failed to do so. At the end, me and Park break up because we are not for each other. I can't move on from you.

Zayden look at Nathan after he listen to the explanation.

Nathan: I'm being honest, Hia. Can you believe me? (Nathan look at Zayden with his doe eyes)

Zayden suddenly bring Nathan into his arms. He embraced Nathan with his warms hug. Then, he caressed Nathan's head.

Zayden: You seems tired. Are you okay?

Nathan: I'm recharging my energy right now, Hia. (He hug Zayden so tight)

Zayden: Say to yourself that you already did you best, Ian.

Nathan: You did a great job, Ian.

Zayden: Good !

Zayden kiss Nathan's forehead. Nathan seems shocked. Zayden just kissed his forehead !

They let go of their hug. Nathan look into Zayden's eyes.

Nathan: and Park...

Zayden cut Nathan's word and say, "Don't think too much about it. You are mine since the day you broken up with him."