Part 12: 300%

Nathan has just finished answering the paper for the business subject. It's the last paper and today is the last day of final exam. He feels like the time flies so fast. Whatever result he will get, he know that he already did his best.

Nathan walked out of the exam hall. Then he sat on a bench facing the campus garden. His eyes looking around while enjoying the fresh air. All day he was just looking at the papers full of word. So, he needs to rest his eyes.

Suddenly, someone calling him. It his mother.

Nathan: Hello, Ma.

Ma: Hello, Ian. Where are you?

Nathan: I just finish my exam. I'm in front of the campus garden. Why, Ma?

Ma: Zayden was searching for you.

Nathan: Hia? Why did Hia searching for me? Is there something happen?

Ma: I don't know but he said that you didn't pick up his call since this morning.

Nathan: Ahh...I forgot ! I put my phone on mute. Did you know where is him?

Ma: He's here, at my cafe.

Nathan: Okay, I'm coming.

Nathan straight away go to his mother's cafe as soon as he ended the call. When he arrived at the cafe, he saw Zayden was reading a book while having a coffee. Nathan then walk to Zayden and give him a back hug.

Nathan: Hia....

Zayden: Ian...why you didn't pick up my call? I'm worried, Ian.

Zayden turn his head and look at Nathan. Nathan let go of his hug on Zayden and sit beside him.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia. My phone was on mute because I have an exam for 8 hours straight but I have a break around an hour for lunch.

Zayden: You must be tired, right?

Nathan nodded.

Nathan: Can I have a hug to recharge myself? (Nathan look at Zayden with his doe eyes)

Zayden: You already did it just now, Ian.

Nathan:'s just 100% ....I need 300% more.

Zayden giggles when he saw Nathan's cute face at that time.

Zayden: Come here and get your 300%.

Nathan immediately approached Zayden and it's even more surprised when he sat on Zayden's thigh. Then he hugged Zayden's body tightly. He close both of his eyes. The hug was so warm. It's calming.

Zayden: Ian...

Zayden is calling Nathan when Nathan didn't make any sound. Zayden take a look and he was very surprised. NATHAN FELL ASLEEP WHILE HUGGING HIM !

Zayden: Oh my God, Ian... why you need to be this cute? (He smile)

Zayden tap Nathan's back. He just sleep like a baby.

Ma: Ian ? What are you doing on his laps?

Nathan's mother was very surprised when he saw his son on Zayden's lap. Zayden gave Nathan's mother a signal to keep her voice low.

Zayden: He's sleeping while hugging me just now.

Ma: Really? Oh my Ian ! He must be really tired.

Zayden: Yes. Look at him. He was fast asleep !

Ma: Zayden...did you see the door beside the counter?

Zayden nodded.

Ma: You can put him there ...It's my room. When I'm tired, I'll just take a rest there.

Zayden: Alright, auntie.

Zayden then got up and he carried Nathan towards the room. He was surprised to see that the room looked like a bedroom. There is a bed and a long sofa there, a television too !

Zayden then put Nathan's body on the bed slowly. He's afraid that he might woke Nathan up. He took the blanket and placed it on Nathan's body. He's worried if Nathan would catch a cold because it's getting dark. Then, he caressed Nathan's head softly.

Zayden: Have a good rest, Ian. (He placed his lips on Nathan's forehead)

Zayden was about to get up from the bed but suddenly Nathan grab his wrist. Zayden turn his head and look at Nathan.

Nathan: Where are you going, Hia?

Zayden: I have a training after this until 10 pm.

Nathan: A training? Didn't you tired, Hia?

Zayden smile.

Zayden: A little bit tired but no need to worry about me, Ian. I'll have a fully rest this weekend.

Nathan: Why don't you take a rest during this weekend?

Zayden: We have an international couch for training today so we need to go.

Nathan sighed. He then take Zayden's hand and hug them.

Nathan: Can you stay with me for a while, Hia?

Zayden: ....

Zayden didn't know why but Nathan seems a bit more clingy today. Zayden can detect from Nathan's eyes that he was hiding something.

Nathan: Hia...can I? (Look at Zayden with his adorable look)

Zayden: How can I refused when you are this cute, Ian? But just for a while...I'm afraid that I might be late for the training.

Nathan: Okay, Hia...

Then Zayden get up on the bed and lay beside Nathan. Nathan turn his body and he hug Zayden right away. He put his head on Zayden's chest.

Nathan: Oh...Hia...I forgot to ask you.

Zayden: About what?

Nathan: Why did you looking for me just now? Is there something you want to tell me?

Zayden: Ahh...actually I've plan to visit my Mom this weekend. I misses her so much. Do you want to go along with me? But if you're busy or tired, it's okay, Ian. I can go by myself.

Nathan's head up to look at Zayden's face.

Nathan: I want to go with Hia.

Zayden: Really? Are you sure?

Nathan nodded and say, "I want to meet your mother too."

Zayden: Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow. We'll go at the morning because I'll have my training at the evening.

Nathan: keep training and training. I'm afraid that you didn't have enough rest.

Zayden: Don't worry, Ian. I'm strong physically.

Zayden get up from the bed and look at Nathan. He caressed Nathan's cheeks. Nathan was very surprised when Zayden was kissing his neck then his lips.

Zayden: Have a good rest, Ian. I need to go now.

Zayden then took his belongings on the sofa.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Come here.

Zayden is confused but he just follow Nathan's order. He walk to Nathan and he move his face closer to Nathan. Then, suddenly Nathan places his lips on Zayden's lips. Zayden smile for a while.

"Oho...Ian ! You are not gonna let go of your Hia? He need to go for training, Ian !"

Suddenly Nathan's mother appeared at the door while stand against the door. Her eyes look at Nathan and Zayden.

Nathan: I didn't do anything, Ma !

Ma: You keep on telling him to stay, Ian ! You thought I didn't hear you?

Nathan: are teasing me ! I'm shy !

Ma: Zayden, just go to your training. Just ignore his clinginess.

Zayden: Alright, auntie.

Zayden kiss Nathan's cheeks before he leave. Nathan was surprised but his mother was more surprised.

Ma: Oho...both of you are the same ! I can't with this lovebird. Oihhh !

Nathan: Goodnight, Ma.

Ma: No goodnight. You want to stay here? Get up ! I think you are fully recharged right now. Get up and help me to switch off all the light. We're going home now. Your Pa is waiting.

Nathan: Ma...

Ma: Get up, Ian !

Zayden's POV:

They just finished their training. Today the training seems strict because of that international couch. His skills really match international team .

Coach Park: Zayden ! Come here !

Zayden: Yes, coach?

Coach Park: This is Zayden. He's the captain of our team and he's the best player.

International coach: Hey, Zayden. I saw you played just now. I'm surprised when I saw your skills. Your skills really looks like an international player.

Zayden: Err...thank you so much.

International coach: Since when you become a basketball player?

Zayden: Since I was 10 years old.

International coach: WOW ! That's why you have such an amazing skills. I hope you can join my team one day. My team really need a player like you.

Zayden: Oh, sure.

International coach: I need to go now. See you tomorrow. Tonight was fun !

Coach Park and Zayden: See you !

The international coach leaves the court.

Coach Park: See? He was offering you to join his team. I'm so proud of you, Zayden.

Zayden: Thank you coach but without you...I'm nothing.

Coach Park: It's not because of me but it's you. You really determined to chase your own dream. Keep going, Zayden !

Zayden: Thank you, coach.

(Coach Park leaves)

Zayden then walk closer to his friends who were resting by the court. There is also Nolio who is sitting next to Matthew.

Zayden: Nolio?

Nolio: Sawadeekrub, Zayden.

Zayden: What are you doing here? (Look at Nolio)

Suddenly Nami hit him. Zayden looked at Nami.

Nami: Such a stupid question. Of course he came to watch his boyfriend !

Zayden:'ve upgraded to boyfriend?

Nami: You must be jealous, right? Only you single. That's why I told you to confess your love to Nathan.

Matthew: That's true. He's so cute and famous too among the student. I'm afraid that you have no chance and you'll regret it.

Zayden: Busybody !

Nolio: Zayden.

Zayden: Yes?

Nolio: Have you met Nathan?

Zayden: Yes, I've met him before training. Why?

Nolio: Is he okay?

Zayden turn his head and look at Nolio.

Zayden: Why? What happened to him?

Nolio: Err... I thought he told you about this. It's about his club. His club planned to have a Prom Night after the final exam because this is their annual event but suddenly they didn't have enough budget. He already check on the budget and luckily he can reduce some of them. Suddenly, this morning, one of the club member reported to him about the instrument. Some of them were broken and can't be used anymore. He need to buy some new instrument as soon as possible before the Prom Night.

Zayden: Why the campus didn't prepared any budget?

Nolio: They have prepared but only half of the budget.

Nami: He must be really worried about this since he's the club president.

Zayden: Why he didn't tell me about this. That's why he seems too clingy today.

Suddenly Zayden remembered when Nathan said he need 300% more of his hug. It was because somethings is bothering him.

Nolio: He didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to worry. I have to tell you because I can't let him handle it by himself. He might be look strong but he's just the same like other human.

Zayden: ....

Matthew: I know you are worried about him, but don't be stress too.

Nami: If you need help, you can tell us.

Zayden: ....Thanks Nolio because you told me about this.

Nolio nodded.

Nami: I really respect Nathan. He's so strong mentally and physically. He's such a great person !