Part 13: Thank You, Hia

Zayden already arrived at Nathan's house. It was 9 am in the morning. He stopped his car in front of the house. Then, he dialed Nathan's number.

Zayden: Ian, I've arrived at your house.

Nathan: Wait, Hia...give me 5 minutes.

Zayden: Okay, Ian. Take your time.

After several minutes, Zayden saw Nathan was walking towards his car. He then come inside the car and sit beside Zayden.

Nathan: Good morning, Hia.

Zayden: Morning too, Ian.

Nathan: Did you have your breakfast yet?

Zayden: Not yet....I woke up late this morning. Plus, I stayed at my condo so it's only me.

Nathan: I've prepared this for you. (Nathan opened the container)

Zayden: What is it?

Nathan: It's your favorite food.

Zayden: It's jackfruit curry !!!

Zayden look so happy when he saw his favorite food. His eyes didn't even blinking when he saw them.

Zayden: How did you know this is my favorite food?

Nathan: Did you remembered the first day I came to your house? The one that when I'm having a dinner with your grandma.

Zayden: ...

Nathan: She cooked this and she told me that this is your favorite food and your mother always cooked this for you.

Zayden: Did you cooked this by yourself?

Nathan: Yes, I asked the recipe from your grandma. I woke up earlier in the morning to cook this for you.

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Nathan: You are welcome, Hia. You can try it...I'm sorry if it doesn't delicious as your mother's cook.

Zayden: It's okay. I'll try it now.

Zayden took the spoon and tried Nathan's cooking.

Nathan: How?

Zayden: It's edible to eat but a little bit salty ...but I appreciated this because you put many effort to cooked this for me.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm? I didn't say this is not delicious . It's okay, I'll eat them all.

Nathan: No need, said it's salty.

Nathan then took the spoon and container from Zayden and put it back in the plastic.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Eat salty food is not good for your health, Hia.

Zayden's eyes suddenly caught on the small wound on Nathan's right hand. He then grabbed Nathan's hand.

Zayden: What happened to your hand?

Nathan: Err....nothing, Hia...

Zayden: Ian... (He look into Nathan's eyes)

Nathan: hand got cut by a knife when I was cutting onions while cooking the jackfruit curry for Hia.

Nathan look at Zayden and he saw Zayden was angry when he heard his answered. Nathan look down because he didn't dare to look at Zayden. He looks so fierce.

Zayden: Ian...look at me.

Nathan's head up and look at Zayden.

Zayden: I know you put many effort to cook this for me but please take care of yourself first.'ve the wound already. Luckily, it was just a small wound.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia...

Zayden: Put yourself on top before others, Ian

Nathan nodded.

Zayden come closer to Nathan and he hugs Nathan warmly. Then, he caressed Nathan's cheeks. He placed his lips on Nathan's cheek.

Zayden: I'm not mad at you, Ian. I'm just worried about you.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia.

Zayden and Nathan arrived around 10.30 am. They buy some flower before going to the cemetery wall. After that they right away go to the cemetery wall.

Zayden: Sawadeekrub, Ma. How are you? Look, I've brought someone to meet you today. It's Nathan.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, auntie.

Zayden and Nathan then put the flowers on the cemetery wall.

Nathan: Your mother is so beautiful. His smile is so bright like a sunshine.

Zayden: That's true. She's my one and only sunshine. She was my number one supporter but I didn't expect that she would leave me this early. My life was very messing up when I know that she's gone. I was at my lowest point.

Zayden look at Nathan's eyes. He grab Nathan's right hand and hold them.

Zayden: ....until I met you. You've healed me, Ian. You came into my life and everything was changed. You always be my side and cheer me up.

Then, Zayden look at his mother's picture.

Zayden: Ma...since you left me, he's the one who become my supporter. He supported everything I did. He never leave me when I'm sad or angry. He always make me smile and I'm happy because I have him in my life. He's the most beautiful gift I have in this world, Ma.

Nathan: ....

Zayden: Ma...don't worry about me ...I'm happy right now and I hope you are happy too.

Nathan: Hia...can I talk to her?

Zayden nodded.

Nathan: Hello, auntie. I'm Nathan...Nathan Ian. I want to tell you that you have such a great son. He's so strong and he never give up on his life. Don't worry, auntie because I've already take care of him. I'll always love him the way you loved him before. Thank you too for giving a birth of Hia...I promise I'll always stay with him

Zayden: ...

Nathan turn back and look at Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: I've promised to your mother that I'll never leave you.

Zayden: ...

Nathan: When you are sad, happy or angry...look at your side and you will see me. I never leave your side. I'm here for you...always.

Zayden: ...

Nathan: Be happy and forget all the wound that you have in the past.

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Zayden hug Nathan. Before leaving the cemetery wall, Zayden take a look at his mother's picture and he smile to her. He can feel the existence of his mother that time. He can see his mother's smile. His mother is happy.

Zayden: Let's go, Ian.

Nathan nodded.

In front of Nathan's house...

Zayden: Thank you, Ian for accompany me today.

Nathan: Welcome, Hia.

Zayden: What is your plan after this?

Nathan: Hmm...maybe I'll do some revision? Then, I have something to do about my club.

Suddenly, Nathan's phone is ringing. It's Yoshi.

Nathan: Hello, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Nathan...what should we do about the Prom Night event? We can't cancel the event because we've did the 70% of the preparation.

Nathan: Don't worry about that. I'll think about it and find some ways to handle it but I want you to proceed with the performance. Make sure our club members have a perfect performance. I didn't want the other student disappointed with us.

Yoshi: Okay, Nathan. If you need my help, you can call me anytime.

Nathan: It's okay. I know you are also busy with their performance during that event later. I'll figure out the ways later.

Yoshi: Okay, Nathan.

Nathan ended the call and take a deep breath.

Zayden look at Nathan nonstop. Nathan realized and he look at Zayden too.

Nathan: Why are you looking at me like that, Hia?

Zayden: there something you want to tell me?

Nathan: Hmmm? About what? I don't think so...

Zayden: You want some hug from me? You haven't charging yourself na, Ian.

Zayden didn't wait for Nathan's answered but he immediately pull Nathan into his arms. He embraced Nathan with his warm hug. His hand caressed Nathan's back. Then he kiss Nathan's head. The hugs was so long. Nathan feels like he didn't want to let go of Zayden's hug yet.

Suddenly, Zayden's can hear Nathan was crying. He know Nathan try hard to not to cry in front of him.

Zayden: Let it out, Ian. Just cry until you feel you're okay. You can always have my shoulder, Ian.

Nathan still crying.

Zayden: You always act like you are the strongest person in the world. You show your sweet smile to the world but you never show your inner feeling. You never asked for other's help because you knew that you can do it by yourself.

Nathan: ...

Zayden: Ian... I admit that you are really strong but sometimes you need someone too as your shoulder. You can ask for other's help's not wrong, Ian...

Nathan tighten his hug on Zayden.

Zayden: You've healed me, take care of me...but you forgot to take care of yourself.

Nathan: ...

Zayden: Ian...can you look at me?

Nathan's head up to look at Zayden. His arms still around of his Hia. Zayden wipes Nathan's tear using his hand.

Zayden: You can always tell me if you have problem, okay? Do you understand, Ian?

Nathan nodded his head.

Zayden: you need my help?

Nathan: But you are busy with your training. I didn't want to burden you, Hia.

Zayden sighed. He let go of his arm at Nathan's body.

Zayden: Ian, listen. You never be a burden to me...If you need my help even when I'm busy...I'll try my best to help you. This is giving and taken, Ian. You've healed me about my past and now it's my turn to help you when you have a problem.

Nathan: ....

Zayden: I have the solution in my head.

Nathan: About what?

Zayden: About your club.

Nathan: I haven't tell you the problem, Hia. How can you already have the solution?

Zayden: Who said? Nat told me everything yesterday, Ian.

Nathan sighed. He didn't expect that his friend would tell Zayden about this matter.

Nathan: What is the solution?

Zayden: I'll come up with two solutions. First, I've discuss this matter with my father. He said that he can be a sponsor of your event and he might donate some instruments for your club. Second, I have a friend who runs a bar business. You can come to his bar to perform there since you are really good in singing. After the performance, he will give you some money as your salary. So...choose.

Nathan: The second one, Hia.

Zayden: are so fast, Ian ! Why you didn't choose the number one?

Nathan: I didn't want to burden your father.

Zayden: Ian...I've told you about this just now.

Nathan: Hia...It's not like what you are thinking about na...

Zayden: ...

Nathan: My family is not as easy as you think. I was taught that if I want something I have to work hard for it. I was not born rich. so, every baht is very valuable. When I want something I have to save for it. That's how I was raised. So, I need to work hard on it by myself.

Zayden: Your parents really raised you very well, perfect.

Nathan: are teasing me.

Zayden: I'm not.

Nathan: Thank you very much, Hia.

Zayden: Welcome, Ian. Like what you've said to me...when you turn your head and you will see me there. I will always be your side no matter what happen.

Nathan: Thank you, Hia.

Nathan kiss Zayden's lips and Zayden was surprised.

Zayden: What is that, Ian?

Nathan: It's a new way of recharging, Hia.

Zayden: Can you do it again? I was not ready just now.

Nathan: Hia... !