Part 14: I'm Addicted To You, Ian

Zayden drove his car towards his cousin's bar located in Thonglor. He picked up Nathan at home early in the morning at 9 am. Today he will send Nathan to discuss with his cousin.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: I'm nervous.

Zayden: Why, Ian?

Nathan: What if he didn't want to accept me?

Zayden look at Nathan and say, "Ian...don't think too much...I'm sure he will hire you."

Nathan take a deep breath.

After an hour of driving, finally they arrived at the bar. Nathan and Zayden get out from the car. Nathan was very surprised when he saw the name of the bar.

Nathan: Oho...Hia ! Are you sure we are at the right place?

Zayden: Yes, Ian.

Nathan: This is Gemini, Hia...

Zayden: That's true.

Nathan: This is one of the biggest bar in Thai Hia ...I'm afraid that I didn't match their standard.

Zayden: Ian...You are the best and I'm sure he will accept you.

Nathan: But...

Zayden: No but...let's go.

Zayden grab Nathan's right hand and hold them together. Then, both of them enter the bar. Nathan was very excited when he saw the luxury and beauty inside the bar. The bar was really luxurious. All the people in Thailand are very familiar with this bar because this bar is one of the biggest bars in Thailand.

"Zayden !"

Suddenly someone calling Zayden from the other side. Then, he turn his head. That person walked towards them.

Zayden: Hey, Javy !

Javy: Did both of you just arrived?

Zayden: Yes, where is your brother?

Javy: He was at the office. He told me to bring both of you there.

Zayden: Ahh...Ian, this is Javy ...He's the younger brother of the owner.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, Nathan, krub. (Nathan smile to Javy)

Javy: Oho...I knew you !

Nathan: Hmmm?

Javy: You are the president of the music club, right?

Nathan nodded.

Javy: This is my first time see you in real life. You are cute and adorable like the rumors.

Nathan: Err...thank you.

Javy: Let's go. I'll bring you to my brother.

Nathan was about to go and follow Javy but suddenly Zayden grab his wrist, make his body turn back to face Zayden.

Nathan: Hmmm?

Zayden: Ian...I can't accompany you to meet him because today I'll have my training until night. So, I need to go right now.

Nathan: Hiaa...

Zayden: Don't be too nervous. Just relax and be confident ...Be yourself. I'm sure everything gonna be fine as long as you are really determined to do this. Remember...this is for your club.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

Zayden: Don't worry because I'll support you from a far. If you need anything just call or text me, understand?

Nathan nodded and smile.

Zayden: Do your best, Ian.

Nathan nodded. Zayden places his lips on Nathan's lips before he leaves the bar.

At the office...

Nathan sat on a chair facing the owner of the bar. He was stunned when he saw the owner's face. He was so handsome and he have such a strong aura. This was the first time he met the owner face to face. Before this he only saw that face in magazines.

Tee: Nathan Ian, right?

Nathan: Yes, it's me

Tee: Where is Zayden? He didn't came along with you?

Nathan: He just left because he need to go for his basketball training.

Tee: Hmmm...his priorities is always the basketball. Seems like he already forgot his cousin here.

Nathan: ...

Tee: Don't be too stress, Nathan. Just chill and relax. I don't eat people.

Nathan: Alright....

Tee: You are so cute and adorable. That's why Zayden are really crazy in love lately.

Javy: I know right? He's too cute and adorable. I just can't.

Nathan: Err...I'm shy .... (He smile)

Javy and Tee laugh when they saw Nathan's cheek was red.

Tee: Javy, are you sure this is the first time you met him face to face?

Javy nodded.

Tee: But both you are from the same university. How can you never met him at the campus?

Javy: Tee, the university is large and there are over one thousand students. I've only heard some rumors about him. He's really famous at the campus because of his adorable looks and his voice.

Tee: Really?

Javy nodded and say, "Once you hear his voice when he's singing, I'm sure that you'll be addicted and you want to hear more and more."

Nathan just smile. Tee look at Nathan's face.

Tee: You can come to my bar every night at 10 pm. I'll let my workers prepare the stage for you.

Nathan shocked.

Nathan: Does this mean I am being accepted?

Tee nodded.

Nathan : But you haven't...

Tee: I trust Zayden and I've seen your video when you are singing. You are really great, Nathan.

Nathan: Thank you, Tee !

He was very happy that time. After the meeting, he message Zayden right away. He told Zayden that he can sing at the bar start tonight and he asked Zayden if he can come or not but Zayden said he can't come to see Nathan's first performance. Their training will be ended at 11 pm and maybe they will have some discussion about the upcoming tournament.

At first Nathan was sad because he really want Zayden to see his first performance but seems like Zayden really can't. Nathan try to understand Zayden too so it's okay if he didn't come.

At night...

Nathan is standing backstage. He was waiting for his name to be called to perform.

Javy: Are you okay? You look very nervous. Do you want some water?

Nathan nodded. James give him a bottle of mineral waters. Nathan open the lid and have some drink. He was very nervous at that time.

Javy: Where is Zayden?

Nathan: He didn't come.

Javy: I thought he will come to see your first performance but it's okay...I'll support you from there. (Javy point out to the VIP area under the stage)

Nathan: Thank you, Javy.

"How are you, guys? Are you ready for tonight performance? For your information, we have a new singer. I hope you will enjoy and have fun ! I will call our singer tonight, Nathan Ian !"

Javy: Do your best, Nathan !

Nathan: Thank you Javy !

Nathan went on stage with a mic in his hand. When he was on stage, the beats of his heart was very fast. He looked ahead and he was surprised to see so many people coming to the bar. He was very worried if he couldn't perform at his best. He didn't want to disappoint the visitors who came that night. Moreover, he is performing at Thailand's biggest bar, Gemini.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub. I am Nathan Ian. You can call me Nathan.

He then smile to the audience. All of the audience were clapping their hands as soon as Nathan introduced himself.

"You're so cute, Nathan !"

" are so cute !"

The audience keep on praising Nathan. Seems like they really love Nathan.

Nathan: I will sing a song called Senorita. Please look forward to it ...

"Alright, Nathan !"

The music start playing as soon as Nathan give them a signal. Nathan was still nervous. He can't even make an eye contact with the audiences. He put his mic closer to his mouth. He start to sing.

He stop singing for a while. He try to make an eye contact with the audiences but he can't. He was so nervous. He stop singing again. His heart was beating so fast as he couldn't control himself. He look at the audiences.

Suddenly some of the audiences give him some motivation to lift up his confident.

"Nathan, you can do it !"

"Don't be nervous !"

"Nathan, you can do it !"

Nathan: I'm sorry...can you give me some time?

The audiences: Yes, Nathan !

Nathan take a deep breath. He look at the audiences then he closed his eyes. He try to throw away the nervous inside him. He need to be confident so that Tee and Zayden will not disappointed towards him. This is for his club !

Suddenly Nathan heard someone was singing. He immediately open his eyes and he was very surprised when he saw Zayden. Zayden was holding a mic while standing at the audience's seat. Nathan's eyes open widen. He didn't expect to see Zayden that night. All of the audiences now focus at Zayden.

Zayden: Ian...what are you waiting for? Show your voice to the world.

Nathan smile sweetly and he start to sing along with Zayden. They singing the song together.

The audiences seems really enjoying their performance. Some of the audiences were singing along too and some of them dance too.

Nathan: How was it? Did you guys enjoy it?

The audiences: Yes !

Nathan: Thank you for enjoying my singing ...I'm sorry about the problem just now. I just so nervous.

The audiences: It's okay, Nathan !

Nathan look at Zayden beside him. They look at each other's eyes.

Zayden: You are great tonight, Ian. I'm proud of you. (Zayden caressed Nathan's waist)

Nathan: Thank you, Hia.

"Can we have one more song?"

"How about two song?"

"Three maybe? I still want to listen to his voice. Damn, his voice is so addicting"

Please, Nathan ! We still want to listen to your voice !"

Nathan turn his head to Zayden and he nodded his head.

Zayden: I'll leave them to you, Ian. Show your talent and enjoy. I'll be there watching you.

Zayden smile to Nathan before he leave the stage. Now, only Nathan on the stage.

Nathan: What song do you want? Any request?

"Stuck with you !"

"Despacito !"

Nathan: guys have such a good taste in music ...

Suddenly one of the audience calling his name and Nathan look at him.

The audience: Who was that guy? The one that singing along with you just now? Your boyfriend?

Nathan was very shocked when he heard the question. He didn't know how to answer the question. Yes, he love Zayden and he realized that Zayden loves him too. It just Zayden never said he love him directly. What kind of relationship did they have all this time?

Nathan: He's not my boyfriend. He's even not my friend.

The audience: That's mean I have a chance to hitting on you, right?

Nathan: His name is Zayden. He's my number supporter. He's my home and shelter. He's everything to me. (Nathan smile and look at Zayden in the audience's seat)

All of the audiences were clapping their hands as soon as they heard Nathan's answered.

Nathan: So, what song do you guys want to listen?

"Stuck with you !"

Nathan: Okey, so enjoy guys !

At 1 am in the morning...

Nathan and Zayden were still at the bar. After Nathan's performance, Tee invited them to have some drink at the bar. All of them were at the VIP room.

Tee: I love your performance just now, Nathan. You are so great ! Do you want to know something? Your singing video was viral on the social media. Many people plan to come to my bar to see you.'ll be famous , Nathan !

Nathan: No, Tee. I just sing for them.

Tee: I mean...since your singing video is everywhere on the social media, I think tomorrow night will be more people comes to my bar. You really make a big profit to my bar.

Nathan just smile and actually he knew his video was viral. Many people praising his voice at the comment section. Some of them really want to meet him face to face because of his adorable face.

Nathan: But if Hia didn't come and sing along with me, I don't think I can build up my confident to sing in front of many people.

Zayden: You already did a great job, Ian. See? There are many people who want to listen to your voice more and more. Be proud of yourself, Ian.

Zayden smile to Nathan and they locked their eyes together.

Tee: Oho...this lovebird ! I'm just being an air here. Oihhh !

Zayden and Nathan just laughing when they saw Tee's face that time.

Tee: Tonight, I want both of you just enjoy...It's my treat.

Zayden and Nathan thanked Tee.

The three of them enjoyed the night at the bar. Nathan looking around the situation downstairs. He saw that there were still many people even though it was late at night. Nathan then looking at his glass. He already drink 3 glasses of wine. Luckily he didn't drunk yet.

Nathan: Hia...I want to go to the restroom.

Zayden nodded. Nathan then leaves.

Tee: You look more happy lately. Your eyes seems alive and your smile looks more bright than before. I guess he's the one who changed you.

Zayden look at Tee.

Zayden: What do you mean?

Tee: Seems like you already found the missing part of you, Zayden. Auntie will be happy if he knew his son is living a happy life after struggled for this past 2 years.

Zayden: ....

Tee: Is he your boyfriend?

Zayden: Not yet.

Tee: Don't be too late. His aura make everyone addicted. Don't tell me I'm not warning you.

Zayden: ....

Zayden stand up and put his glass on the table.

Zayden: Let me check Nathan at the restroom.

Zayden walked towards the toilet to check on Nathan. Nathan has been in the toilet for a long time. He saw Nathan standing in front of the mirror while taking off his jacket. Zayden approaches Nathan.

Nathan: Hia?

Zayden: I'm checking on you. Why did you took so long?

Nathan: Someone was bumping into me on my way to the toilet just now and he spill his wine on my shirt. (Nathan showed his shirt to Zayden)

Suddenly Zayden eyes stuck at Nathan's neck.

Zayden: What happened to your neck? Who's lipstick is it?

Nathan look at Zayden and he saw Zayden's fierce eyes.

Nathan: Err....someone was mistaken me as his boyfriend. Maybe he was too drunk and thought that I am his boyfriend.

Zayden: When you're done, please come back. I'm waiting. (without looking at Nathan)

Zayden was about to leave the toilet but Nathan immediately grab Zayden's hand. Nathan didn't know what happened but Zayden looks mad and his fierce looks is so scary. He look at Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...what happened? Why are you this mad?

Zayden: ...

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Hia...please say something.

Zayden look at Nathan's eyes.

Zayden: I hate to see that lipstick on your neck. It's disgusting !

Nathan touch his neck. Did Zayden just show that he was jealous?

Nathan: Then, what do you want me to do? It's possible to erase them with the water, Hia...

Zayden move closer towards Nathan and look into Nathan's eyes. Their eyes locked together. Zayden put his right hand on Nathan's waist and caressed them. Then, he whisper to Nathan and say,

"Let me erase them for you."

Nathan was very surprised when Zayden places his lips on the lipstick at his neck. He kiss Nathan's neck gently....but it become more aggressive. Zayden really sucks Nathan's neck.

Nathan: Hia...what are you doing?

Zayden: I'm erase the lipstick for you, Ian.

Zayden then continued to suck Nathan's neck. He lick Nathan's neck many time. Looks like he's really hungry. Nathan can't help but to moan because of Zayden's kisses.

Nathan: Hia...

He try to stop Zayden but Zayden still doesn't want to stop.

Nathan: Hia...

And finally Zayden stop. He look straight into Nathan's eyes.

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: The other people would see us, Hia...

Zayden ignore what Nathan's said and proceed to kiss Nathan's lips.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden stop and looking at Nathan. His eyes now only fixed on Nathan. Their eyes seems like talking to each other.

Zayden: Do you know how beautiful you are? Hmmm? That's why other people mistaken you as their boyfriend because you are too beautiful. Your eyes...your nose...your lips...everything about you are so beautiful. Sometimes, I can't handle myself when I see you, Ian...You make me want to kiss you...hug you...but luckily I can't handle it because I want to respect you.

Nathan: ....

Zayden: I'm addicted to you, Ian...

Nathan smile and proceed to kiss Zayden's lips. Nathan put his arms around Zayden's neck and the tension getting hotter. Zayden suck Nathan's lips and push his tongue into Nathan's mouth. As soon as Zayden's push his tongue into Nathan's mouth, Nathan immediately suck his Hia's tongue and it make Zayden moans so hard.

Zayden: I love your tongue. It's tasty and soft like you, Ian.

Nathan: ....

Zayden: Ian...I'm serious ...I'm really addicted to are not a drug yet you make more addicted...

He continued sucking Nathan's lips. Their tongue are playing together and their moans are so hard and it become more hard. Then, he kiss Nathan's neck. Nathan tilt up his neck more so that his Hia can kiss them more. When Zayden kiss Nathan's neck, Nathan was shivering so hard because it is his sensitive spot and Zayden's sucking them so hard !

Nathan: Hia...wait....(Nathan try to stop Zayden)

Zayden stop for a while and he look at Nathan. Seems like Nathan was gasping for the air. He need to control his breath. Then, Nathan look straight into Zayden's eyes.

Nathan: Can I ask you something?

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: After what we've been through...who am I to you?

Zayden lift up his right hand and he caressed Nathan's cheek gently. He places a kiss on Nathan's soft cheek.

Zayden: Do I need to answered it now, Ian?