Part 15: I Did It, Hia !

Tonight is the last night he will perform at Gemini. Time passes very quickly. It's been almost a week since he worked as a part-time singer at the Gemini bar to earn money for his club. Honestly he is tired but he needs to do so. He can buy new music equipment and the Prom Night event will be held.

Nathan is waiting some workers are preparing the stage for him. There are 15 minutes left before 10pm. Suddenly, someone tap his shoulder and he look back. It was Tee.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, Tee.

Tee: Sawadeekrub, Nathan. You came alone tonight?

Nathan nodded.

Tee: Time flies so fast, right? Tonight will be your last performance at my bar.

Nathan: That's right. It was so fun performing at your bar. All of the audiences always supported me.

Tee: It's because they love you, Nathan. Your voice is like an angel, it's so soft and addicted.

Nathan: You're so over, Tee.

Tee: It's a fact, Nathan ! You are so cute too. No one can handle your cuteness.

Nathan: Stop it, Tee. I'm shy.

Tee laugh when he saw Nathan's cheeks was red.

Tee: Nathan, even tonight will be your last performance, you still can come to my bar ...You can come anytime and enjoy.

Nathan: Alright...

Tee: Hmm...after you finish, you can meet me at the VIP room, as usual.

Nathan: Alright, Tee.

Tee: Goodluck, Nathan ! (Tee leaves)

"Are you guys excited for tonight? You guys came here to meet who?"

"Nathan !"

" guys really love him but I have a sad news for you guys. For your information, tonight will be the last performance from our Nathan."

"Arghhh !!!"

"But don't worry, he still can visit our bar when he's free."

"Where is Nathan?"

"Oho...seems like you guys really can't wait to meet him. So, let me calling our Nathan Ian !"

Nathan walked to the center of the stage. He then smile to the audiences. All of the audiences were clapping their hands as soon as they saw Nathan on the center. Seems like they really excited to meet him.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub !

The audiences: Nathan ! Nathan ! Nathan !

Nathan: guys really excited ...

The audiences: Nathan, you are so cute !

Nathan: Thank you !

The audiences: You are handsome too !

Nathan just laughing when he heard their compliments.

Nathan: So, you guys already knew that tonight will be my last performance. I hope you guys will having a great energy to sing with me ... can you do that?

The audiences: Can !!!

Nathan: Okey, let's stay and have fun !

After the performance ended...

Nathan just finished his performance. Then, he looked around the bar. There are still many people still sitting in the audience seats. Suddenly, he saw Zayden walking towards him. He was still wearing his basketball jersey. Seems like he just back from his training.

Nathan: Hiaa...

Nathan hugs Zayden's body as soon as Zayden stepped on the stage.

Nathan: I did it, Hia....

Zayden: You did a great job, Ian. I'm so proud of you. (Zayden caressed Nathan's head)

Then, they let go of their hugs when they realized someone was approaching them.

"Can we take photo together with you?"

Nathan look at Zayden and Zayden nodded his head. Nathan follow the girl to the center of the stage while Zayden waiting for him at the side of the stage. He look at Nathan from a far. He was really proud of Nathan. There are many people who love him, who love his voice and his talent. He's just too kind and nice. He's so adorable. How can other people didn't fall in love with him?

Zayden smile sweetly when he saw Nathan approached him.

Zayden: Are you done, Ian?

Nathan nodded.

Zayden: Let's go. Tee want to meet you, right?

Nathan nodded again. Zayden take Nathan's right hand and hold them tightly. The then walk to the VIP room. As soon as they enter the VIP room, they were very surprised. There are Nami, Javy, Matthew and Tee inside the room.

Zayden: What are you guys doing here?

Zayden and Nathan take a sit beside Nami and Javy.

Matthew: Tee invited us to come. I'm free tonight so I just come here.

Zayden: Where is Nolio?

Matthew: He said he can't come because he need to settle some report.

Tee: Thank you so much because of you many people come to my bar. The profit is so damn increased ...I really didn't expect that.

Nathan: Thanks to you too Tee because you gave me this opportunity.

Tee: I've already bank in the money can check them.

Nathan took his phone and he check his account balance. He was very shocked when he saw the amount.

Nathan: This is too much, Tee. This is not like what we agreed last week ...

Tee: It's okay. Just take it...

Nathan: I can't Tee.

Tee: Just take it or maybe you can take it as your bonus? Your performance really make my bar's profit increased, Nathan. So, it was because of you. You deserved the money.

Nathan: But...

Zayden: Ian...just take it . It's your own hardworking. It's not other's.

Finally Nathan just accept the money.

Nathan: Thank you, Tee.

Tee: You're welcome, Nathan.

In front of Nathan's house...

Zayden park his car in front of Nathan's house. Before leaves, Nathan take a look at Zayden's face.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm? (Zayden look at Nathan)

Nathan opened both of his arms, looks like he ask for a hug from Zayden. Zayden then smile and hug Nathan's body. He caressed Nathan's back.

Nathan: Are you tired, Hia?

Zayden: Hmmm

Nathan: Don't push yourself too much, Hia. If you are tired, take a rest for a while then you can continued when you are okay.

Zayden: I'm okay, Ian. I just need a hug from you then I'll be okay.

Zayden let go his hug on Nathan. Then, he look at Nathan's eyes.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden hold Nathan's hands.

Nathan: Why, Hia?

Zayden: When will be the Prom Night held?

Nathan: On Monday, Hia. Why?

Zayden: I'm sorry, Ian. I can't come to your event because that day I need to go to Chiang Mai for the tournament.

Nathan: It's okay, Hia...I understand.

Zayden: I'm sorry na, Ian.

Nathan: It's okay, Hia. Don't worry. Tell me when you are going to go.

Zayden nodded.

Nathan: I'll come inside, Hia...Drive safely.

Nathan was about to get out from the car but suddenly Zayden calling him.

Zayden: Ian...can you give me a hug again before you go?

Nathan turn back to Zayden and he hug Zayden's body tightly.

Nathan: Why, Hia? Are you okay? Seems like something is bothering you naaa...

Zayden: Nothing. I just miss you, Ian.

Nathan: Ian miss Hia too.

Zayden: I'll be missing you when I'm going to Chiang Mai. Can you just go with me?

Nathan: Hia...don't be like this...focus on your your best. Then, comeback to meet me while bring your trophy. I'll be the happiest person in the world because finally you've achieve your own dream.

Nathan look at Zayden's face then he places his kiss on Zayden's lips.

Nathan: Thank you, Hia for everything. If it wasn't because of you, I don't think I can handle this problem on my own. I'm glad that I have you by my side. Thank for becoming my supporter.

Zayden: Most welcome, Ian. I've promised to you that I'll support you in everything you do. I'll never leave you surrender on your own like you never leave me too.

Zayden put his hand on Nathan's waist and he pull Nathan closer to him. He lift up his right hand then he caressed Nathan's lip before kiss them. Nathan replied Zayden's kiss while he put both of his arms around Zayden's neck. Zayden kissing Nathan gently...then it become aggressive...

Zayden push his tongue into Nathan's mouth, make Nathan moan a little. Nathan try to control his breath. He gasping for the air.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden didn't even stop from kissing Nathan. He continued to travel over Nathan's neck and kiss them.

Nathan: Hia....wait...

Nathan push Zayden's body gently. Then, finally Zayden stop and he look at Nathan.

Zayden: Why, Ian? Hmmm?

Nathan: It's late already, Hia... You need to go back.

Zayden: Can we just continue?

Nathan: seems tired naa...You need a rest. Next week is your tournament, Hia.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Please take a rest , Hia...Can you? Don't make me worry.

Zayden: Alright....

Nathan: I'll go inside first. Take care, Hia. Call me if you arrive at your condo.

Zayden nodded.

Nathan's POV:

Nathan stepped into the house. He was surprised to see his mother in the living room while looking at a family album. Nathan then approached his mother. He sat next to his mother.

Nathan: Ma... (They hug each other)

Ma: Was Zayden is the one who sent you home?

Nathan nodded.

Ma: He's really taking a good care of you, Ian.

Nathan just smile.

Nathan: What are you looking at, Ma? Why you didn't go to your bed yet? It's getting late ...

Ma: I can't sleep, Ian. So, I decided to look at our family album. Look...this is you when you was a child. Back then, you are so cute and adorable. Look at your puffy cheeks. If you remembered, my friends always want to pinch your cheeks because they looks like a bun. (His mother laugh)

Nathan: Ma...are you saying that I am chubby?

Ma: No, Ian. You are cute . Now, you are still cute too...still the same.

Nathan: this you, Ma? (Nathan look at the album)

Ma: Yes, that's me.

Nathan: You are so beautiful, Ma. Now I know why Pa really love you.

Pa: Are you talking about me? What gossip do you have?

Suddenly his father approaches them from upstairs. His father then sit beside Nathan.

Nathan: Pa? You haven't go to sleep too?

Pa: I was about to sleep but suddenly I heard you and Ma laughing I take a look.

Nathan: Ahhh I see...

Pa: How was your day? Tonight is the last day you perform at Gemini, right? Did the money enough? Do you want Pa to help you?

Nathan: No need, Pa. The money is more than enough.

Pa: I'm glad if the money is more than enough. You really a hardworking person , Ian.

Nathan: Hia helped me too. He helped me a lot all this time. He's the one who suggested me this solution and the owner of Gemini is his cousin.

Ma: Really?

Nathan nodded.

Nathan: Pa, you want to know something?

Pa and Ma: What is it?

Nathan: You know during the first performance at Gemini, I didn't have the confident to sing in front of many people. That night, there were so many people came to Gemini. I can't even make an eye contact with the audience. When I started my singing, I didn't dare to continue. I stopped then I took so long to lift up my confident because at that time, I was very nervous.

Ma: Why did you so nervous, Ian? You need to be confident .

Nathan: Ma...There were many people in front of me...all of their eyes were looking at ma...

Ma: Then?

Nathan: Then, I closed my eyes...I took a deep breath and suddenly I heard Hia's voice. I opened my eyes and I saw he was at the audiences seat. He leaded me to start singing and he asked me to show my voice to the world. He said I need to be confident. That time, I was very happy. Then, we sang together. If Hia didn't came that night, I'm not sure if I was able to perform or not.

Pa: Did you say thank you to him?

Nathan: I did, Pa. I'm really grateful because he's the one who lift up my confident to sing in front of many people. He seat at the audience seat while watching my performance. Actually, I was surprised to see him that night because he said he didn't come since he have his basketballer training but...yeah he come.

Ma: Ian...

Nathan: Hmmm?

Ma: Did you remembered when you asked me why Zayden never say I love You to you directly?

Nathan nodded.

Ma: He already did it, Ian.

His mother look at Nathan's eyes and holding both of his hands.

Ma: Ian, didn't you realize that Zayden always look at you?

Nathan: I knew, Ma. Hia was looking at me when I was smiling.

Ma: His eyes seems really stuck with you, Ian. He only see you. He expressed his love through his eyes. It's so deep when he looked at you. As a mother, I can feel the love inside him towards you. It's pure love, Ian. How can you never realized that? Hmmm?

Nathan: ...

Ma: Not all the feeling must be expressed through words but sometimes we just need our eyes to tell everything. Both of you have learned about each other, gone through everything and helped each other. Did you know that Zayden has been told me something?

Nathan: ....

Ma: He said that if he woke up and realized that everything was just a dream, he feel sad about all the things that both of you have been experienced together. Even if it was just a dream, he rather continue dreaming until the day he die. This is what he said to me, Ian.

Nathan was crying when he heard everything his mother said about Zayden. He didn't expect that.

Nathan: But why he never told me about it?

Ma: Because Zayden is not the type who know to express his own feeling, Ian. He don't know how to express them.

Nathan: ....

Ma: He loves you, Ian. He loves you so much.

Nathan: I thought he never loves me, Ma. I thought he just want to pay me back because I've healed him from his past.

Ma: And you need to know, through that healing time, you're the one who never leave him. You always stay by his side and make him to feel attached towards you.

Nathan look at his mother and immediately hug his mother.

Pa: Ian...

Nathan: Hmmm?

Pa: Let me asked you...are you happy when you are with him? Even you just stay in just a second with him. Did you happy?

Nathan nodded.

Pa: I'm glad that you are happy with him so that I don't need to worry anymore. I have Zayden to take care of you.

His father take his right hand and hold them together.

Pa: Ian, listen to me ....Wherever you feel happy, I want you to spend more time there. I want to see you smile like you did today. Stay with him...I hope that both of you can stay together for a long time. If you are happy, Pa and Ma wouldn't worry anymore. We're getting old ...death can also come at any time.

Nathan: Pa...why did you say something like that?

Pa: I jus say it. I didn't mean it.

Ma: If Ma or Pa are gone someday, I want you to stay with Zayden...He's your home and your shelter. Don't forget to take care of each other too.

Nathan: Ma...

Ma: I just want to say it, Ian. There's nothing to worry. Ma and Pa are not going anywhere.

Nathan: Thank you Pa, Ma. Thank you because both of you always support me and helped me to understand Hia. Thank you very much and I love both of you so much.

Nathan then his his mother and his father tightly. He was very grateful to have a parents like them. They are the most important person in his life. They are his first home.