Part 16: I'm All Yours, Hia

Nathan stepped towards the main hall which is next to the engineering faculty. In his hand were several pieces of paper. All the information about the Prom Night event are there. When he arrived at the main hall, he saw many students there and he knew that they were all members of the music club. Some of them are practicing for the show and some are busy decorating the stage. Nathan looked around while looking for Yoshi.

Yoshi: Nathan !

Suddenly someone tap his shoulder from the back and Nathan turn his head.

Nathan: I'm sorry because I'm late, Yoshi. I was helping my mother at the cafe this morning.

Yoshi: It's okay.

Nathan: How about the preparation? Everything is okay, right? How about the ticket?

Yoshi: Everything is okay, 70% is done ! About the ticket...don't worry because I've already make an announcement that the students can take ticket after lunch.

Nathan: Okay, that's good. Did you saw sir?

Yoshi: I think he went to the toilet just now.

Nathan: By the way, about the money, I've decided to donate all the money into our club. So, after this event is done, we can have some discussion how to use the money.

Yoshi: Okey, Nathan.

Nathan: So...I'll go first. I need to meet sir. (Nathan leaves but suddenly Yoshi grab his hand)

Yoshi: Thank you because you have save our club. Thank you too for being the best president.

Nathan: It's okay, it's my responsibility. You too, did a great job as the vice president. You've take care of the members while I'm away.

Yoshi: I hope the event will be our success tonight.

Nathan: Fighting !!!

Zayden's POV:

Zayden keeps all her stuff in a bag. The class just ended. Matthew who was next to him was still busy writing notes on the board.

"Attention to all the students and good morning."

Suddenly someone is making an announcement. Zayden knows that voice. It's Nathan's soft voice. The voice that he misses so much. They haven't seen each other for 2 days because they are busy. Nathan is busy managing his club while he is busy preparing for his tournament.

Matthew: Zayden, it's...

Zayden: Nathan's voice.

"As we already know, the music club will hold Prom Night tonight which will start at 8.30pm. Our theme for Prom Night this semester is free. However, this students who attending Prom Night are required to wear masquerade masks. This is a new feature for Prom Night this semester. So, as the president of the club, I want to invite many more students to come and celebrate the event. I hope all students can attend successfully. That's all from me. see you later tonight."

Matthew: Unfortunately we can't come to the event since our flight scheduled tonight.

Zayden: Who said?

Matthew: What do you mean?

Zayden just smile and put his bag on the shoulder. Matthew is still confused about Zayden's word just now.

Zayden: Bye, I have something important to settle.

Zayden leaves and he walk out from the class. He go to the toilet. He was very surprised when he saw Nathan was in the toilet too.

Zayden: Ian...?

Nathan turn back and he look at Zayden. He automatically smile to Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Are you from the council's office?

Nathan: How did you know?

Zayden: I heard your announcement just now.

Nathan: Ahhh...I see. By the way, did you have your lunch yet?

Zayden: Not yet.

Nathan: Do you want to have lunch with me, Hia? I'm free now.

Zayden: I didn't mean to reject it but I need to go home now, Ian. I need to pack my things because my team will go to the airport this evening. Our flight was scheduled at 7 pm. I'm sorry, Ian.

Nathan: Hia... you already want to go? Time flies so fast. We didn't spent much time together lately.

Nathan look at Zayden's eyes.

Zayden look at Nathan. Not gonna lie but he really miss Nathan. After this they will separate from each other for two weeks. It must be a tough week for them. Nathan at Bangkok and Zayden at Chiang Mai.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmmm?

Zayden move closer to Nathan until Nathan's body hit the sink. Then he put his arms on Nathan's waist. His right hand touch Nathan's cheek then down to the lips. He look at that red lips of Nathan. Zayden then move his face closer to Nathan's face until Nathan can feel his breath. The tension is getting hotter.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: Hia missed Ian so much. Did Ian miss Hia too?

Nathan: Ian missed Hia so damn much.

Zayden slowly placed his lips on Nathan's lips. They are kissing each other's lips but suddenly they stop when they heard some students enter the toilet. Zayden immediately grab Nathan's hand and they step into the toilet. Zayden locked the door.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Yes?

Nathan: I need to help my members for the preparation, Hia... I don't think this is a good thing.

Zayden kiss Nathan's lips for a second the he look at Nathan's face.

Zayden: But you said you are free during the lunch and now is the lunch time... You said you want to have a lunch with me, right?

Nathan: Hia...I didn't mean this lunch.

Zayden: We called this a lunch too, Ian... (Zayden smile)

As soon as Zayden finished his word, he kiss Nathan's lips and Nathan respond. Their lips pressed against each other. Nathan tipped his head to the right side and they can't stop their deep kiss. Nathan lean his body at the wall of the toilet while Zayden is busy kissing his neck. As usual, Zayden never missed the opportunity to push his tongue into Nathan's mouth and make Nathan moan a little.

Zayden: Shhh...Nathan...Please keep it lower.

Zayden continues kissing Nathan's lips. They kissing each other aggressively. Seems like they really missing each other until they can't control themself. Nathan gasping for the air. Then, Zayden bringing his lips onto Nathan's lower lips and sucking them.

Zayden: I'll miss you so much later, Ian.

During the Prom Night...

Nathan just arrived on campus. He came early because he had to do the last inspection before the event started. There is an hour left before the event starts. It looks like many students have entered the hall. Nathan walked towards the stage and stood in the middle of the stage. He observed the situation in the hall carefully. He wants the event to go smoothly.

Without he realized, the students start to whisper with each other.

"Look, it's Nathan Ian."

"He's the club president, right?"

"Yes, it's him. Look....he's so cute and at the same time he's handsome too."

"Oho...that's true. The rumors is true ! He's so cute and adorable like what I heard from the rumors."

"How can be there is a person who have such a beautiful face like him?"

"I know right? This is unbelievable."

After checking all the tickets from the student who came to the event, Nathan take the mic and he walk to the stage. He stand at the center of the stage.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, guys ! Are you guys excited for tonight?

"Yes !"

Nathan: Oho...all of you looks so handsome and beautiful...

"You too, Nathan ! You look so beautiful tonight !"

Nathan: How did you know that I am Nathan? I am wearing my masquerade mask too. It's weird naa.

"It's obviously you, Nathan ! You are so cute ! There are no one who's cute like you !"

Nathan: You are such a sweet talker. I didn't surprise if one of you might having a partner during this event.

All the students cheered after heard what Nathan said just now.

Nathan: Okay, without wasting our time, let me start this event with some performance from the music club. I hope you guys will enjoying the event tonight. Please welcome our band, Tesoro !

Nathan then walked down the stage to give the performance a chance to entertain the students. He stepped towards the back of the stage. Suddenly his phone rang. It's Zayden.

Nathan: Hello, Hia.

Zayden: What are you doing, Ian?

Nathan: The event just started, Hia. How about you? Where are you right now?

Zayden: I am at the airport with the team. We will be boarding in just 5 minutes.

Nathan: I'll miss you so much, Hia.

Zayden: Me too, Ian. Please take care of yourself when I'm away . Don't forget to eat even if you are busy. When you don't feel right, just call me and I'll cheer you up.

Nathan: Alright, Hia. You too, Hia. Don't forget too eat and have a lot of rest. If you are tired, please take a rest for a while. I'll be rooting for you from here. Please comeback soon and bring the trophy back.

Zayden: Okay, Ian.

Nathan: I'm waiting, Hia.

Zayden: Alright, Ian. Hia end the's boarding time already.

Nathan: Okay, Hia. Take care. Please call me if you arrive there.

Zayden: Okay, Ian. Bye.

Nathan ended the call. Nathan turn his back when someone is calling him from a far. He saw Park was walking towards him.

Park: Hey, Nathan.

Nathan: Who are you? How did you know this is me? I mean...I am wearing this masquerade mask.

Park: It's me, Nathan. Park.

Nathan: Oho...Park ! How did you recognized me just now?

Park: I have known you for a long time, Nathan.

Nathan: This is not fair, Park !

Park and Nathan laughing together.

Nathan: I thought you didn't come.

Park: This is your event, Nathan. Of course I'll come. Are you free right now?

Nathan: I'm free, I think? Why?

Park: Wanna dance with me?

Nathan: Why not?

Park: Let's go !

They both walked towards the middle of the hall. All the students seem to be having fun dancing with their partners.

Park: Shall we start?

Nathan smile and nodded.

Park put his right hand on Nathan's waist while his left hand holding Nathan's hand. They start dancing along with the music. Seems like both of them really enjoying the dance. Their chemistry match too even after a year they didn't communicate with each other.

Park: are really great, Nathan !

Nathan: No, Park.

They continue to dance with each other. Suddenly, Nathan's phone can't stop ringing. Seems like someone can't stop messaging him. At first, he try to ignore it but his phone keep ringing.

Nathan: Park, I think I need to check my phone first. Someone keep messaging me.

Park: Okay, maybe it's something important?

Nathan: I think.

Nathan took out his phone from his pocket. It's Zayden who messaged him just now. It's weird because Zayden's not the one who like to spam chat. He opened the chat.

Zayden: Hey, Ian. I just arrived at Chiang Mai airport. *Sending the airport's picture*

Zayden: I didn't want to disturb your night because I know you are enjoying the event but I just want to update you.

Zayden: I'm waiting for the taxi. *Sending the taxi's picture*

Zayden: I already inside the taxi, Ian. Tonight was so cool because I didn't bring my jacket.

Zayden: On my way, Ian.

Zayden: By the way, Ian. I saw this masquerade mask on my way just now. It's beautiful right? I was thinking about you when I saw this and I just bought it.

Zayden: I'm almost there.

Nathan surprised. He's confused when Zayden was sending him a picture of Bangkok University. How can? Didn't he said he was arrived at Chiang Mai Airport? Or he's kidding me?

Zayden: Wait, Ian. I'm tired HAHAHAHA. I'm almost there...maybe just a little bit of walking?

Don't tell me Hia is really coming here. This is outside of the hall !

Nathan's head up and he try to looking for his Hia but he couldn't find Zayden at all. Plus, there are many students.

Park: Who are you searching for, Nathan?

Nathan: Err...nothing.

Zayden: I'm here !


Nathan try to searching for Zayden again but he failed to do so. He was having a hard time to pass through all the student since the hall are very pack with the students.

Zayden: Look at the stage, Ian.


As soon as he read Zayden's last message, he then looked towards the stage. At that moment, he saw someone on the stage holding a mic in his hand and guitar. Even though the face was hidden behind the masquerade mask, Nathan still knew who it was. It's Zayden Evander !

Nathan: Hia... (He was speechless)

All of the eyes now focus on Zayden at the stage.

Zayden: Hi, everyone ! Tonight, I will sing a song called Always You. This song is special for someone.

Zayden look at Nathan and their eyes are stuck with each other.

Zayden: Please listen to it.

(Zayden start to sing)

Zayden bow his body a little after finished his singing. All the audiences were clapping their hands as soon as the performance ended.

Zayden: This song is special for Nathan Ian.

Now all of the eyes are looking at Nathan. Nathan look at Zayden and he take a closer step towards the stage. He look at Zayden from the audience seat under the stage.

Zayden: Ian...I sing this song for you because it's really represent my heart. Do you remembered the chorus? (Zayden started to sing the chorus part.)

I've never not loved you, but I can't say it

I don't know if I have the right to say that

I've been waiting for you to look into my eyes

You will understand

Do you know how hard it is?

I have to keep that love inside

Are you still waiting to hear from me?

The words 'I love you'

Zayden: Ian...I know you are confused with me...I know you always asking yourself why I never saying I love you directly to you...I know you are waiting for me to say it...

Nathan: ....

Zayden: I'm sorry, Ian. I'm sorry because all this time you was waiting for me to say it directly.

Nathan take a slow step to the stage. He never breaking their eye contact until he standing in front of Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: I love you, Nathan Ian. I love you very much.

Nathan's tears fell as soon as Zayden expressed his love at that time. He can't believe that finally he can hear the word 'I love you' from Zayden mouth. He was waiting for him to say that since a long time ago.

Zayden move closer to Nathan and he wipes Nathan's tear. He caressed Nathan's cheek.

Zayden: Do you love me, Ian?

Nathan: ....

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: I always love you, Hia...

Zayden: Thank you so much, Ian. Thank you for loving me too.

"Kiss !"

"Kiss !"

Zayden is about to kiss Nathan's lips but Nathan immediately stop him.

Nathan: Can we do it later?

Zayden: What do you mean later?

Nathan: This is not the right place, Hia.

Zayden: I think my condo is the right place, Ian.

Nathan smile to Zayden.

At Zayden's condo...

As soon as they both arrived at Zayden's condo, they went inside together. As if he couldn't help himself, Zayden then pulled Nathan's body towards him. He put his hand on Nathan's waist. He caressed Nathan's neck then up to his cheeks. Their eyes locked together.

Zayden: You are mine, Ian.

Nathan: ...

Zayden: No one can have you other than me.

Nathan closed his eyes and leaned close to Zayden's face. Then, he kiss Zayden's lips. Zayden replied his kiss. Nathan grab Zayden's face and kiss him again and again. He can't stop kissing Zayden's lips. He kiss Zayden passionately.

Nathan: Don't worry, Hia. I'm all yours tonight. Only yours, Zayden Evander.

Zayden smile to Nathan when Nathan said that. Zayden bring Nathan to the living room without breaking their kisses. His hand never leaved Nathan's waist. His lips also never part from Nathan. Nathan lean his back on the couch while Zayden's still hovering over him.

Zayden: Ian....wait...

Zayden trying to gasping for the air. He didn't knew that Nathan will be so hard on him. Nathan was kissing him so aggressive. He never seen that version of Nathan.

Nathan look at Zayden's face and he was about to kissing Zayden again but suddenly Zayden stop him.

Nathan: What's wrong, Hia? What are you thinking about?

Zayden: I'm sorry, Ian for not telling you directly about my love. I just didn't want to say it carelessly. I want you to see it by yourself...through my eyes...

Nathan: What's so hard about saying the word love, Hia? Why can't you just say it if you love me? Why do you have to keep me guessing and waiting?

Zayden: I just told you I love you. Did you forget already?

Nathan: ...

Zayden: I've never not loved you, Ian. I love you everyday. I love you since the day you came into my life and I'll always love you from now on too.

Nathan smile. He's so happy that time. Zayden was explaining everything to him.

Zayden: Be my boyfriend?

Nathan: ...

Zayden: You are so cute until I can't handle myself, Ian. Can you be my boyfriend?

Nathan: Can you ask that again, Hia?

Zayden: Be my boyfriend, Nathan Ian? (He can't believe that)

Nathan: Yes, I will, Hia.

Zayden smile happily. He look at Nathan's lips and he was so eager to kiss them. He moves his face closer to Nathan and kiss Nathan's lips. Nathan responded quickly and put both of his arms around Zayden's neck. Nathan moan when Zayden put his tongue inside Nathan's mouth. He's sucking Nathan's tongue. Then, he didn't forget to licking Nathan's neck, the most sensitive part until it makes Nathan moans so hard.

Both of them continued to kiss each other while their hands are exploring each other's body. Nathan pull Zayden's shirt and he can't stop look at Zayden's toned body. He's exploring Zayden's body with his hands. Zayden then kiss all of the part in Nathan's face.

Zayden pulled off Nathan's shirt and kissed Nathan's body aggressively. Zayden kissed Nathan's chest then down to the nipples and sucking them so hard until make Nathan moan again and again. Nathan was a little bit surprised when Zayden rubbed Nathan's hard cock inside the pants as he kissed Nathan's lips. He push his tongue into Nathan's mouth again. As Zayden push his tongue into Nathan's mouth, Nathan was sucking them until Zayden moan. Their breathing are getting heavy and they can feel the hot already.

Zayden: Ian...we're going to do it...

Nathan: Yes, please Hia. Like what I said just now...I'm all yours tonight, Hia.

Nathan lying down on the couch as Zayden was on top of him. Zayden move closer to Nathan's naked body and he start to licking Nathan's nipples.

Zayden: Do you enjoying this, Ian?

Nathan nodded. As Zayden saw Nathan nodding his head, Zayden continued licking Nathan's nipples again. He was sucking them. Seems like he really want to eat them.

Nathan: Hia... (Nathan moan)

Then, Zayden pulled down his pants same as Nathan too. Zayden pull his hard cock on Nathan's. They were pushing and pulling their body together. Nathan bite his own lips as he try to control his moan. Zayden looking at Nathan's face. He was admiring Nathan's beautiful face as he was moan and closing both of his eyes. He know Nathan was enjoying the moment.

They moaning in pleasure together. Nathan take a look at Zayden's horny face then he continued pleasuring his Hia. Nathan and Zayden changing their position. Nathan was on top of Zayden. Nathan goes down to Zayden's abs and licks them. He keeps going down until he reach Zayden's hard cock. He licks Zayden's hard cock like he's eating his favorite ice cream while his hand playing with Zayden's nipples.

Zayden: Ian... (Zayden moan)

Nathan doesn't stop but instead of continue licking it. Zayden rub Nathan's hair gently while Nathan still enjoy licking his hard cock. Zayden moan for many times already. Nathan stares at his Hia with a seductive look while his hand doing his job.

Nathan: For your information, this is my favorite part, Hia. (Nathan grab Zayden's hard cock while push and pull them against his)