Part 17: The Promises

Zayden looked at Nathan's face. He admires his boyfriend who was still fast asleep. He can't stop smile when he remembered about what they did last night. It was such a memorable and beautiful moment in his life. The way they pleasuring each other last night make his heart flutters.

Zayden lift up his hand and he start to explore Nathan's face. He touched Nathan's eyes then down to the nose and continued to the lips. When he touch Nathan's lips, he suddenly remembered Nathan's lips was kissing him passionately last night.

Nathan opened his eyes when he feels that someone was looking at him. He saw his boyfriend was staring at him while smiling. Nathan look at his body and he just realized that he was still in naked. He pull the blanket to cover up his naked body. Zayden was smiling when he saw Nathan immediately cover his body. He know Nathan was still shy and he can't ever make an eye contact with Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...stop looking at me.

Zayden: Why are you shy, Ian? I've seen everything last night.

Nathan: That was last are teasing me ...

Zayden smile again. He don't know why but when he's with Nathan, he just can't stop smiling. Nathan is too cute and adorable.

Zayden: You are so cute, Ian. My boyfriend, Nathan is the most cutest person in the world.

Nathan smiling when he heard the word 'boyfriend'. He can't believe that finally Zayden is his boyfriend.

Zayden: Are you happy, Ian? After what we did last night.

Nathan: I'm so happy, Hia. (Nathan smile)

Zayden was very satisfied with Nathan's answer that time, make him can't stop smiling.

Nathan: How about you, Hia? Are you happy?

Zayden: I'm even happier than you, Ian.

Zayden then placed his lips on Nathan's lips. Nathan replied his kiss.

Nathan: Ian love Hia.

Zayden: Hia loves Ian too.

Then, Zayden put his hand on Nathan's waist he pull Nathan's body into his warm hug. But suddenly Nathan was surprised when he can feel Zayden's body was hot. He look at Zayden for a while. He know why Zayden's body was hot this morning. It's because of last night.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: Your body temperature is hot...

Zayden: ....

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia. I was too hard on you last night.

Zayden smile and put a kiss on Nathan's forehead.

Zayden: It's okay, Ian. I was happy very happy last night. You was pleasuring me so hard ...I didn't even know that version of you.

Nathan: Hia... stop it. You are making me shy.

Zayden: But you are so sexy last night, Ian.

Zayden put his right hand inside the blanket and his hand start to travel on Nathan's body. Then, his hand stop at Nathan's naked butt. He squeeze it while making eye contact with Nathan.

Zayden: This part is my favorite, Ian. It's so soft.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Can I have it again right now, Ian?

Nathan: ....

Nathan look at his boyfriend's face. Zayden's face seems like he really need it. Zayden is seducing him ! Zayden was not even stop from squeezing his naked butt.

Zayden: Can I?

Nathan: Hiaa...I have...

Nathan can't even finish his word when Zayden was come inside the blanket. Zayden's face now closer to Nathan's butt. Nathan can feel Zayden's breath on his butt. Nathan was shivering when Zayden start licking his naked butt. Nathan can't help but moan so hard. Nathan can hear the sound when Zayden licking his naked butt.

Zayden: Ian...why did you have such a soft butt? I really love this. (Zayden didn't event stop)

Nathan: HIA !!!

Nathan was moan in a high pitch voice when Zayden was licking his naked butt while his hand playing with Nathan's hard cock. Nathan's body shivering so bad. Nathan just enjoying it when Zayden's playing with his butt and his hard cock. He didn't even bother to stop Zayden. He just so happy at that time.

At the evening...

Zayden just finished cooking chicken porridge for Nathan. The porridge was placed in a bowl and he bring them towards his bedroom. When he enter his bedroom, he saw Nathan was still fast asleep. Nathan was never leave the bed since morning. He's just lying there.

Zayden put the bowl on the table beside the bed. Then, he take a sit beside Nathan on the bed. He caressed Nathan's hair.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan still didn't open his eyes.

Zayden: Ian...wake up, Ian...

Finally Nathan opened both of his eyes and he look at Zayden's face.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Ian, you haven't eat anything since morning ...I've made you some chicken porridge. Get up and eat them, Ian.

Nathan: How was you body, Hia? Still hot?

Zayden: Don't worry about me, Ian. I'm okay. Now, you need to get up and eat this porridge. It's still hot.

Nathan get up from the bed and he leaned his back on the bed. Zayden realized that Nathan seems like he was enduring the pain.

Zayden: Ian, are you okay?

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: I'm asking you, Nathan. Are you okay? Hmm?

Nathan: It's hurt, Hia...I can't even walk. (Nathan replied but he looks shy)

Zayden smile and then he kissed Nathan's cheek.

Zayden: I'm sorry, Ian. You are just so sexy that's why I can't control myself.

Nathan: Stop it, Hia.

Zayden took the bowl and he feed his boyfriend the porridge he made. Nathan seems have a big appetite that time. Zayden was very sure that Nathan love his porridge. The porridge in the bowl was just a little bit left.

Zayden: Do you want more?

Nathan: No, Hia. I already full.

Zayden put the bowl back on the table.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden turn back and look at Nathan.

Nathan: Why did you came to the event last night? Didn't you told me that you're already arrived at Chiang Mai?

Zayden move closer to Nathan and he lean his back on the bed too. He take Nathan's left hand and holding them together.

Zayden: The tournament was extending to next month, Ian. We just being inform about this when we were at the airport yesterday. When I know that the tournament was extend, I immediately go to your event.

Nathan: Ahhhh I see....

Zayden: If not, I didn't know when will I can confessed my love towards you, Ian.

Nathan look into Zayden's eyes.

Nathan: Now all of the students know that you was confessing your love towards me.

Zayden: That's good, Ian ! So, no one will flirting with you anymore because you are mine. I've already put my mark on you last night.

Nathan: are teasing me again...I'm shy, Hia.

Zayden laugh when he saw Nathan's face. He likes to tease Nathan lately.

Zayden: Wait, Ian. (Zayden turn his face to Nathan)

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: I saw you was dancing with Park at the event, Ian...I'm jealous ..

Nathan: and Park are just a friend. He already have a boyfriend and they are planning to have their engagement at the end of this year. If you didn't believe me, you can ask Ma.

Zayden: Engage? Oho...I'm happy for them too.

Nathan: Me too, Hia. Finally he have someone who can stay by his side forever.

Zayden: .... (He look at Nathan's face)

Zayden: Do you want to be my fiance, Ian?

Nathan was very shocked and he immediately look at Zayden.

Nathan: Hia, didn't you think this is too early?

Zayden: I don't think so. We've been through everything together all this time. I want to be your fiance so that no one can take you from me, Ian.

Nathan: Hia...don't be too rush. Thinking about it again.

Zayden: Why, Ian? You didn't want to engage with me? You didn't love me anymore?

Nathan take a deep breath.

Nathan: Hia...I've never not love you even a second. If you want to propose me, then I will become the happiest person in the world, Hia but right now it's too early. Can you wait a little bit more, Hia? Can you understand me? Hmm?

Zayden nodded his head and he smile to Nathan.

Nathan: Don't worry, Hia. I'm not going anywhere. I'm always here. (Nathan point Zayden's heart)

Zayden give his boyfriend the most sweetest smile. He then put his lips on Nathan's lips. It's like an automatic respond when Zayden's kiss Nathan's lips, his tongue would go wild, enter Nathan's mouth and sucking his boyfriend's tongue too.

Nathan: Hia...again? (Nathan try to stop Zayden)

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Hia...I'm afraid that my tongue will be cut off by your tongue because you are sucking it non-stop.

Zayden: NATHAN IAN !!!

Nathan just laughing when he saw Zayden's reaction that time.

*bell ringing*

Nathan: Hia, seems like someone is coming.

Zayden: I'll go check first. (Nathan leaves)

"Ian ! Where are you, son ?!"

Nathan straighten his back when he heard that voice. It's his mother's voice !

Nathan: Ma? How did she know I am here?

Nathan want to approach his mother but he can't walk. It's still hurt.

Ma: Ian !

Nathan was very surprised when he saw his mother enter the room. Zayden was walking behind her.

Nathan: did you know I am here?

Ma: I asked Zayden.

Nathan look at Zayden. Zayden didn't even told him about this.

Nathan: Err...what are you doing here, Ma? Do you want to bring me home? Then, let's go, Ma. (Nathan try to get up but he was enduring the pain so bad)

He look at his mother. His mother walk towards Nathan and sit on the bed beside Nathan.

Ma: No need, Ian. I know it's still hurt.

Again, Nathan was surprised.

Ma: Zayden, look what you have done to my son. Please don't be too hard on him next time. Look, he can't even walk. Oho...both of you really have a good night, am I right? Uihhh !

Nathan: How did you...

Ma: Ian, I've been in your situation too. That's why last night you didn't go home, Ian.

His mother then move closer to Nathan and she is whispering something.

Ma: How was last night, Ian? Did you enjoy it? You can share with me...

Nathan: Ma !

His mother the just smile. He know his son is shy when she know what did they do last night.

His mother get up from the bed.

Ma: Have a rest, Ian. I'll making our dinner tonight. Zayden, come with me. I'm afraid to let both of you in this room alone.

Nathan: Ma ! You are teasing me !

His mother just laugh and leaved the room. Zayden follow Nathan's mother to the kitchen.

They both cook for dinner together. Many types of side dishes were cooked by Nathan's mother. She also does not forget to cook jackfruit curry for Zayden. After an hour, they finished cooking for their dinner.

Zayden: Auntie...

Nathan's mother turn his head and looking at Zayden's face.

Zayden: Can I talk to you about something?

Ma: Of course. Let's go.

Both of them then walk to the living room. They take a sit on the sofa.

Ma: What is it, Zayden?

Zayden: Err...

Ma: Just tell me, Zayden.

Zayden: I've plan to propose Ian.

Ma: Really? Are you serious, Zayden?

Zayden nodded.

Zayden: He is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is the one who makes my life meaningful. He is the reason I want to wake up every morning. I want to see his face before I close my eyes every night. I want to be with him, love him, and take care of him for the rest of my life.

Ma: Nathan must be lucky to have someone like you. You really love him.

Suddenly, Nathan's mother hug him.

Ma: Thank you Zayden. Thank you for loving him and take care of him. I'm really grateful because now he have met his love.

Zayden: Are you not going to against me?

Ma: For what, Zayden? I'll be the happiest person if you want to propose him because I don't need to worry anymore.

Zayden: But Ian said this is too early.

Ma: He did?

Zayden nodded.

Ma: Maybe he need some time? Just wait for a little bit, Zayden. Don't thinking about this too much. As long as both of you love each other, there's nothing to be afraid of. But promise me that both of you will stay together until the end. Take care of Nathan ...don't you ever leave him behind.

Zayden: I promise, auntie.

Ma: Just call me Ma, Zayden. You are my son too. (Ma smile to Zayden)

Zayden was very surprised when Nathan's mother told him to call her as Ma, same as Nathan call her.

Zayden: Ma...Thank you, Ma.

Zayden start to cry. It has been a long time since he call someone as Ma. He never call someone as Ma all this time because his mother was died 2 years ago.

Ma: What happened, Zayden?

Zayden: I felt like I was calling my own mother.

Nathan's mother immediately hug Zayden's body tightly. He know Zayden has been through a hard time since his mother died 2 years ago.

Ma: It's okay, son. You have me. I can be your mother too. (She caressed Zayden's back)

Zayden: Thank you, Ma.

Ma: Welcome, Zayden. Like what I said, I'll love what Nathan loves. That's mean I love you like I love my own son, Nathan.

Zayden was very moved by Nathan's mother's words. Since he got to know Nathan's family, he could feel a warm family relationship. He misses that atmosphere so much. He was grateful that Nathan's family considered him as their own son.