Part 18: Home

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Zayden: Blow the candle, Ma.

His mother then blow the candle on the cake. She look at his son's face and hug him warmly.

Zayden's mother: Thank you so much, Zayden.

Zayden: You are welcome, Ma. Do you want to eat the cake now or you want to see your birthday gift first?

Zayden's mother: Hmmmm...I want to see the gift first.

Zayden: Ma wait here. I'll take the gift.

Zayden then walked towards his bedroom which was upstairs. He took a large box that was navy blue and brought it to his mother.

Zayden's mother: Hmm...this time the box is small, Zayden. What is inside the box?

Zayden: I can't tell you right now, Ma. It's a surprise for you. Now, please close your eyes. When I tell you to open your eyes, then you can open them.

Zayden's mother close both of his eyes while Zayden still busy open the box.

Zayden: Are you ready, Ma?

His mother nodded.

Zayden: Okay, you can open your eyes now.

His mother then open his eyes as soon as Zayden told him to do so. She saw a ticket flight.

Zayden's mother: What is this?

Zayden: You can take a look, Ma.

His mother took the ticket from the box. She was very surprised when she read the ticket. It is the ticket to go to Kao Phi Phi Island !

Zayden's mother: Zayden ! Are you kidding me?

Zayden: No, Ma. This is really for you ...

Zayden's mother: Thank you, Zayden. I'm so happy.

Zayden: Most welcome, Ma. I hope Pa and Ma will enjoy your time there. Don't worry about me here. I can take care of myself.

Zayden's mother: Finally I can go there. It will be interesting if I try scuba diving, right?

Zayden: You can do whatever you want, Ma but please take care of yourself. You can't be under the sun for a long time. You will be passing out. Remember to wear your cap.

Zayden's mother: Krub, boss.

Zayden laugh.

Zayden: The flight will be next month, right? Please remind me so that I can drive Pa and Ma to the airport.

Zayden's mother nodded his head.

Suddenly Zayden heard someone's step from the outside of their house. He take a look but he didn't see anyone.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

It was his father. His father just arrived at home while bring a bouquet of red rose and a big box. He walk towards Zayden's mother and take a sit beside her.

Mr. Pwen: Happy birthday, my queen ! I wish you a happy life and stay beautiful as always.

Zayden's mother: Thank you so much, dear. I thought you forgot today is my birthday.

Mr. Pwen: How can I forgot my queen's birthday? By the way I bought this red rose for you. (Zayden's father gave the flower to her)

Zayden's mother: Thank you, dear.

Mr. Pwen: And this is for you too.

Zayden's mother: What is this?

Mr. Pwen: You can open it.

Zayden's mother open the box and she was surprised to see a maroon gown. It was so beautiful. The lace around the gown was very beautiful. It have diamond too on the top op the gown.

Zayden's mother: Oho...this is so beautiful.

Mr. Pwen: I can't wait to see you wear it, dear. I'm sure that you will look more beautiful. 300% more beautiful.

Zayden's mother: Thank you so much !

Without them realized, Zayden was busy recording a video of his mother and his father using his phone. He was smiling to see both of his parents having a sweet moment that time. Zayden's mother look toward the camera and she smile sweetly.

But it was so strange when he saw his mother's shadow disappearing from his sight. However, Zee could still see the sweet smile on his mother's face. That smile is really happy but why is his mother moving away? Why does his mother seem like she want to leave him? Where does his mother want to go?

Zayden: Ma...? Ma ! Where did you go? Why did you leave me? Ma ! Ma !

Zayden call his mother so many times but why his mother keep on leaving him?

Zayden: Ma ! Ma !

Nathan who was sleeping soundly woke up when he heard Zayden calling his mother. Nathan got up from the bed and he looked at Zayden who was sleeping next to him. Zayden is crying. He was very sure Zayden was having a bad dream.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Ma ! Why did you leave me? (He cried)

Nathan: Hia...wake up, Hia...

Finally Zayden open his eyes and he realized it was just a dream. When he look at Nathan, he immediately hug Nathan's body tightly. He's still crying. He was crying so hard.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: What happen, Hia? Are you having a bad dream just now?

Zayden: I dreamed about my mom, Ian. He leaved me, Ian.

Nathan caressed Zayden's back.

Nathan: You must be really have a hard time this past 2 years. You must be tired, Hia.

Zayden: I miss my mother, Ian.

Nathan: It's okay, Hia. Just cry if you want to. It's not wrong to miss the one who already left us. But I want you to know that your mother never leave you. She walk beside you everyday. It just unseen, unheard, but she always by your side, near to you. She still love you and missing you. You need to learn how to live without her, Hia. You must be strong.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: Please don't leave me naa...I didn't want to lose anyone especially you, Ian.

Nathan look at Zayden's face and he smile to him. He grab Zayden's hand and holding them.

Nathan: Hia, listen. I will never leave you and I will always by your side. I'm always here...I am not going anywhere.

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Nathan: Don't worry naa, Hia.

Nathan places his lips on Zayden's forehead while he close his eyes. He really love Zayden and he was sad to see his boyfriend enduring the pain alone.

Nathan: Are you okay right now, Hia?

Zayden nodded his head.

Nathan: Then, you need to sleep. Forget about everything.

Zayden then lay on the bed, Nathan too. Zayden put his arms around Nathan's waist and he hugged Nathan's body tightly.

Nathan: Sleep na, Hia. ( He kiss zayden's lips for a while)

Zayden then closed his eyes. After make sure Zayden was fast asleep, then Nathan decide to sleep. They sleeping while hugging each other tightly. They seems like didn't want to let go of each other that night.

In the morning...

Nathan opened his eyes when he heard his phone ring. He quickly picked up his phone from the table.

Nathan: Hello, Ma.

Ma: Oho...don't tell me you just woke up?

Nathan: You are right, Ma.

Ma: When will you comeback? You already stay at Zayden's condo for about 2 weeks, Ian. I already miss you naaa. Seems like you really like to stay there.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Ma but right now I can't really leave him alone. Last night he was having a bad dream and he was crying all night.

Ma: What happened? He's okay, right?

Nathan: He was dreaming about his mother. Maybe he missed her so much.

Ma: It must be so hard for him, right? It's okay, Ian. You can continued stay there but if possible you can bring him to sleep at our house naa...

Nathan: I'll ask him later.

Ma: Okay, I'll end the call now. I need to go to the cafe right now.

Nathan: Okay, Ma. Take care.

Nathan ended the call and put his phone on the table. He was surprised when he saw Zayden was not there by his side. He get up from the bed and looking for Zayden. He try to look at the other room but no one was there. Suddenly he heard a sound from the television.

He go to the living room and he saw Zayden was there. He was watching something on the television. Nathan move closer to Zayden and sit beside his boyfriend. Zayden didn't realized Nathan was on his side. Nathan take a look at the television. He was watching a video of his mother.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden still didn't realize. He was too focus on the tv. Nathan decided to leave Zayden alone at the living room. Maybe he need a some time alone. Nathan get up from the sofa and he was about to leave but suddenly Zayden grab his wrist.

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: Where are you going, Ian?

Nathan: I want to take a bath, Hia. I have mandarin class this evening.

Zayden: Can you stay with me for a while, Ian?

Nathan sit back on the sofa. Zayden then lying on Nathan's thigh while his eyes still focus on the tv. Nathan just sitting there while his hand caressed Zayden's hair.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm? Do you need anything, Hia?

Zayden: No.

Nathan: Then?

Zayden: Are you free this weekend?

Nathan: Yes, I'm free. Why, Hia?

zayden: Do you want to go with me to Kao Phi Phi Island?

Nathan seems shocked.

Nathan:'s so sudden naa, Hia.

Zayden: My mother really like that island. Before he died, I did give her a ticket to that island as a birthday gift but sadly he can't go there. This Saturday is her birthday so I plan to go there. Do you want to go with me, Ian?

Nathan: Of course, Hia ! Why not?

Zayden: Thank you, Ian.

Nathan's parents POV:

Today he decided to work at his wife's cafe. He sat in the back of the cafe. His wife is busy serving customers. It is already noon that's why many students come to the cafe to buy coffee.

Ma: are so busy like a boss ! You keep on looking at the computer.

Pa: You also looks like a boss. Today you have so many customer. You must be tired, right?

Ma: Yes but I've used to it so I'm okay.

Pa: By the way, why don't we go out for a holiday?

Ma: You are so random, my dear.

Pa: I'm serious naaa. It has been a long time since the last holiday. I'm asking you want to go?

Ma: I'm just okay. If you want then, let's go.

Pa: Okay, then I'll prepare for everything but we didn't go this month naa. I'm a little bit busy. Maybe next month?

Ma: Okay, deal.

Ma took out his phone and he dialed Nathan's number.

Ma: I want to ask our son if he want to go with us or not.

Within a second, Nathan answered the call.

Ma: Hello, Ian.

Nathan: Hello, Ma...

Ma: What are you doing?

Nathan: I was preparing a dinner for Hia. Why do you call me, Ma

Ma: Oho...both of you looks like a married couple already.

Nathan: Ma, you really love to tease me, right?

His mother laugh.

Ma: I called you because I want to ask you about something.

Nathan: What is it, ma?

Ma: Ma and Pa planned to go to holiday next month. Do you want to go with us?

Nathan: Err...I don't think so, Ma. I didn't want to disturb both of you.

Ma: It's okay, Ian. It can be our family holiday?

Nathan: It's okay, Ma. I'll let Ma and Pa having a romantic holiday without me.

Ma: you are teasing me, Ian.

Nathan: Don't mind me. I'm okay.

Ma: Are you sure?

Nathan: Yes, Ma.

Ma: Okay, then.

His mother was about to end the call but suddenly...

Nathan: Wait, Ma !

Ma: Yes, Ian?

Nathan: Err....I want to go to Kao Phi Phi Island with hia this weekend. Can I?

Ma: Why did you ask me, Ian? Just go with him. I don't care as long as you are with him. I'm sure you will be safe.

Nathan: Thank you, Ma.

Ma: Enjoy your day, by the way.

Nathan: Okay, Ma. You too !

Nathan's POV:

Nathan stepped into the lecture hall which was not far from the engineering building. He looking for Nolio as soon as he enter the hall. He will have a 3 hours of Mandarin class this evening.

When the lecturer come to the class, Nolio haven't come yet. He try to call Nolio but he didn't pick up. Maybe he's on his way. Luckily, Nolio already sit on his side when the lecturer collect the student's attendance.

Nathan: What took you so long, Nolio?

Nolio: I'm sorry. I have a diarrhea.

Nathan laugh when he heard Nolio's answered.

Suddenly Nathan's phone is ringing. It was a call from Zayden.

Nathan: Hello, Hia.

Zayden: Hello, Ian. Where are you right now?

Nathan: I am in the class, Hia. Why?

Zayden: Nothing, Nathan. I was worried when I woke up, I didn't see you.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia. You was fast asleep that's why I didn't want to wake you up.

Zayden: It's okay, Ian.

Nathan: By the way why did you call me, Hia?

Zayden: I just miss you, Ian.

Nathan: just half an hour since I went our from your condo. You already miss me?

Zayden: Please come back fast naa, Ian. I miss you.

Nathan: Okay, Hia. I'll hang up now. Take a rest, Hia. I'll be back soon.

Zayden: Bye, Ian. I love you, Ian.

Nathan: Ian too.

Nathan was realized that his boyfriend is so clingy since this morning. He don't know why but Zayden looks like always aon with him. Did something happened to him?

Nathan put his phone inside his bag and he look at the front. The lecturer has started the class.

Nolio: Who was it?

Nathan: Hia...

Nolio: Hia? Who is that?

Suddenly Nathan remember that he haven't told Nolio about all the things that happened lately. Nolio will be offended if he knew that Nathan haven't told him yet.

Nathan: Can we talk about this later?

Nolio: Alright, Nathan.

After 3 hours of class...

Nathan and Nolio keep all of their things inside their bag. All the student has left the lecture hall. Only he and Nolio still sit on the chair.

Nolio: Nathan, who is Hia? You haven't told me anything naa.

Nathan: Err...

Nolio: Nathan...?

Nathan: Zayden. I called him Hia. It's more intimate.

Nolio: Oho...seems like you and Zayden already close to each other naa...

Nathan just smile and he didn't even dare to have an eye contact with Nolio. He was afraid to tell Nolio about the whole story between him and Zayden. He's kind a nervous.

Nathan: You knew right that Hia went to the event 2 weeks ago.

Nat nodded his head.

Nolio: He came to the event because the tournament was being extend. Then, he sing for you on the stage and he confessed his love towards you.

Nathan was a little surprised.

Nathan: How did you know, Nolio?

Nolio: I know about this but I just wait for you to tell me on your own.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Nolio. I didn't mean to hide this things from you naa. I just need some time to tell you.

Nolio: It's okay. I understood. Right now, all of the student in the campus know that Zayden confessed his love towards you.

Nathan: I know.

Nolio look at his friend.

Nolio: Is there anything you want to share with me? I think there are many things you haven't tell me, Nathan.

Nathan: That night...after the and hia...

Nolio: Did 'it'? (Nolio smile)

Nathan: Err...what do you mean by 'it'?

Nat: You and Zayden did it, right? That thing...inside the room...on the bed...and...

Nathan: Oho....Nolio ! You are kind a detailed !

Nolio: So, what happened?

Nathan: Hia said he loves me and he asked me to be his boyfriend.

Nolio: Are you serious?

Nathan: Yes. He's changed, Nolio.

Nolio: What do you mean by he has changed? Did he nail and bail on you?

Nathan shocked. His friend really straightforward.

Nathan: Are you crazy, Nolio?

But all the things Nolio said are true to be honest. He remembered Zayden was really deceiving him that night until he can't walk the next morning.

Nolio: Then what do you mean by he's change?

Nathan: He's so cute, caring, and he's so sweet ! He's romantic too ! He always make my heart flutters, you know.

Nolio: Oho...seems like you are really happy right now, Nathan.

Nathan: But...

Nolio: There is a but?

Nathan: Yesterday, he talk about me being his fiance.

Nolio: What do you mean? Are you serious?

Nathan: Yes, he told me that he want me to be his fiance.

Nolio: Then, what is the problem?

Nathan: Don't you think it's too early?

Nolio lean his back on the chair. Seems like he was thinking about something.

Nolio: If two people really love each other, that means they both have mutual feelings. They both have found comfort in each other. It doesn't matter if you have just adjusted to each other. The important thing is the love you have for each other, that's enough. If you love him, it means you want to live with him for a long time.

Nathan: ....

Nolio: Nathan, I think you should just do your best in this relationship since both of you love each other. What will be happened in the future, I'm sure that both of you can handle it. We called that the power of love.

Nathan laugh and he look at his friend.

Nathan: Thank you, Nolio for understanding me.

Nolio: You are welcome, Nathan. If you have anything to share then just call me.

Zayden's POV:

Zayden has just returned from visiting her mother. He missed his mother since last night's dream. So, he decided to visit his mother. It was late at night when he arrived at his condo, 10 pm.

Zayden stepped into the condo. He was surprised to see Nathan sleeping on the couch in the living room. He approached Nathan. Seems like Nathan was fast asleep. Zayden didn't want to wake him up so he decide to carry Nathan to the room by himself.

Zayden was about to carry Nathan's body but suddenly he saw Nathan already wake up. Nathan look at him.

Nathan: Hiaa...

Zayden: Ian...why did you sleep here? Hmm?

Nathan: Where are you going Hia? I was waiting for you.

Zayden: I was visiting my mother, Ian. I'm sorry for not telling you.

Zayden look at Nathan while he caressed Nathan's cheek.

Zayden: Let me carry you to the bedroom. You must be so sleepy, right? Let's go.

Nathan: Hmm...

Zayden then carry Nathan into his room and he put Nathan's body on the bed.

zayden: Sleep na, Ian.

He places his lips on nathan's forehead then down to Nathan's lips. Zayden put the blanket on Nathan's body.

Zayden: Goodnight, Ian.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayen: Hmmm?

Nathan put his arms around Zayden's neck. Then, he kiss Zayden's lips. Zayden also replied his kiss. They kissing each other for a while.

Zayden: Sleep tight, Ian. I'll take a bath first.

Nathan nodded and he closed both of his eyes. Zayden look at his boyfriend and he smiling.

Zayden: It's feel nice to have someone waiting for you at home.