Part 19: Unofficial Proposal

They both just arrived at Kao Phi Phi Island. The trip that morning took 2 hours. They arrived at the island at 10 am. Nathan waited for Zayden to take care of their homestay while enjoying the atmosphere at the island. The weather was really good and the air is very fresh. It looks like a lot of visitors come there on vacation.

The islands of Koh Phi Phi are very popular among tourists in Thailand, but with good reason. The natural scenery here is nothing short of jaw-dropping. Everything you'd expect to see on a postcard from a tropical island paradise, like soft white sand, brilliant turquoise water, and lush green palm forests, you can find all over the Phi Phi Islands.

Koh Phi Phi is actually an archipelago of six different islands. The only inhabited island is Koh Phi Phi Don. This is the biggest island out of the six and it is still no bigger than 10 square kilo metres. Travelers can only stay on Koh Phi Phi Don, and there are tons of hostels, resorts, restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions.

Nathan saw his boyfriend walked towards him while bring a key of their hotel.

Nathan: Everything is okay, right?

Zayden nodded and he take Nathan right hand. He hold them together.

Zayden: Let's go to our room.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

They both walked towards the hotel they booked. Luckily the hotel is not far. It's only takes 10 minutes by walking. They already arrived at the front of their room.

Zayden: Are you ready, Ian?

Nathan nodded.

Zayden opened the door with the key given by the hotel just now. Nathan was very surprised when he saw the room. The room was really luxurious. All the furniture there is made of bamboo but it is really luxurious. There is a big bed in the middle of the room. More surprising when there was a bathtub in the room that was just next to the bed.

Nathan then walked towards the back of the room. He was stunned when he saw the scenery there. There is a high mountain. It's very calming. He saw that the roof at the back was made into the shape of a tent. It's really beautiful.

Nathan turn his head and look at Zayden. Zayden was looking at him while smiling to him.

Zayden: Do you like it, Ian?

Nathan: Yes, Hia. I love it so much. But...

Zayden: Why, Ian?

Nathan: How much is this, Hia?

Zayden: Don't worry about the price, Ian.

Nathan: It must be really expensive, right?

Zayden look at Nathan and he put both of his hand on Nathan's shoulder.

Zayden: Yes, it is expensive but I think this is worth us, Ian. I just want us have fun here. Don't thinking about it too much. I'm happy as long as you like it.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: need to change your shirt because after this we will go to Maya Bay.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

At Maya Bay...

After an hour on the speedboat, finally they arrived at Maya Bay. The scenery at Maya Bay was very beautiful. The island is blue in color. This is the highlight place in Kao Phi Phi Island since this is famous among the tourist. Actually you can see Maya Bay was shown in "The Beach", the film starring Leonardo de Caprio.

Nathan and Zayden got off the boat and they walked to the middle of the beach. They enjoy the scenery there. Luckily the weather at that time was not too hot.

Zayden: know what? My mother once told me that she really want to spend a whole day here. She said she want to enjoy the scenery all day long. If possible, she want to build a house here so that she can enjoy the scenery forever.

Zayden: Then, I said to her how can he build a house here because this is not her island. Then, she told me she will buy this island using his own money. (Zayden laugh when he remembered it)

Nathan: ....

Zayden: Unfortunately, she didn't have time to come here. God loves him more. For many years she suffered from a tumor in his head. Every day she always complains that his head was too hurt. She told me he couldn't stand it anymore. Sometimes she felt like he wanted to die quickly so she wouldn't have to endure the pain anymore.

Nathan look at Zayden's face. He grab Zayden's right hand and hold them together.

Zayden: you want to know why my father was keep on put the blame on me about my mother's death?

Nathan: I have no right to say that I want to know but if you are ready to tell me, then just tell me. I will listen.

Zayden take a deep breath.

Zayden: My team won on a tournament 2 years ago and our team was listed on international team. I was very happy. Then, we have some party to celebrate our victory. I drink a lot of wine but I wasn't drunk at all. I just drunk a little bit I guess but I still on my sense. That time, my mother called me but I didn't pick up. Then, she called Matthew.

Zayden stop for a while.

Zayden: She told Matthew that he need me. He need me to send her to the hospital because his head was so hurt until she can't endure the pain. My father was not there because he went to out station. After that, I stop drink and decided to go home as soon as possible. That time I was very worry about my mother's situation. I drove home. When I was at the traffic light, it was red and I saw there was no car. So, I decided to speed my car as fast as I can but I didn't realize a car was came from the other side and hit my car.

Nathan held Zayden's hand more tightly.

Zayden: When I opened my eyes, I was on the bed in the hospital. I saw Nami and Matthew. Then suddenly I remembered that I was on my way to my house to meet my mother. I asked Matthew whether he already send my mother to the hospital or not since I was accident and they say...

Zayden feel like he want to cry but he try to control his tear from fall. He take a deep breath.

Nathan: Hia...please stop it if you are not ready.

Zayden: They said to me that I need to be strong. I didn't know why did they said that to me because that time I was totally fine after the accident. I said to them no need to worry about me without knowing they were talking about my mom. They said my mother already dead. She was passing out at home and she died in the hospital.

Zayden: That time...I was...I was speechless...I...

Nathan immediately pull Zayden's body into his hug. He hugs Zayden tightly while his hand caressed Zayden's back.

Nathan: Shh...don't cry, Hia. I'll cry too if you are like this. You have me. I'm always here by your side.

Zayden: I wish heaven had visiting hours so I could see her and spend my time with her. I miss her so much, Ian.

Nathan: Hia...look at me.

Zayden's head up and look at Nathan's eyes.

Nathan: Life doesn't stop after losing someone, but it goes on without them differently. What you need right now is to be strong and life must goes on too. You are never walk alone, Hia. You have me, your father and your grandma. All of them loves you. Hia, you are strong, right?

Zayden nodded and smile. Then, he hug Nathan again. He lay down his head on Nathan's shoulder and he close his eyes. Right now, Nathan is the most comfortable place for him. He is his comfort zone. No matter how far he go, at the end he will go back to Nathan again.

At 6 pm...

Nathan and Zayden are enjoying the fresh air while sitting on a mat on the beach. they were both busy looking at the sunset. The sunset at that time looked really beautiful.

Zayden turn his head to look at his boyfriend. He was smiling as he looking at his world.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Zayden: There were times where I got jealous over the love that someone else got. But those day were over now. It happened because I hadn't met you and now finally I got that love...

Zayden and Nathan look at each other's eyes.

Zayden: The love you gave me.

Nathan smile to his boyfriend.

Nathan: I wish you a lot of happiness, Hia. I wish you to stay with me forever.

Zayden: I will, Ian. Just hold my hand, hold it tight and stay with me for a long time.

Nathan: you know what is my dream?

Zayden: ....

Nathan: It's you. Being with you is my dream and now my dream comes true. Thank you, Hia.

Zayden: I have something for you.

Nathan: What is it, Hia?

Zayden: Please close your eyes, Ian.

Nathan close both of his eyes using his hands.

Zayden: Okay, now you can open your eyes.

Nathan was very surprise to see a ring inside the box. He didn't expect that Zayden was really determined to make him as his fiance.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Ian...I know you think this is too rush but I just want you to accept this. I want the world know that you already have someone. Can you just wear it? Hmmm?

Nathan: ....

Zayden: Let's say this is an unofficial proposal?

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: It's okay if you didn't want to accept it. I'll waiting for you. Don't worry, this ring will always be yours.

Zayden was about to keep the ring back inside the box but suddenly Nathan take the ring.

Nathan: Let me put it on you. (Nathan put the ring on Zayden's ring finger)

Zayden: Does it mean you accept this unofficial proposal, Ian?

Nathan nodded and smile. Then, he put the ring on Zayden. Zayden also put the ring on Nathan. Now both of them are being tied to each other.

Zayden: Even this is unofficial, I am very happy, Ian. Thank you so much.

Nathan and Zayden hug each other warmly. They are happy because they have each other. No one can separate them.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmmm?

Nathan: I want to go back to our room. I want to take a bath. We spent a whole day to do many activities. It make my body feel so sticky.

Zayden: Are you tired?

Nathan: I'm tired but today I'm really enjoyed our day !

Zayden: I'm glad that you have fun. Ian go to take a bath first, I'll following you later.

Nathan: Are you going to stay here alone, Hia?

Zayden nodded and smile.

Zayden: Don't worry about me, Ian. I'll be back soon.

Nathan: Alright, Hia. Bye, see you at our room. (Nathan leave)

Zayden look at the moon and he start to smile.

Zayden: Happy birthday, Ma.

Zayden: I came here to say that I'm sorry, Ma. I'm sorry for not being a good son for you but I wanted you to know that I really love you no matter what happen. I promise to you that I will be the best person I can be. I will make you proud of me. I know you will be watching on me from the skies. Although you are gone, I want to say thank you for all these soft, sweet things you have left behind in my home, my head and my heart.

Zayden: I really miss you. I miss you in ways that not even words can understand. But luckily I have Nathan who always healed me from missing you. He's my home, Ma. I hope you will accept our relationship and blessing us, Ma.

Zayden get up and said, "Happy birthday, Ma. Wishing you a happy life there and goodbye. I'll come again in the future. I love you, Ma."

At the room...

When Zayden enter the room, he was very surprise to see his boyfriend was naked on the tub. He was enjoying his shower while listening to some music on the phone. Zayden swallowed for a while. His boyfriend is too sexy. His eyes now stuck on that sexy body with a white skin.

Zayden: Nathan you seducing me right now?

Nathan: Hia? (He seems shocked)

Zayden approach him and he go inside the tub. He sit in front of Nathan. He look into Nathan's eyes.

Zayden: Damn, you are so sexy, Ian.

He places his lips on the tips of his nose, then his forehead. He move closer and he told Nathan to sit on him.

Zayden: What make you so long only for a bath, Ian? Are you really waiting for me to join you? Hmm?

Nathan swallowed his saliva. He try control himself but he can't. He keep on looking at Zayden's lips. It must be good if he try that lips.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Zayden responded while biting Nathan's earlobe, causing Nathan to let out a moan. Out of patience, Zayden pressed her lips on Nathan's naked body until he left a red mark on Nathan's chest. Then he continued to explore the whole body of Nathan until he reach at Nathan's nipples.

Zayden lick Nathan's nipples and he was sucking them so hard until he heard a hard groan. Zayden then kiss Nathan's lips. Nathan was replying the kiss too. Their kisses are so intense. As usual, Zayden never forget to push his tongue into Nathan's mouth then he suck Nathan's tongue. Their tongue are playing while Zayden's hand touch Nathan's nipple. He play with that nipples, make Nathan moan again.

Nathan sticks out his tongue and lick Zayden's nipple. Zayden moan as Nathan lick his nipple.

Nathan: This is so good that's why you really love to suck my nipples, Hia.

Nathan places his lips on Zayden's lips while his hand busy take off Zayden's clothes. Now, Zayden is naked. His hand travel over Zayden's toned body.

Nathan: boyfriend is so sexy. Damn, I want it so much !

Zayden: You can have me, Ian. (Zayden smile to Nathan)

Nathan: Are you sure, Hia?

Zayden: Yes, my love. Tonight it will be different. I will not go easy on you like the other night.

Nathan smile to his boyfriend.

Zayden opens Nathan's leg and he position his dick slowly into Nathan's hole and he push his dick.

Zayden: AHHHH this is so nice... (Both of them close their eyes because the feel is just too nice)

Zayden keep on thrust Nathan's hole as he feel like his dick already at the limit. Nathan cum too.

Nathan: Hia, you are too slow. Please make it fast, Hia.

Zayden: Like this, Ian?

Zayden thrust Nathan in a maximum speed until Nathan's body shivering so hard.


They are push and pull on each other's dick.


Both of them burst at the same time. Zayden pull out his dick slowly and look into Nathan's eyes, seems like he asked whether his boyfriend is okay or not. Nathan smile. As soon as Zayden saw that sweet smile, he then lay beside Nathan and bring Nathan into his arms.

Zayden: I love you, Ian. I love you so much until I can't unlove you anymore. (Zayden kiss Nathan's bare shoulder)

Nathan: I love you too, Hia.