Part 21: Hia, Can You Just Go Back Now ?

Nathan who was sleeping woke up when she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Today Zayden woke up early because he was leaving for Chiang Mai in just a few hours. Yesterday Zayden told him that the tournament was started earlier for a week. So, Zayden and the rest of his team had to catch up on time so that they arrived in Chiang Mai early to prepare before the tournament.

When Zayden told him about it, he decides to spend the night at Zayden's condo. He wanted to spend time with Zayden before they were separated for two weeks.

Zayden: Ian? (Zayden walk out from the bathroom while wearing bathrobe on his body)

Nathan turn his head and look at Zayden.

Nathan: Hia... (He look at Zayden with his doe eyes)

Zayden know his boyfriend is being so clingy with him since yesterday. It is because both of them will be separate for two weeks and today is the day. That's why Nathan can't even let go of his eyes from Zayden.

Zayden: Why, Ian? Hmmm? (Zayden sit on the bed beside Nathan)

Nathan: Hia...can you hug me?

Zayden: boyfriend is too clingy today.

Zayden then lay beside his boyfriend. Nathan put his head on Zayden's chest while he's hugging his boyfriend. He hug Zayden so tightly. He will miss his Hia for two weeks.

Zayden: Ian, you hug me so tight. I'm afraid I can't breath.

Nathan: Hia, Ian will miss Hia.

Zayden: Me too. It's okay. After I go back from Chiang Mai, I'll spend the day and night with you. You can have me the whole day. I'm available only for you.

Nathan: Promise?

Zayden smile and nodded his head.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan look at Zayden when Zayden called him.

Zayden: After I go back from Chiang Mai and I bring the trophy for you, can you promise me something?

Nathan: What is it, Hia?

Zayden: Our semester holiday will be start as soon as I go back from the tournament, right?

Nathan: Yes, Hia.

Zayden: Can you follow me to go Namsan Tower at South Korea? There's saying if two people put a padlock there, they'll be together forever. Do you want to put one with me?

Nathan: We'll be together forever even if we didn't put the padlock there, Hia. As long as we hold each other's hand like this. (Nathan took Zayden's hand and holding them together)

Zayden smile then he kiss Nathan's forehead.

Nathan: Congratulation, Hia. You are getting closer to your dreams. Keep fighting and moving forward. I believe you can do it.

Zayden: Thank you so much, Ian because you always being my supporter. (He kiss Nathan's right cheeks)

Zayden: Thank you too for your patience to stay with me until today. (He kiss Nathan's left cheeks)

Zayden: Lastly, thank you for loving me. (He kiss Nathan's lips)

Zayden just want to kiss Nathan's lips for a while but suddenly Nathan grab his chin and replied his kiss. Zayden kiss his boyfriend gently. They are kissing each other. Seems like they didn't even want to separate from each other.

Suddenly Zayden's phone is ringing, make both of them stop from kissing. Zayden took his phone on the table and he answered the call. It was a call from Matthew.

Zayden: Hello.

Matthew: Zayden, did you see our schedule? The one that I printed last week.

During the call, Nathan was laying on Zayden's chest. He just laying there while looking at Zayden's face. He explore his boyfriend face but suddenly his eyes stop at something. Nathan's eyes now stuck at Zayden's chest. His chest is being exposed because he only wearing his bathrobe. He swallowed while looking at Zayden's chest.

Nathan can't control himself that time. He move his face closer to Zayden's bare chest and he immediately placed his lips on Zayden's chest. Zayden was a little bit surprise when Nathan kiss his chest.

Zayden: Matthew, is there anything else? If not, I'll end this call.

Nathan then kiss Zayden's chest many times. He kiss them passionately.

Zayden: I need to end the call. Bye.

As soon as Zayden ended the call, he immediately go on top of Nathan. Their eyes now locked at each other.

Zayden: What are you doing, Ian?

Nathan: Err....

Zayden: Are you try to seduce me, Ian?

Nathan: Hia...I can't control myself...

Zayden: Then, no need to control yourself, Ian.

Zayden move his face closer to Nathan and he placed his lips on Nathan's lips. He kiss Nathan's lips while his hand grab Nathan's chin. Nathan response. He put both of his arms around Zayden's neck. They can't stop kissing each other that time. Nathan push his tongue inside Nathan's mouth any times and Zayden keep on sucking it, looks like it is his routine when he kiss his boyfriend.

Nathan: Hia...(Nathan try to gasping for some air)

Zayden: You are the one who started this, Ian. (Zayden continue sucking Nathan's tongue)

Nathan then move his right hand and he try to untie Zayden's bathrobe. But suddenly Zayden grab Nathan's hand from untie the bathrobe but he keep on kissing Nathan. He didn't break the kiss with Nathan. They really can't stop kissing each other.

Again, Nathan try to untie his boyfriend's bathrobe but he failed to do so.

Zayden: Ian, I need to go to the airport in just an hour. We can't do this.

Nathan: Who said? (Nathan try his luck again but fail)

Zayden look at Nathan's face and he kiss Nathan's forehead gently. Then, he hold Nathan's hand.

Zayden: Ian, I think I need to prepare right now. If not, the other player will be waiting for me.

Nathan: you really need to go right now?

Zayden: Yes, Ian. Let me change my clothes first..

Zayden then get up from the bed and he walked towards the closet. He change his clothes. Nathan just watching him from a far.

Nathan: you want me to send you to the airport?

Zayden: No need, Ian. You will have your class at 11 right? Take a rest, Ian. Don't worry about me.

After changed his clothe, Zayden approached his boyfriend on the bed. He take a sit beside Nathan.

Zayden: Hia will go now, Ian. Take care of yourself while I'm away. Don't go home alone late at night. If you need anything, just call me or maybe you can text me. Sooner or later, I'll reply them. Don't forget to eat your breakfast, dinner and lunch.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

Zayden: One more thing, if you miss Hia, you can sleep here at my condo. You knew the password, right?

Nathan nodded and smile.

Zayden: I'll go now, Ian. (Zayden kiss Nathan's lips)

He then took his luggage. He was about to leave but suddenly Nathan is calling him.

Nathan: Hia, hug me first before you go.

Zayden nodded and he walk towards Nathan. He hug Nathan's body warmly while caressed Nathan's head.

Zayden: Hia love Ian.

Nathan: Ian love Hia too.

Zayden: Bye, Ian. I love you so much !

Yes, Hia already go for real. Nathan will miss his boyfriend so much.

The third day after Zayden's left...

Nathan stepped into the classroom carrying several files in his hand. Today he only has one class. He took a seat in the front. He didn't see anyone in the class. There's no one except him.

"Nathan !"

Suddenly someone was calling his name. Nathan's head up and look at someone. It was his classmate, Ping.

Nathan: Ping? Where are the other?

Ping: You didn't know, Nathan?

Nathan: About what?

Ping: Today's class is cancel, Nathan. You didn't check the group?

Nathan: Seriously?

Ping nodded his head and smiling to Nathan.

Nathan: What ?

Ping: Do you have any class after this?

Nathan: No. How about you?

Ping: I have English class this evening.

Nathan: Ohhh, I see.

Suddenly Nathan's phone is ringing. It was a call from Yoshi.

Nathan: Hello, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Hello, Nathan. Where are you right now?

Nathan: I'm in the class. Why?

Yoshi: Oh? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I'll call you later.

Nathan: No, it's okay. My class was cancel. Why did you call me?

Yoshi: Can you come to the music room right now? The old one.

Nathan: Okay, I'm coming.

Nathan ended the call and he look at Ping's face.

Nathan: Ping, I need to go right now. See you !

Ping: Alright, Nathan. Bye !

Nathan leave and he straight away go to the music room. He enter the room and he saw Yoshi.

Nathan: Hey, Yoshi. (Nathan approach Yoshi)

Yoshi: Nathan, I just finished checking all of the instrument. I think we need to buy the new one because all of this were broken already.

Nathan: Except that piano, right? I've tried it 3 months ago and it still can be used.

Yoshi: That's true but the condition is not god anymore. It still need to change.

Nathan: Understood. It's okay, after this I'll go meet sir at his office and discuss about this thing. I'll prepare all the budget and maybe we can buy the new one as soon as possible?

Yoshi: If I'm not mistaken you already prepare the budget, right?

Nathan: Did I?

Yoshi: Yes.

Nathan: Okay. then, tomorrow I'll send the budget list to sir. He need to see it first before we go to the supplier.

Yoshi: Nathan, you already send the budget list to sir. Now, we just need to buy the new instrument.

Nathan: Am I? I already send it? Are you sure, Yoshi?

Yoshi: Yes, Nathan. What happen to you Nathan? Are you okay? Seems like something is bothering you.

Nathan take a deep breath. He didn't even know what exactly happen to him.

Nathan: Maybe I'm just tired?

Yoshi: Do you have class after this?

Nathan: No.

Yoshi: If you didn't have class then you can go home naa, Nathan. Take a rest first.

Nathan nodded his head and smiling to Yoshi.

Nathan: Anything else?

Yoshi: I don't think so but did you remember all the trophy and certificates at the old music room? I haven't seen them for a long time. I think we need them so that the other new member can see our achievement.

Nathan: I put them at my house the day I clear up this room before the registration for new member. Tomorrow I'll bring them.

Yoshi: Okay.

Nathan took all his belongings and put them inside his bag. Then, he put his bag on his shoulder.

Nathan: I'll go home now, Yoshi.

Yoshi: Alright, Nathan. Please take a lot of rest.

Nathan nodded then he leave the room.

At home...

Nathan stepped into the house. He saw his mother and father watching television together in the living room. He approached his parents.

Nathan: Hey, Ma.

Ma: Today you go home late.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Ma. I have something to handle at the campus.

Nathan: Err...I go to my room, Ma. I want to take a bath.

Ma: Wait, Ian.

Suddenly Nathan's mother just remembered something. Yesterday, Zayden was calling her. He told that he already try to call Nathan but Nathan didn't pick up, maybe still in the class. So, he decided to call Nathan's mother. Zayden told him that he might can't have his phone during the tournament day. So Zayden was telling him something.

*Zayden and Nathan's mother on call*

Zayden: Ma, can you help me?

Ma: What is it, Zayden?

Zayden: Can you help me to hug Ian for me?

Ma: Okay, son. I will.

*The end of their call*

Nathan: What is it, Ma?

Ma: You seems tired. Do you need my hug? Hmm?

Nathan immediately hug his mother tightly. He bumped his face on his mother shoulder. He don't why but seems like something is bothering him. Nathan's mother caressed his son's back.

Ma: Are you okay, son?

Nathan: I'm okay, Ma. Don't worry.

Ma: Take a bath, Ian. Then, take a rest. If possible sleep early.

Nathan: Alright, Ma.

Nathan let go of his hug on his mother. He then leaved the living room and walked to his bedroom.

Pa: He really miss his Hia.

Ma: He can't hide his own feeling with us.

Nathan enter his bedroom. Then, he sit on the bed while put his bag on the bed too. He take out his phone and he try to dial his boyfriend's number. They haven't talk to each other since yesterday. He want to call Zayden but today his schedule a little bit pack.

He dialed Zayden's number so many times but seems like his Hia will not answered them.

Nathan. Maybe Hia is sleeping right now.

Then, he put his phone on his pocket. His eyes now focus on the shelf. He need to put all the trophies and certificates on the box because he will bring them together to the campus. He took out a box under his bed. After that, he put all of the certificates on the shelf.

Now, he's done with the certificates. Only the trophy left. The trophy are located at the top of the shelf. It was hard for him to reach the top because he was short. He then sighed. Suddenly he remembered the day Zayden help him to put all of the trophy and certificates for him.

He really can't take a rest from missing his boyfriend. It's only the third day Zayden left him but he already miss his Hia so bad. Day by day he keep missing his Hia. He miss Zayden's warm hug, his gentle kiss, everything about Zayden.

Nathan walked to his bed and he take his phone. He tried to call his boyfriend again.

The first try is failed.

The second one too.

That's mean the third one would be the same.

His hia didn't pick up the call.

Nathan: Hia...I miss you so much. Why you didn't pick up my call?

Nathan start to cry. He can't help but to cry because he really miss Zayden. Zayden never leave him this long. How can he handle the two weeks without Zayden even he already miss him so bad on the third day?

Nathan: Hia...can you just go back now? I miss you, Hia.