Part 22: It's Really Hurt

Sunday is here and today it's been a week since Nathan has been away from Zayden. Yesterday he came to Zayden's condo to pick up some of his clothes that were left there. After that, he cleaned up Zayden's bedroom a bit.

It is still 7 am in the morning. He don't know why he woke up early today but he can't continue sleep anymore. Usually he woke up at 9 am during weekend. Finally, he decided to take a bath. He took his towel the immediately enter the bathroom.

After an hour in the bathroom, he then wear some clothes. He leave the room and go to the kitchen. He saw his mother is still busy preparing for their breakfast. Nathan approached his mother.

Nathan: Good morning, Ma. (He hug his mother from the back)

Ma: Good morning, Ian. How was your sleep? Did you have a beautiful dream last night?

Nathan: No, Ma.

Nathan let go of his hug on his mother. He stand beside his mother while looking at his mother cooking.

Nathan: What are you doing, Ma?

Ma: I'm cooking pad Thai for our breakfast, Ian.

Nathan: Pad Thai? You know when me and Hia went to the island last month, we ate this pad Thai. It was really delicious, Ma. I even order two plates.

Ma: Really? Oho...luckily Zayden always give what you want.

Nathan: Of course, Ma. He said if we have time, we'll go there again. You must go naa, Ma. I recommended that island to you.

Ma: Okay, I'll added it into my list. Maybe next month?

Ma: Ian, can you help me to call your father? The breakfast is ready.

Nathan: Alright, Ma.

Nathan then walked to the living room and he called his father for breakfast.

Now all of them gather at the dining table. They enjoy their breakfast together while having a chit a chat with each other. Sometimes they laugh and sometimes they just listen to each other's story.

Pa: By the way, New. Did you mother told you already?

Nathan: What is it, Pa?

Pa: Today, Pa and Ma will go for holiday. Our flight was schedule at 7 pm.

Nathan: Already? Seems like the time flies so fast.

Ma: Can you drive us to the airport, Ian?

Nathan: of course !

Nathan drank his water then he look at both of his parents.

Nathan: Both of you will go for holiday and Hia is not here. That's mean I'll be alone in this house.

Ma: can bring your friend, Nat to sleep here. You will be not alone when you with him.

Pa: That's true. Pa and Ma invited you to join us but you didn't want to go.

Nathan: I just want both of you spend your time together. Lately Pa is busy and barely spend time with Ma, right? I knew Ma miss Pa so much.

Nathan is teasing his mother. His mother just laugh at what he just said.

Ma: Now it's your turn to tease me, Ian?

Nathan: Ma always teased me with Hia.

Ma: You keep on mentioning your Hia, New. Seems like you really miss him.

Nathan in silent. He continue to drink his coffee.

Ma: Actually Zayden did called me 4 days ago. He said to me that maybe they can't have their phone during the tournament.

Nathan: Did him? But why he didn't just call me, Ma?

Ma: He did called you, Ian but you didn't pick up. Maybe that time you was in your class? That's why you didn't know he was calling you.

Nathan sighed.

Nathan: I miss him, Ma.

Ma: It's okay, Ian. Still have a week then he will be comeback to you again. That time, you can hug him and even cuddle with him the whole day.

Nathan: Ma, you are teasing me, right?

His mother just laughing. His father just look at his wife having a fun time with her son. That's his family. His family always smiles at each other. They never quarreled. Moreover, they were destined to have a very understanding and kind son like that Nathan. As parents they are really lucky to have a child like him.

At the airport...

Nathan waited for his mother and father who were busy taking care of their flight. He sit on the chair. After a few minutes, finally all flight matters were completed. His mother and father approached Nathan. Nathan's mother sits on the right while her father sits on the left.

His mother and father nodded their head and smile to their son.

Ma: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm?

Nathan turn his head towards his mother and he look at his mother's face. His mother took his hand and hold them together.

Ma: Don't be sad. Ma and Pa only gone for 2 weeks.

Nathan: I'm alone when both of you are not at home, Ma Pa.

Ma: Ian...never feel that you are alone, no matter how near or far apart we are. I'm always right there in your heart. (His mother smile to him)

Nathan: Alright, Ma.

Then, his father look at him.

Pa: Ian, I wish you a very happy live. Have the very best life imaginable. Live like you will never grow old, laugh, giggle, cry if you must...Play as hard as you work, make time for the people and things that you adore. When you sleep have the best dreams that will make you wake up with a smile on your smile. And that you always, always know that you are loved. This is my wish for you, Ian. Be happy, remembered that no matter if you are just alone in this world. Sometimes, alone is the best way.

Ma: Ma and Pa always love you, Ian. Always...we never not love you because you are the sunshine of our live. You brighten us with your smile since the day you were born to this world.

Pa: Like what I said just now, be happy. No matter how cruel the world is towards you, you need to face them because you are strong. That is our son, Nathan.

Nathan immediately hug both of his parents. He hug them tightly. Without they realize, Nathan is crying. He don't know why but he can feel that something will be happen but he have no clue what would it be.

Nathan: Ma...Pa...why did this seems like a goodbye for me?

Ma: What are you talking about, Ian? This is not our goodbye. We just want to give you some motivation, Ian.

Pa: That's right. We just really grateful to have a son like you, Ian. We really appreciated the gift that God gave to us and it is you, Nathan Ian.

Nathan's mother look at Nathan's eyes and he caressed Nathan's cheek.

Ma: Do not think too much, Ian. We will be back. Nothing will be happen ! We are just going for a holiday, Ian !

Suddenly they heard an announcement calling for the passenger.

Pa: We need to go, Ian.

His mother hug him again.

Ma: Ma love Ian. Ma love Ian so much.

Nathan: Ian love Ma too. Take care, Ma.

Ma: Okay, my son. (While kiss Nathan's forehead.)

Then, he hug his father.

Pa: Take care, Ian. Pa and Ma will always love you. (While kissing Nathan's forehead)

Nathan: Don't forget to call me when you arrive.

Pa: Don't worry. We will call you as soon as we arrive there.

Then, his mother and his father walk away from him. They walk to the escalator and go upstairs for the boarding. Nathan wave at both of his parents.

After make sure his parents departure, he walk to his car. He get into his car and he dialed someone's number. It was Nolio.

Nathan: Hello, Nolio.

Nolio: Hello, Nathan.

Nathan: Are you free? Do you want to go shopping with me? I'm bored. I just sent my parents at the airport.

Nolio: Where did they go?

Nathan: The went for a holiday, two weeks.

Nolio: Oho...two weeks? You must be alone, Nathan.

Nathan: That's why I invited you to go to shopping with me.

Nolio: I'm sorry, Nathan. I am working on my project right now with my team members. I'm at the campus by the way.

Nathan: At Sunday? Are you kidding me, Nolio?

Nolio: I know, right? We have to finish this project because the due date is on Monday, tomorrow.

Nathan: Hmm...

Nolio: I'm sorry, Nathan. I just can't.

Nathan: It's okay, Nolio. Goodluck on your project.

Nolio: Thank you.

Nathan: Bye, Nolio.

Nathan sighed and take a deep breath. Then, he started driving away from the airport. He drove to the highway and immediately headed towards his house. He didn't know what he should do. Zayden is in Chiang Mai, her parents have just left for vacation and Nolio is busy with her project.

At home...

Nathan opened his eyes. He was at a very island but he wondered why no one came to visit the island. Only him at that big island. Suddenly his eyes caught two people who were sitting on a mat facing the sea. They look really happy. Nathan tried to approach them.

He was surprised when the two of them turn their head towards him.

Nathan: Ma ! Pa !

Nathan was calling his parents while smiling at them. He sit in front of them but it was strange when both of his parents seems like they didn't even look at Nathan. Nathan try to call them again. He wave both of his hand in front of his mother and his father but still. They didn't look at him.

Nathan: Ma? Pa? Why did you ignore me? Did you see me? I'm here. (He really didn't what happen)

Suddenly, his parents got up and walked away from him. His mother looked back and smiled sweetly at him. Nathan returned the smile her mother gave her. His mother wave toward him and he response too. Nathan don't know what happened but the farther they went, the more they disappeared from his sight.

And...finally at the end only he left on that island...alone...

Nathan woke up from his sleep. He wiped the tears that wet his cheeks. It's just a dream. He was sure nothing bad will happened to his parents.

It was 10 pm at night. Nathan stepped out of his room when he heard a loud noise from the living room. Maybe he forgot to turn off the television this evening. He took the remote from the table. He was about to turn off the television but suddenly...

"Two Thai people died when the taxi they were riding in was hit by a large lorry that trying to change direction on the highway. The two Thai nationals are believed to be heading to Phuket for a holiday."

Automatically, Nathan looked at the television. How surprised he was when he saw the two faces of his parents whom he loved so much on the television screen. The remote he was holding slipped from his hand.


His tears began to flow profusely. He could feel that his legs were not fit to stand anymore. He sat on the floor in front of the television. He was really speechless.

Is the news he heard was true? Are those faces on the news really his mother and father? Is his dream an indication that his parents will leave him? Did his mother and father really leave him? Did they really died?

Nathan: You said Ma and Pa only go for two weeks but why now both of you left me forever? You left me alone, Ma, Pa. You will never can go back to me again, right? (Nathan crying out loud)

Suddenly his phone was ringing. It was an unknown call.

Nathan: Hello.

Unknown: Is this Nathan Ian?

Nathan: Yes, it's me krub.

Unknown: I hope you are patient with what has happened. Both of your parents were confirmed died in an accident. Now the body is in Phuket hospital. Maybe in a few hours, the body will be sent to Bangkok. We will contact you once we're at Bangkok. Please send us your address.

Nathan: Okay. Thank you.

Nathan ended the call. He look at their family picture on wall.

He cry as much as he can. he can't control himself anymore. The most important in his life was just left him forever. They will never coming back again.

Nathan: I didn't know that the words "take care" was all for our parting, Ma, Pa.

He crying out loud alone. He try to looking around the house. There was no one.

Nathan: Hia...this is hurt. When I looking back, I didn't see you at all. I need you right now, Hia. I need your warm hug. (He cry while he hug himself)

He is very sad. At that time no one was by his side. He faced it himself. He wasn't strong enough for all that. He needs someone he needs someone's shoulder to stand on. He needs Zayden.