36. Alfred Bites The Dust.

"Dahlia Greyjoy,"

"What? Dahlia? The maid?" Kevin staggered backwards with two steps.

Alfred continued. "Yes! That's her name. Dahlia Greyjoy, Cute, black hair, short and she's always had a massive crush on Drake since high school,"

"What?" Kevin repeated, feeling the world around him spinning out of control.

"Dahlia?" He asked again for confirmation, his hands slowly shaking in disbelief before curling into a fist in rage.

"Yes. That's her name. It's the truth, I swear!!" Alfred confirmed.

" All I know is that Drake and Vanessa had agreed on seducing Max Lannister, long before informing me. I only helped in providing Vanessa a drive whenever she had a private meeting with Mr Max Lannister or to help Drake in trying to get close to his wife,"