37. Rough Night 1/2.

Kevin stormed out of Alfred's apartment, grabbing fistfuls of his hair in disbelief and rage. His heart was pounding and his mind was all over the place.


'Dahlia?' He repeated in disbelief.

"Dahlia!!" He bellowed into the cold night, turning his face up to the glowing moon as he desperately tried to hold back the tears threatening to fall

Aside from the fact that Max had been their initial target, it turned out that Lucy, his mother, had also been a target of theirs before they completely abandoned the thought of manipulating and seducing her.

Kevin turned away from the moon to see two vehicles behind him, one was a new model BMW automobile, which most likely belonged to Alfred's neighbour while the one behind it, a Hyundai Elantra, belonged to him.

Kevin instantly strode towards the former, taking a glance at his status before allocating his available attribute points towards his preferred attributes.