47. Drake Returns Home.

Kevin purchased the mana regeneration potions from the store and two glowing blue apothecary jars appeared before him.

He then proceeded to store them in his inventory. The purpose of purchasing them now was to have a backup in case the manarator that was currently inside Dahlia absorbed all his mana reserve.

Then, he would have a means to refill his mana tank without having to panic about what to do next.

[But I do have to say. I didn't see that one coming.]

"What's that?" Kevin asked as he ascended the stairs, heading to his room.

[Your little stunt with the vibrator. I was wondering why you suddenly summoned the store and purchased it quickly.]

[I have to admit, I admire the way you keep surprising me.]

Kevin chuckled at the system's words. "Trust me, I'm just getting started," He replied, closing the door to his room before plopping down on his bed.