46. Kevin's Second Offer.

Dahlia found it odd that Kevin would willingly tell her all this, it was like he was basically helping her to get closer to Drake, so she inquired, trying to withstand the unsatisfied pleasure her body was still feeling. "What's the other choice?"

A smile appeared on Kevin's face as he chuckled softly. "That's just the thing, Dahlia. Do you really believe Drake will reward you for your loyalty?" His cheerful tone turned serious.

"Huh?" Dahlia was stunned by what he said, but she couldn't help herself from trying to imagine such a scenario occurring in reality.

Kevin continued. "Fine, let's say you tell him all you know and he stops me from carrying out my revenge. What then?"

Realization dawned on her.

"Do you really think he'll abandon Vanessa's pussy for yours?"

"That slut has got him falling head over heels for her. Do you actually believe that you could win him back?" He stared deep into Dahlia's eyes.